29.01. Geography
A. Branches of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography", "Regional Science and Regional Planning" and "Cartography and Geographic Information Science"
Level 1 of the Degree Programme (compulsory for all threee branches of study) (2002 Curriculum)
1.1. Basics of Physical Geography
- 290418 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group A
- 290417 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group B
- 290416 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group C
- 290421 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group D
- 290415 UE Exercises in climate geography, group A
- 290414 UE Exercises in climate geography, group B
- 290413 UE Exercises in climate geography, group C
- 290422 UE Exercises in climate geography, group D
- 290412 VO Introduction to Hydrogeography
- 290129 VO Information on the criteria to classify vegetation
- 290411 UE Exercises in soil geography, group A - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290399 UE Exercises in soil geography, group B - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290398 UE Exercises in soil geography, group C - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290423 UE Exercises in soil geography, group D - (Studienplan 2002 - part of landscape ecology)
- 290407 UE Exercises in landscape ecology, group A - Kartierungsbereich Wolkersdorf, Weinviertel
- 290311 UE Exercises in landscape ecology, group B - Kartierungsbereich Wolkersdorf, Weinviertel
- 290406 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group A
- 290405 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group B
- 290404 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, group C
1.2. Basics of Human Geography
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290290 UE Applied Urban Geography, group A
- 290289 UE Applied Urban Geography, group B
- 290288 UE Applied Urban Geography, group C
- 290343 UE Applied Urban Geography, Group D
- 290369 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group A - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290223 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group B - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290368 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group C - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290378 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group D - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290174 VU Introduction to General Economic Geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft (gilt nicht für Lehramtsstudierende)
1.3. Basics of Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290205 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group A
- 290204 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group B
- 290403 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group C
- 290355 PS Spatial Reference Systems
- 290221 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group A
- 290220 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group B
- 290219 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group C
- 290218 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group D
1.4. Basic Methods and Concepts in Geography
- 290260 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group B
- 290246 VO Basic Concepts and Paradigms in Geography
- 290217 VU Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geographers
- 290363 PS Methods of Regional Analysis
- 290152 VO Introduction into Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II
- 290150 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group A
- 290149 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group B
- 290148 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group C
- 290161 UE Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Geography II, Group D
Level 2 of the Degree Programme
2. Branch of Study: "Theoretical and Applied Geography" (according to the 2002 Curriculum)
2.2.1. Advanced Methods in Geography
- 290245 PS Advanced Methods in Spatial Statistics
- 290146 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - Group A
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems
- 290262 UE Field methods in physical geography (surface and subsurface investigations)
- 290349 UE Field methods in physical geography (Palaeopedology)
- 290393 UE Field methods in physical geography (Aquatische Ökologie)
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290164 PS Project Management, Group A
- 290257 PS Project Management, Group B
- 290190 VO Moderation and Mediation
- 290419 PS Scientific Principles of Physical Geography (Dating Methods)
- 290434 UE Methods of Data Collection in Urban and Mobility Planning - The Market of Floridsdorf
- 290400 PS Qualitative Methods in the Context of Southeast Asian Field Research
- 290336 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - Group B
2.2.2. Basics of Regional Science and Regional Planning
2.2.3. Contemporary Research Issues in Physical and Human Geography
- 290173 PS Recent Research in Physical Geography
- 290197 VO Recent Research Agendas in Human Geography
2.2.4. Electives: Designed to Enhance In-Depth Specialisation and Scientific Project Work Skills Specialisation on Regional Development
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290215 VU Regional Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - Die Zukunft der Wiener Suburbia
- 290106 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): "Borderlands" - Cross Border Cooperations Specialisation on Spatial Aspects of Population Studies / Regional Demography
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290138 SE SE in Human Geography / Reg. Geography: Spatial Mobility in Selected Peripheral Regions in Austria - Determinants, Patterns and Consequences Specialisation on Development Research / Third World Studies / Co-operation and Development: Emphasis on Asia
- 290379 SE Seminar in Human Geography / Regional Geography: The Republic of Turkey - A Regional Power between Europe and Asia.
