2.3.2. Processes of Spatial Development and Opportunities for Social Control
Der in Klammern angegebene Deskriptor bezeichnet den Prüfungsteil lt. Studienplan 2002, zu dem die jeweilige Lehrveranstaltung anrechenbar ist.
- 290059 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): The Future of Vienna's Suburbia - Die Zukunft der Wiener Suburbia
- 290106 SE Project Seminar (Applied Geography and Regional Planning): "Borderlands" - Cross Border Cooperations
- 290167 VO Tourism and regional planning - Tourism and regional planning
- 290109 PS [ en ] Contemporary Problems in Urban Development - Comparing Urban Development: European and US-American Cities
- 290207 VU Theoretical fundamentals and organisational frames of regional development
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35