C. Bachelor Programme (Branch of Study: Human and Cultural Sciences)
Im folgenden sind zunächst die Lehrveranstaltungen gegliedert nach den Fächern des Bakkalaureatsstudiums angeführt. Die Einteilung in Studienjahre dient zur Orientierung und hat Empfehlungscharakter. Die genaue Abfolge der einzelnen Fächer ist im Studienplan geregelt, den Sie neben anderen Informationen auf unserer Insitutshomepage finden: http://www.soz.univie.ac.at/
C. First Year
C.1.1. Introduction to Sociology
- 230019 VO SOWI-STEP I - Basics of Social Theory
- 230022 VO STEP II - Introduction to Sociology
- 230023 VO Structure and Change of Comtemporary European Societies
- 230037 PS Proseminar Introduction
- 230216 VO Structure and Change of Comtemporary European Societies
C.1.2. Basics of Sociology
- 230151 VO Modern Sociological Theory - Between System and Action - From Parsons to Giddens
- 230150 VO Classics of Sociology
- 230049 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
C.1.3. Statistics for Sociologists I
- 230027 VO Statistics I
- 230028 UE Statistics I
C.1.4. Training of Key Competences I
- 230060 TR Information Literacy and Scientific Writing
- 230079 TR Group Dynamics
- 190246 SE Communication culture in university practise and working practise II
C. Second Year
C.2.1. Sociological Theories
- 230021 SE Introduction into Systems Theory - Structural Cuplings of Function System, Organisation and Interaction
- 230039 SE Pierre Bourdieu
- 230041 SE Interpretive Paradigm: Interaction, Construction and Understanding
- 230044 SE Contemporary Cultural Theory
- 230168 SE Introduction into the Sociology of Richard Sennett
C.2.2. Sociological Methods
- 230036 SE Data Analysis
- 230051 UE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory II
- 230052 UE Qualitative Methods: Grounded Theory II
- 230053 UE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutic Interpretation of Texts and Visuals
- 230055 UE Data Collection
- 230056 UE Data Collection
- 230130 UE Itemanalysis, Scaling and Index Construction
- 230131 PR Research Lab
- 230132 PR Research Lab: Online Student Panel
- 230133 PR Research Lab: Daily Activities in the Life Course - Social Space Analysis
- 230136 UE Methods of Qualitative Research: Ethnography II
- 230154 SE Qualitative Methods: Text and Discourse Analysis
- 230155 UE Qualitative Methods: Interview Techniques and Interpretation
C.2.3. Sociological Fields of Practice - Special Sociologies
- 230030 VO Environmental Sociology and Social Ecology
- 230031 VO+SE Sociology of Leisure and Sport
- 230062 VO+SE Family Sociology
- 230063 VO+SE Sociology of Migration
- 230064 VO+SE Development Sociology - Theorien, Diskurse, Akteure, Prozesse
- 230065 VO+SE Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230066 VO+SE Organizational Sociology
- 230067 VO+SE Sociology of the Arts
- 230103 VO+SE Migration and Integration: Selected Problems and Areas
- 230156 VO+SE Sociology of Education: An Introduction
- 140134 SE Migration and Development
C.2.4. Practice Guidance, Part I
C.2.5. Statistics for Sociologists II
- 230166 UE Statistics II
C.Third Year
C.3.1. Applied Research
- 230070 FPR Research Practice I
- 230071 FPR Research Practice II
- 230069 FPR Research Practice II
- 230072 FPR Research Practice II
- 230073 FPR Research Practice II: Entertainment City Vienna - In the Crisis?
- 230086 SE Organisation - Functional Analysis - Das Schaufenster der Organisation. Darstellungen gegenüber Nichtmitgliedern
- 230129 SE Functions and Consequences of Organizational Boundary-Spanning Units
- 230217 FPR FPR Research Practice 1
C.3.2. Training of Key Compentences II
- 230080 TR Body Language
- 230180 KU Projectmanagement
- 230205 KU Projectmanagement
- 230637 PS Presentation and media didactics
- 190250 VK Interdisciplinary research: from project planning to Evaluation II
- 230078 TR Conflict Management
C.3.3. Practice Guidance, Part II
- 230128 PB Practice Guidance Part II
- 230059 PR Workshop/Study Trips: Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 190338 KU Job Orientation for Students II
- 190252 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II - Erleben, Reflektieren, Gestalten II
Recommended Free Elective Courses
Sociological Theories
- 230024 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230038 UE Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
- 230045 WS Diagnosis of Society
- 230046 WS Diagnosis of Society: Past and Present Analyses of Gender Differences - Traditional Valuation and Postmodern Re-Thinking of Gendered Values
- 230048 WS Diagnoses of Society: Globalization
- 230152 WS Diagnosis of Society: The Problems between the "Global North" and the "Global South"
- 230167 WS Diagnosis of Society: Biopouvoir - a Central Conception by Michel Foucault
- 190060 SE Michel Foucault: In defense of the society - to the genealogy of the human sciences
C.Sociological Methods
- 230054 UE Participant Observation
- 230084 UE Introduction to SPSS
- 190065 SE Biographically tell. From the interview to the text
- 190251 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 230035 UE Table Analysis
C.Sociological Practice Fields - Special Sociologies
- 230159 VO Italian Contributions to Multicultural Vienna
- 230068 VO+SE Sociology of the Border II
- 230081 KU Population Sociology
- 140192 KU KS 2 - Introduction to Development Sociology - Qualitative Methoden der Entwicklungsforschung
- 040313 VK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM II
- 040314 EK KFK IndM: Labour Relations and HRM I
- 040386 EK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
- 040408 VK KFK IndM/MAR/ORGA: Sociology of Organisations
C.Theories of Science and Scientific Research
- 230198 UK Disputes on "truth"? Technoscientific controversies in societal contexts
- 230199 UK [ en ] New Media, Technology & Society
- 230200 UK Norms & values in and for research
- 230201 UK Knowing the Body: The Relation of Medical Knowledge, Society and (Bio)Power
- 350585 SLV MB1I - Specialization Course Research Seminar
C. Additional Free Elective Courses
- 230057 PR Workshop/Excursion: Penetration into the Ethnic Communities - Function and Dysfunction of Ethnic Communities
- 230058 PR Workshop/Excursion
- 230075 KU Public Law for Sociologists
- 230076 KU Introduction to Economics: Business Cycle tTheory - The Explanatory Power of Business Cycle Theories Explaining Actual Recessions and Depressions
- 230077 KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
- 230083 VO+UE Analysis of European Institutions
- 230085 VO+UE Game Theory
- 230109 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:35