C. Individual Degree Programme in Science of Religion
Das Individuelle Studium Religionswissenschaft wird ab Herbst 2008 durch das neue Regelstudienangebot (Erweiterungscurricula, Master) ersetzt. Es kann daher nicht mehr erstinskribiert werden. Alle Studierenden, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt eine gültige Zulassung zum IRW besitzen, haben aber die Möglichkeit, das Studium weiter zu belegen und abzuschliessen.
1. Introduction to Science of Religion
1.1. Introduction to History of Religion
1.2. Introduction to Comparative Systematic Science of Religion
- 020112 VO Introduction to Scientific Study of Religions - (Schwerpunkt systematisch-vergleichende Religionswissenschaft)
1.3. Proseminar: Basics of Science of Religion
1.4. Study of Theological Sources
- 010061 VO General Introduction to the Old Testament
- 010062 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010001 VO Introduction to the New Testament
- 010139 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010305 VO Patrology I - Early Christian Literature
- 020073 VO New Testament Exegesis - Exegesis of the Acts of the Apostles
- 060097 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls
1.5. Reading Theological Texts
- 010010 SE Seminar: Apocryphal Gospels
- 010077 SE Selected Texts of the Philokalia
- 020062 UE Old Testament exegetical Exercises
- 020075 VU Old Testament Exegesis - Exegesis of selected Psalms
- 140129 PS The Goddess Kali in Sanskrit Literature seen from the angle of the History of Religion - unter religionsgeschichtlichem Aspekt
- 140130 PS Readings in the Dharmasutras
- 140131 UE God Indra's Panic and Blood-Guilt - The Vrtra Fight and the Murder of Vishvarupa in Vedic Literature
- 140142 UE Reading Tibetan Texts I: Atisha's Lam sgron
- 140144 UE Reading Buddhist Texts II: Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakosha
- 140145 UE Reading Buddhist Texts IV: Emptiness and the Bodhisattva in the Prajnaparamita Literature
- 140148 UE Ritual Texts of Tibetan Folk Religion
1.6. Methodology, 2nd Stage of the Degree Programme
- 010008 SE Theories of Gender and Church History
- 010044 SE Basics and methods of Church History - an introduction - Die Leisten zum Schustern - Einführung in Grundlagen und Techniken kirchenhistorischen Arbeitens.
- 010062 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010093 SE Biblical Archeology - Israel and Juda during the Iron Age
- 010139 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 140043 VO Islamic Gender Studies (Women in Arab Society and Culture 1)
- 150002 UE Methods in Korean Studies I with an Emphasis on the Sociology of Religion
- 240112 VO+KO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Gender Studies
- 240121 VO Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der Genderforschung in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 190200 SE Qualitative methods in the social research - Biographic case analyses
2. History of Religion
2.1. Contemporary Religions
- 010014 VO Church History Compact I - A Survey of the History of the first Christian Millenium
- 010082 VO Introduction to the History of Religions: main topic Islam
- 020113 VO Compulsory Optional Subject: Introduction to Islam (Part 2)
- 010087 VO Hindu-Religions: An Introduction
- 060064 VO Introduction to Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today
- 140128 VO Hinduism - One Religion or Many?
- 150063 VO Religion in Japan
- 180190 VO Introduction to Chinese Thought - Mencius and Xun Zi. Chinese Buddhism
- 240071 VO [ de en ] Power, Politics and Religion: The Case of Vodun
2.2. Special Courses in History of Religion
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060063 VO The position of women in orthodox Judaism through the ages
- 060066 SE Modern texts about antisemitism from the 19th century to the Shoah
- 060068 VO Eva Frank, the female Messiah - History of the heretic Kabbalah
- 060073 VO The origins of antisemitism from antique until early medieval times
- 060074 SE Women in Antique Judaism
- 060093 VO+UE 'Collectors' and Rebels: The Haskalah in Central Europe
- 060094 VO+UE Buber, Fromm, Heschel - prophets of the jewish "counter-culture"
- 060121 VO Conflicts, pieces of wisdom and pernicketiness in Judaism
- 140042 UE Islam in Media
- 140119 UE Hinduism in the Diaspora
- 140147 VO The Deities of Tibetan Folk Religion
- 140251 SE Islamic Themes from Former Times (Seminar on Classical Islam)
- 140295 VO Introduction into Modern Discussions in Islam
- 140308 SE History of Ideas in Islam
2.3. Historical Religions
- 060053 UE Introduction into the Religion of Ancient Egypt I
- 090212 VO The religion of the Etruscans
- 130175 VO Literary Texts on Slavic and Baltic Heathenism - The Bride in the Backyard - Die grüne Wiese
3. Comparative Systematic Science of Religion
- 010036 SE Medical Ethics in Religions
- 010043 VO Ritualtheorien
- 020115 SE Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - Dharma, Dhamma, Din und Dat = "Religion"? - The of equivalence problem of the Western term "religion" in Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam
4. Sub- and Bridge Disciplines
4.1. Science of Mission and Theology of Religion
4.2. Political Dimensions of Religions
- 020114 SE Salam and Jihad - Historical and Contemporary Concepts of Peace and Violence in Islam
- 140072 KU Religions and Politics in Nigeria in the 20th Century
- 140183 VO Political History of the Arab World (History of the Arabs in Classical Times 1)
- 240071 VO [ de en ] Power, Politics and Religion: The Case of Vodun
4.3. Didactics of Religions
- 010066 SE Subjective Theories of Religious Education
- 010149 SE Religion in the Context of Migration
- 020109 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Bible stories in Religious Education - Methods and options
4.4. Aesthetics of Religions
- 010049 VO Debates of Religion in Contemporary Art
- 020118 SE Advances Seminar on Texts and Monuments of late Antiquity
- 020119 SE Icon and Cult Image in Christianity
- 080062 UE Aniconism and Iconoclasm in monotheistic religions
- 140157 PS [ en ] Origin and Development of Buddhist Iconography: Buddha, Bodhisattvas, Disciples and Followers
4.5. Ethnology of Religion
- 240053 VS Migration and Religion
- 240055 VS Contested sacred grounds - the perspectives of Anthropology of law and religion
- 240071 VO [ de en ] Power, Politics and Religion: The Case of Vodun
4.6. Philosophy of Religion
- 140152 SE Universals in Buddhist Philosophy
- 180190 VO Introduction to Chinese Thought - Mencius and Xun Zi. Chinese Buddhism
- 180256 VO The Conception of God
- 180257 SE The question on god
- 180305 VO Zen and Philosophy - Philosophical Anthropology
- 180373 SE Darwin and the "new" atheism
- 180415 SE Thinking heretically with Meister Eckhart
4.7. Psychology of Religion
4.8. Law of Religions
- 010050 VO The relationship between Church and State
- 020124 SE The Act on Protestant Churches 1961, in the Context of Debates on State-Church Relations
- 030052 SE Law of Christian East - Legal History in Art
- 030136 KU Der Koran als prophetische Auslegung der Welt
- 030165 VO Global ethic and law - Lecture series in cooperation with "Austrian Global Ethic Initiative"
- 030359 KU Famous church processes in the Middle Ages - vertiefende Lehrveranstaltung gem. § 21 (3) Stp
- 030392 VO Freedom of Religion and belief in Austria
- 140127 SE Islamic Law
4.9. Sociology of Religion
- 150002 UE Methods in Korean Studies I with an Emphasis on the Sociology of Religion
- 010150 SE Religion and Ethics in modern society: An Introduction
5. Practical Training, Excursions
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35