M15: Specialisation: History of Religion
Aus dem Angebot im Wahlmodul M 15 können LVA aus Religionsgeschichte im Ausmaß von 6 SWST und 10 ECTS-Punkten gewählt werden, die nicht im Rahmen der Pflichtmodule M1 und M2 gewählt worden sind.
- 010014 VO Church History Compact I - A Survey of the History of the first Christian Millenium
- 010082 VO Introduction to the History of Religions: main topic Islam
- 060060 SE Women in the time of the rabbis: Legal situation, daly life, stereotypes
- 060063 VO The position of women in orthodox Judaism through the ages
- 060064 VO Introduction to Jewish History, Religion and Literature from the Antique Period until Today
- 060066 SE Modern texts about antisemitism from the 19th century to the Shoah
- 060068 VO Eva Frank, the female Messiah - History of the heretic Kabbalah
- 060073 VO The origins of antisemitism from antique until early medieval times
- 060121 VO Conflicts, pieces of wisdom and pernicketiness in Judaism
- 090212 VO The religion of the Etruscans
- 130175 VO Literary Texts on Slavic and Baltic Heathenism - The Bride in the Backyard - Die grüne Wiese
- 140042 UE Islam in Media
- 140128 VO Hinduism - One Religion or Many?
- 140295 VO Introduction into Modern Discussions in Islam
- 150063 VO Religion in Japan
- 180190 VO Introduction to Chinese Thought - Mencius and Xun Zi. Chinese Buddhism
- 240071 VO [ de en ] Power, Politics and Religion: The Case of Vodun
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50