Free Optional and Other Courses
- 260222 VO How can I explain it to my young students?
- 260034 VO Introduction to vector and tensor calculus I
- 260085 VO [ de en ] Physics of physiological processes
- 260055 SE Tutorial for women in physics
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260079 SE Scientific publishing and presentation
- 260099 SE Methods in Science Teaching at the University
- 260105 SE Physics Education in the Introductory Physics Laboratories - Für fortgeschrittenen Studierende des Physik-Lehramtsstudiums oder des Physik-Diplomstudiums mit einschlägigem Diplomarbeitsinteresse
- 260107 SE Research Methods in Physics Education
- 260109 SE Student Experiments in Physics Classroom Teaching
- 260113 SE Preparation of classroom teaching for student teachers in physics
- 260127 SE Backstage Science - Explore how physics work and what physicists do - Preparing and coaching of pupils investigating the field of physics research in cooperation with in service physics teachers
- 260147 SE Atomic ordering in alloys
- 260205 UE Practical Class PC hardware for science I - (mit Realisierung von Messaufbauten)
- 260225 UE Problem session to Analysis for Physicists I
- 260251 SE eLearning in physics education - Design and arrangement of physics education in computer aided learning environments Computers
- 260256 PR Consolidation of physics teaching: Free hand experiments
- 270029 SE Teaching and learning in science education - for teacher candidates in chemistry, physics, biology
Last modified: We 02.03.2022 01:55