- 290322 VO South Asia - Current Problems and Development Trends II
- 290267 VO Introduction to the Economic Geography of China - Regional Economic Development and Regional Disparities
- 290400 PS Qualitative Methods in the Context of Southeast Asian Field Research Specialisation on Applied Geomorphology
- 290347 SE Seminar: Glaciers and sea level rise
- 290326 PRS Project seminar from Physiogeography: Natur Hazards and Risks in Mountainous Regions, Part II - only for those students who participated in previously offered part I
- 290304 VO Global change in mountain regions
- 290305 VU Applied Physical Geography: Examples from Global Change in Mountains Specialisation on Landscape Ecology and Natural Environmental Research
- 290091 PS Introductary seminar course about special issues in climatology
- 290337 PS Landscape analysis and evaluation
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 290427 SE Seminar: Current Aspects in Geoecology and Environmental Planning Specialisation on Spatial Tourism and Leisure Research
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
2.2.5. Electives Electives in Accordance with the Specialisations in Examination Subject d Electives in Regional Geography
- 290215 VU Regional Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290138 SE SE in Human Geography / Reg. Geography: Spatial Mobility in Selected Peripheral Regions in Austria - Determinants, Patterns and Consequences
- 290330 VO "Twenty Years After" - Successfulness and Problems of the Transition Countries in SE - Europe
- 290142 RV Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe VI
- 290322 VO South Asia - Current Problems and Development Trends II
- 290267 VO Introduction to the Economic Geography of China - Regional Economic Development and Regional Disparities
- 290379 SE Seminar in Human Geography / Regional Geography: The Republic of Turkey - A Regional Power between Europe and Asia. Other Electives
- 290396 VO Main Features of Regional Economy - with geographical applications
- 290375 VO [ en ] Economic and Social Geography of the USA
- 290267 VO Introduction to the Economic Geography of China - Regional Economic Development and Regional Disparities
- 290320 SE Seminar (Economic Geography): Technological Progress, Regional Disparities and Globalisation
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Problems in Urban Development - Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities
- 290386 PS [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290383 SE [ en ] Seminar aus Humangeographie / Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 290304 VO Global change in mountain regions
- 290305 VU Applied Physical Geography: Examples from Global Change in Mountains
- 290347 SE Seminar: Glaciers and sea level rise
- 290215 VU Regional Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290434 UE Methods of Data Collection in Urban and Mobility Planning - The Market of Floridsdorf
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - Die Zukunft der Wiener Suburbia
- 290230 PS Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
- 290243 VO History of Cartography, Part IV
- 290282 VU Map Related Representations
- 290188 PS Multimedia Technology and Geocommunication II
- 290443 SE Seminar in Cartography and Geoinformation: 3D-GIS
- 290187 PS Geodatabases
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation
- 290293 PS GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling - (Performing projects referring to regional development and environmental protection)
3. Branch of Study: "Regional Research and Regional Planning" (2002 Curriculum)
2.3.1. Advanced Methods
- 290245 PS Advanced Methods in Spatial Statistics
- 290146 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - Group A
- 290434 UE Methods of Data Collection in Urban and Mobility Planning - The Market of Floridsdorf
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems
- 290164 PS Project Management, Group A
- 290257 PS Project Management, Group B
- 290190 VO Moderation and Mediation
- 290336 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - Group B
2.3.2. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - Die Zukunft der Wiener Suburbia
- 290106 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): "Borderlands" - Cross Border Cooperations
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Problems in Urban Development - Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
2.3.3. Concepts and Tools of Regional Planning
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - Die Zukunft der Wiener Suburbia
- 290251 VO Principles and Concepts of Regional Planning
- 290215 VU Regional Planning and Regional Policy in Austria
- 290386 PS [ en ] Principles of Urban Planning and Urbanism
- 290433 PS Evaluation Procedures, Spatial and Environmental Impact Assessment
2.3.4. Electives
- 290376 VU [ en ] Demography of European Cities
- 290308 VO Population Geography of Austria - Selected Topics: Population Problems and Demographic Trends
- 290138 SE SE in Human Geography / Reg. Geography: Spatial Mobility in Selected Peripheral Regions in Austria - Determinants, Patterns and Consequences
- 290157 VU Tourism and open space planning - Tourism and open space planning
- 290187 PS Geodatabases
- 290188 PS Multimedia Technology and Geocommunication II
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation
- 290282 VU Map Related Representations
- 290230 PS Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
- 290243 VO History of Cartography, Part IV
- 290293 PS GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling - (Performing projects referring to regional development and environmental protection)
- 290443 SE Seminar in Cartography and Geoinformation: 3D-GIS
- 290384 VO [ en ] The American Industrial City. Focus on Detroit - Industrial City in the Postindustrial Age
