2. Free Elective Courses
- 040261 SE Philosophy-Politics-Economics
- 060118 PS Proseminar: Bergbaumedaillen
- 060121 KU Münzgeschichte der Karolingerzeit
- 060150 VO+UE Introduction to the monetary history of medieval times
- 070409 KU Free Elective Course
- 070410 KU Free Elective Course - Teams und Projekte
- 070411 KU Free Elective Course - ExpertInnen-Laien-Dialoge zu Studium und Arbeitswelt
- 070445 SE University and Internet
- 070429 SE Free Elective Course
- 230166 KO Technology and Society
- 230167 SE Institutions, Disciplines, Careers: Changing Knowledge Cultures
- 230169 SE [ en ] Seminar for master and doctoral students of science and technology studies
- 230170 UK The construction of scientific facts - A social science excursion into the natural sciences
- 230171 UK Communicating Science
- 230172 UK Risk and Society: How society deals with techno-scientific uncertainties
- 230173 SE [ en ] Cyberscience: The internet in the scientific field
- 230175 SE [ en ] Biomedicine and society: a perspective from the social sciences
- 230176 SE [ en ] Race, class and gender in biomedical discourse
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35
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