2.01. Protestant Theology
1. Philosophy
- 020008 VU Introduction into philosophy
- 020009 SE The philosophy of religion of the early J. G. Fichte
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020001 VO Theology of the Psalms
- 020002 VU Exegesis of the Book of Jonah
- 020003 VO Exegesis of the Book of Jonah
- 020004 UE Exercise in Exegesis
- 020007 SE Old Testament Seminar: The Scroll of the Twelve Minor Prophets
- 020010 VU Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020015 PS+SA Old Testament Proseminar with extended essay
- 020016 UE Introduction to biblical Hebrew for studies of education
- 020017 VO Biblical Archaeology: Motives from the Old Testament in fine Arts
- 020064 UE+EX Archaeological Field Research: Jerusalem
3. New Testament Studies
- 010037 VO+UE New Testament Greek III - Internsive Course
- 010321 VO+UE New Testament Greek - Internsive Course
- 020010 VU Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020011 UE Exercise in Exegesis of New Testament: Pastoral Epistles
- 020032 VO Introduction I to New Testament
- 020033 VO Introduction II to New Testament
- 020034 SE New Testament Seminar: Saint Peter
- 020035 PV Privatissimum: Colloquium for graduands and doctoral students
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020012 VO Theological history of the Reformation
- 020013 SE Church orders of the Reformation
- 020014 PV Texts and Monuments in late antiquity
- 020018 VO Protestantism in Austria and the Habsburg-Monarchy since 1781
- 020019 EX Excursion: Regensburg- Bamberg
- 020020 PS+SA Mysticism in the Protestant Tradition
- 020031 SE Book illumination in Late antiquity
- 020052 VO Turning points in Church history - The Vadois. Ambrose and Augustine.
5. Systematic Theology
- 020021 VO Dogmatics II
- 020022 VU Theological Encyclopedia
- 020023 PV Exclusive tutorial: Current discussion and issues in Systematic Theology
- 020024 SE Creation and Evolution
- 020050 VO Ethics
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020042 VO The Art to Convince: Introduction to Homiletics
- 020043 SE Seminar in Homiletics I: Preaching Jesus Christ
- 020044 SE Compulsory Optional Subject: Seminar Psychology of Religion: Psychoanalysis, Individual and Culture
- 020045 PV Research Seminar - for MA and PhD Students and Students enrolled in the Socrates Programme - in Psychology of Religion
- 020046 UE Personal Growth and Self-Experience I - for theologians
- 020047 UE Introduction to Group Dynamics
- 020048 UE The Parish as Field of Practice
- 020049 UE Rhetorical Communication II: From Talking to Speaking in Publik
7. Religious Education
- 020005 UE Biblical Texts in Religious Education (Stories about Overcoming Violence)
- 020006 SP Practical course in Religious Instruction I
- 020037 VO Didaktics of Religious Education
- 020039 VU Parish Education for children
- 020040 UE Religious Education and church history
- 020041 PV Privatissimum: Research Religious Education
- 020056 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Bibliodrama course - Advanced training to work with Bibliodrama
- 020063 SP+SA Practical course of religious instruction II
8. Church Law
- 020025 UE Everything you always wanted to know about law and politics but were afraid to ask
- 020026 VU Religions and Churches in Austria and Europe: Legal Aspects
9. Religious Science
- 020027 UE Language course: Arabic for Theologians and for Students of Science of Religion
- 020028 SE "Spiritual Psychotherapies? Promises of New Religious Cults"
- 020029 VO+UE Muslims in the Army
- 020030 VO Introduction to the Coptic Church
10. Women's Research/Gender Studies
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35