- 290383 SE [ en ] Seminar aus Humangeographie / Regionalgeographie: The North American City - Themes on the Urban Geography of the United States
- 290332 VO Introduction to Economic Policy in Austria
- 290328 VO International Economics. Theory, Institutions and Policy
- 290396 VO Main Features of Regional Economy - with geographical applications
- 290320 SE Seminar (Economic Geography): Technological Progress, Regional Disparities and Globalisation
4. Branch of Study: "Cartography and Geographic Information Science" (2002 Curriculum)
2.4.1. Geodata Acquisition
2.4.2. Geographic Information Processing
- 290187 PS Geodatabases
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation
- 290192 PS Geographic Information Systems
2.4.3. Theory of Cartographic Design
- 290230 PS Thematic Cartography: Fields of Application
- 290282 VU Map Related Representations
- 290243 VO History of Cartography, Part IV
- 290361 PRS Cartographic Conception and Design (Project Seminar)
2.4.4. Methods and Techniques of Geo-communication
2.4.5. Special Research Issues in Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290443 SE Seminar in Cartography and Geoinformation: 3D-GIS
- 290354 SE Research Seminar for graduate degree students
- 290271 SE Research Seminar for graduate degree students
2.4.6. Recommended Free-choice Elective Courses
- 290293 PS GIS-based spatial analysis and modelling - (Performing projects referring to regional development and environmental protection)
- 290245 PS Advanced Methods in Spatial Statistics
Field Trips
1. Field Trips in Austria
- 290178 EX Excursion in Human Geography: Northern Borderland - Waldviertel, Lower Austria
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology - Mass Movements, Landslides, Natural Hazards
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Kalkalpen
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and agriculture Marchfeld
- 290183 EX The Water Supply of Vienna - Structural System and Fundamentals of the Physical Region - Anlagenstruktur und naturräumliche Grundlagen
- 290287 EX Field Trip: Vegetation ecology in the limestone mountains of the "Gesäuse-area"
- 290011 EX Physiogeography Field Trip: Natural Hazards and Risk in Mountainous Regions - (only for participants of the former project seminar from WS2008/09 and SS 2009)
- 290374 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Namibia and Botswana - aktuelle ökologische und gesellschaftliche Problemfelder, Aspekte des Ressourcenmanagements
2. Field Trips Abroad (incl. Preparatory Seminars)
- 290117 EX Field Trip - Foreign Country: Barcelonette / France
- 290261 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Barcelonette / France - Geomorphologie in Hochgebirgen
- 290095 EX Scientific Excursion: Romania, Moldova and Southern Ukraine - Regional Development and Neighbourhood Policy in the Black-Sea-Region
- 290163 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion: Romania, Moldova and Southern Ukraine - Regional Development and Neighbourhood Policy in the Black-Sea-Region
- 290170 EX Scientific Excursion: Central and Southern Thailand (Focus on: Megacity Development - The Example of Bangkok Metropolis; Forms and Regional Economic Impacts of Tourism)
- 290169 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Ex: Central and Southern Thailand (Focus on: Megacity Develop. - The Example of Bangkok Metropolis; Forms and Regional Economic Impacts of Tourism)
- 290094 EX Field trip - Foreign Country: Western USA/Geoinformation
- 290093 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Western USA - aus der Perspektive der Geoinformation und Kartographie
- 290373 EX Field Trip - Foreign Country: Namibia and Botswana - aktuelle ökologische und gesellschaftliche Problemfelder, Aspekte des Ressourcenmanagements
- 290374 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Namibia and Botswana - aktuelle ökologische und gesellschaftliche Problemfelder, Aspekte des Ressourcenmanagements
Additional Courses
- 290380 PS Philosophy of Science for Geographers, Cartographers and Regional Planners
- 290397 AG Basic concepts and world views of Geography I
- 290142 RV Cultures of Difference - Transformation Processes in Central Europe VI
- 290364 KO Colloquium for Geomorphology
- 290194 AG Working Group "Quaternary Research"
- 290006 KO Colloquium for Geography and Regional Research
- 290306 PV Colloquium Geomorphology for Graduate Degree Students
- 290052 PV Colloquium for Graduate Degree Students
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
Die Lehrveranstaltungen des 2. Studienabschnitts des Diplomstudiums und des Lehramtsstudiums sind - ebenso wie jene der neuen Masterstudien im Bereich der Studienprogrammleitung Geographie - jeweils durch einen oder mehrere in Klammern angegebene Deskriptoren (Codes) gekennzeichnet, die ihre Anrechenbarkeit zu den einzelnen Prüfungsfächern und Prüfungsteilen bzw. Modulen gemäß Studienplan bzw. Curriculum dokumentieren. Hierbei gibt der Großbuchstabe zu Beginn die Studienrichtung bzw. den Studienzweig an (T ... Studienzweig Theoretische und Angewandte Geographie; R ... Studienzweig Raumforschung und Raumordnung; K ... Studienzweig Kartographie und Geoinformation; L ... Lehramtsstudium Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde; B ... Bachelorstudium Geographie, MG ... Masterstudium Geographie, MR ... Masterstudium Raumforschung und Raumordnung, MK ... Masterstudium Kartographi eund Geoinformation), während der anschließende Kleinbuchstabe das Prüfungsfach (bzw. Modul) und die nachfolgende Zahl die Nummer des Prüfungsteils innerhalb des Prüfungsfachs (bzw. Moduls) charakterisieren.
Lehrveranstaltungen, die gemäß Studienplan 2002 zu einem Wahlfach anrechenbar sind, sind überdies durch ein "W" innerhalb des Codes gekennzeichnet, solche, die zu einem Schwerpunktfach anrechenbar sind, durch ein "S".