A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education
Das Lehrangebot wird schrittweise auf die neuen Studienpläne umgestellt, im Studienjahr 2009/10 werden das erste und zweite Studienjahr angeboten. Den Studienplan finden Sie unter http://ssc-kaththeologie.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=3594
B1 Introduction to the Study of Theology (Orientation Period)
- 010018 PS Introduction to Academic Writing
- 010048 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010062 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010082 VO Introduction to the History of Religions - Schwerpunkt Islam
- 010092 VO Methods in Theology
- 010110 VO Introduction in Theology I
- 010139 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
B2 Introduction to Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training and Subject Didactics
- 010016 VU Theory of religious education - General subject didactics
B3 Alternative Required Module: Introduction to Philosophical and Theological Methodology and Ecumenism
- 010004 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010010 VU Learning ecumenism
- 010039 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010046 PS Basic Concepts of Anthropology and Ethics
GR Alternative Required Module: New Testament Greek
- 010140 VU New Testament Greek I
B4 Philosophical Anthropology and Classics of Philosophical Thought
- 010138 VO Classics of Philosophical Thought
B5 Old Testament Studies I
B6 New Testament Studies I
- 010001 VO Introduction to the New Testament
B7 Church History - Compact
- 010014 VO Church History Compact I - The First Christian Millenium - Von der jüdischen Erneuerungsbewegung zu Universalansprüchen römischer Päpste
B8 Theory of Knowledge
- 010094 VO Theory of Knowledge
- 010130 VO Basic Questions of Dogmatics
B9 Ethics
- 010035 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
B10 Old Testament Studies II
- 010078 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the Old Testament III - Weisheitliche Schriften
B11 New Testament Studies II
- 010077 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament II - Paul and His Letters
B12 Christology
B13 Introduction to the Theology of Spirituality and Literature of the Church Fathers
B14 Basic Course Moral Theology
- 010107 VO Basic Course Moral Theology I
B15 Introduction to Canon Law
- 010103 VK Basic Terms of Canon Law
B16 Liturgical Studies
B17 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education I
- 010116 SE Basics of religious didactics - General subject didactics
- 010117 SE Basics of religious didactics - General subject didactics
- 010160 SE Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education I - Grundlagen christlich orientierter Erwachsenenbildung
B18 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training I
B19 Metaphysics and the Teaching of God
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
B20 Systematic Ecclesiology
B21 Ecumenical Theology
B22 Social Studies I: Christian Social Ethics
B23 Sacramental Celebrations: Introduction
B24 Practical Ecclesiology
B25 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education II
B26 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training II
BAM Bachelor Module
Optional Subject
- 010114 UE Introduction to theological terminology
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35