22.01. Mass Media and Communication Science
Kurzfristige Änderungen können auf der Website der Studienprogrammleitung unter http://spl.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=22289 abgerufen werden.
A. Bachelor Programme
1. Compulsory Courses
1. Introductory Phase
- 220001 VO+UE STEP 1 - Introduction to Communication Science Thinking
- 220002 VO+UE STEP 3 - Introduction to Communication Science Work
- 220003 VO+UE STEP 4 - Introduction to Communication Science Research
- 220009 PS STEP 5 - Communication Science Research Proseminar
2. Basics of Media and Communication Theories
- 220004 VO THEO - Media and Communication Theory
- 220005 VO KPOL - Media and Communication Policy
- 220010 SE BAKK 1 - Baccalaureate Seminar
3. Inter- and Transdisciplinary Basics
- 220006 VO PAED - Media Pedagogy
- 220011 SE BAKK 2 - Baccalaureate Seminar
4. Normative and Conceptual Basics
- 220007 VO KORRE - Communication Law
- 220008 VO WIRK - Reception and Impact Research
2. Elective Courses
2.1. Practical Fields of Social Communication
2.1.1. PRINT - Print Journalism
- 220012 UE AT-PRINT - Work Techniques Print Journalism
- 220013 UE UE-PRINT - Exercise Course on Print Journalism
- 220059 VO VO-PRINT - Lecture on Print Journalism
2.1.2. HF - Radio Journalism
- 220014 UE AT-HF - Work Techniques Radio Journalism
- 220015 UE tAT-HF Technical Work technique Radio Journalism
- 220016 UE UE-HF - Exercise Course on Radio Journalism
- 220065 VO VO-HF - Lecture on Radio Journalism
2.1.3. TV - Television Journalism
- 220017 UE AT-TV - Work Techniques Television Journalism
- 220018 UE tAT-TV Technical Work Technique Television Journalism
- 220019 UE UE-TV - Exercise Course on Television Journalism
- 220060 VO VO-TV - Lecture on Television Journalism
2.1.4. MUME - Multimedia Journalism
- 220020 UE AT-MUME - Work Techniques Multimedia Journalism
- 220021 UE UE-MUME - Exercise Course on Multimedia Journalism
- 220057 VO VO-MUME - Lecture on Multimedia Journalism
2.1.5. PR - Public Relations
- 220022 UE AT-PR - Work Techniques Public Relations
- 220023 UE UE-PR - Exercise Course on Public Relations
- 220058 VO VO-PR - Lecture on Public Relations
2.1.6. WERB - Advertisment and Market Communication
- 220024 UE AT-WERB - Work Techniques Advertisement
- 220025 UE UE-WERB - Exercise Course on Advertisement
- 220061 VO VO-WERB - Lecture on Advertisement
2.1.7. MMF - Market and Opinion Research
- 220026 UE AT-MMF - Work Techniques Market Research
- 220027 UE UE-MMF - Exercise Course on Market Research
2.1.8. KFOR - Media and Communication Research
- 220028 UE AT-KFOR - Work Techniques Communication Research
- 220029 UE UE-KFOR - Exercise Course on Communication Research
- 220055 VO VO-KFOR - Lecture on Communication Research
- 220056 VO VO-MMF - Lecture on Market and Opinion Research
2.1.9. HIST - Historical Media and Communication Reseach
- 220030 UE AT-HIST - Work Techniques Historical Communication Research
- 220031 UE UE-HIST - Exercise Course on Historical Communication Research
- 220054 VO VO-HIST - Lecture on Historical Communication Research
2.1.10. FEM - Feministirc Media and Communication Research
- 220032 UE AT-FEM - Work Techniques Feminist Communication Research
- 220033 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 220064 VO VO-FEM - Lecture on Feminist Communication Research
3. Free Electives
- 230165 VO Institutions and Social Structures of Science: Introduction to the Social Studies of Science I
B. Master Programme
1. Compulsory Courses
1.1. Theories and Methods of Communication Science
- 220034 VO+UE Special Lecture
- 220035 PK Communication Science Research Practice
1.2. Scientific Communication Research
- 220036 SE FOSE - Communication Science Research Seminar
- 220037 SE MASE - Master's Seminar
2. Elective Courses
2.1. Media and Communication Research
- 220038 VO+UE NEUMANN - New Media Management
- 220039 VO+UE FORMAN - Research Management and Gender Mainstreaming
- 220047 VO+UE AGEMAN - Agency Management
- 220048 VO+UE REDMAN - Editorial and Publishing Managment
- 220049 VO+UE RUNMAN - Broadcasting Economics
2.2. Media and Communication Law
- 220040 VO+UE VERRE - Constitutional and Administrative Law
- 220041 VO+UE ARRE - Labour and Social Law
- 220052 VO+UE MERRE - Media and Broadcasting Law
- 220053 VO+UE URRE - Copyright and Competition Law
2.3. Interpersonal Communication, Group and Organization Communication
- 220042 VO+UE TEAM - Team Work and Project Work
- 220043 VO+UE KONMED - Conflict Management and Mediation
- 220044 VO+UE GRUST - Group Dynamic Strategies
- 220045 VO+UE INTOR - Internal Organisation Communication
3. Free Electives
- 230167 UK Ignorance, understanding and participation - Introduction to the relations of sciences and their publics
C. Diplomma Programme
First Stage of the Degree Programme
Compulsory Courses in teh first Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Introduction to Communication Science
1.2. History of Media and Communication
1.3. Print Media
1.4. Electronic Media
First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
1. Elective and Law Courses
1.1. Advanced and Complementary Courses
Second Stage of the Degree Progreamme
2. Compulsory Courses in teh Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Theories and Methods in Journalism and Communications
2.2. Practical Fields and Social Communications
Option Courses
Women's Research
Subject of the Preliminary Examination
Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
Courses from Other Fields of Studies
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35