1.02 Catholic Religious Education
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education
- 010082 VO Study of the Eastern Churches
B1 Introduction to the Study of Theology (Orientation Period)
- 010010 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010033 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010080 PS Introduction to Academic Writing
- 010068 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010077 VO Introduction to theology II
B2 Introduction to Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training and Subject Didactics
B3 Alternative Required Module: Introduction to Philosophical and Theological Methodology and Ecumenism
- 010046 PS Basic Concepts of Anthropology and Ethics
- 010055 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010056 PS Basic Concepts of Anthropology and Ethics
- 010084 EX Ecumenical reconnaissances and encounters
GR Alternative Required Module: New Testament Greek
- 010072 VU New Testament Greek II
B4 Philosophical Anthropology and Classics of Philosophical Thought
B5 Old Testament Studies I
B6 New Testament Studies I
B7 Church History - Compact
- 010223 VO Church History Compact II - A Survey of the History of the second Christian Millenium
B8 Theory of Knowledge
B9 Ethics
B10 Old Testament Studies II
B11 New Testament Studies II
- 010022 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament III - The Gospel of John
B12 Christology
- 010011 VO Fundamental theology II
- 010070 VO Christology
B13 Introduction to the Theology of Spirituality and Literature of the Church Fathers
- 010210 VO Titel
B14 Basic Course Moral Theology
- 010053 VO Titel
B15 Introduction to Canon Law
- 010064 VO Matrimonial Law of the Church
B16 Liturgical Studies
B17 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education I
- 010073 SE Basics of religious didactics - General subject didactics
- 010301 SE Basics of religious didactics - General subject didactics
- 010089 SE Titel
- 010093 SE Titel
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
B18 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training I
B19 Metaphysics and the Teaching of God
- 010038 VO Philosophical Theology
B20 Systematic Ecclesiology
B21 Ecumenical Theology
- 010040 VO Ecumenical Theology - Theologien und Ekklesiologien der Reformation
B22 Social Studies I: Christian Social Ethics
B23 Sacramental Celebrations: Introduction
B24 Practical Ecclesiology
- 010297 VU Catechetics I
B25 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education II
B26 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training II
BAM Bachelor Module
- 010029 SE Thomas Aquinas. Life and Works
- 010030 SE Texts - Places - Memory Landscapes. The Holy Land in the Old Testament
- 010035 SE Pius XI. and Austria - Erste Republik, Ständestaat und Anschluss im Lichte neu zugänglicher Vatikanischer Quellen
- 010045 SE M. Eckhart
- 010074 SE Basics and methods for scientifically working in Church History
- 010075 SE Jesus Christ- the son of God and Redeemer? Christological Debates
- 010099 SE Kants lectures on Rational Theology
- 010100 SE Albert Camus
- 010108 SE Ancient Christian Documents of the Eucharist
- 010113 SE The Russian Orthodox Church: Its Educational Culture and Social Ethical Perspective
- 010118 SE Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010127 SE Girls and Boys as victims of sexual violence (Gender) - Wie religionspädagogisch und pastoral damit umgehen?
- 010208 SE Titel
- 010237 SE Seminar - Tierethik als Herausforderung theologischer Anthropologie
- 010265 SE Bhagavad Gita
- 010307 SE Pastoral counseling in situations of loss and grief
- 010320 SE Feasting and Fasting in the Liturgical Life of the Christian East
- 010324 SE Titel
Optional Subject
B. Master Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education
M 1 Contemporary Philosophy, Hermeneutics and Theory of Science
M2 Old Testament Studies III
- 010019 VO Biblical Theology of the Old Testament
M3 New Testament Studies III
- 010024 VO Exegesis New Testament
- 010031 VO Biblical Theology of the New Testament
M4 Fundamental Theological God-Talk Today, Theology of Creation and Eschatology, Theological Anthropology and Patristics
M5 Current Topics of Moral Theology
M6 Social Studies II: Political Ethics and Economic Ethics
M7 Comparative Studies of Religions
M8 Religious Pedagogics and Specific Pastoral Theologies
M9 Church History of Austria
- 010330 VO Church history of Austria I - Church history of Austria I: From the beginnings of Christianity to the High Middle Ages.
M10 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education III
M11 Language and Culture
Biblical Theology: In-Depths Studies
M13 Introduction to Judaism
M15 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education IV
M14 Sacramental Celebrations: In- Depths- Studies
- 010020 VO Sacramental Celebrations II: Eucharist
M16 General Pedagogics: School development
MAM Master-Module
C. Diploma Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education (Version 1.10.2002)
1st Stage of the Degree Programme
Introduction to Theology
- 010077 VO Introduction to theology II
Christian Philosophy
- 010039 VO History of Philosophy 2: Middle Ages
- 010290 VO History of Philosophy 3: Modern Philosophy
Core Texts on Ethics and Anthropology
- 010046 PS Basic Concepts of Anthropology and Ethics
- 010055 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010056 PS Basic Concepts of Anthropology and Ethics
Social Ethics
Studies of Religions
Old Testament Studies
New Testament Studies
- 010022 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament III - The Gospel of John
- 010026 VO Fundamental Exegesis New Testament IV: The Catholic Epistels
Church History
Spiritual Theology
- 010210 VO Titel
Foundations of Liturgical Studies
Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training
Subject Didactics
- 010073 SE Basics of religious didactics - General subject didactics
- 010301 SE Basics of religious didactics - General subject didactics
Supplementary Examination in Greek
- 010072 VU New Testament Greek II
- 010036 VO+UE New Testament Greek III
2nd Stage of the Degree Programme
Christian Philosophy
- 010038 VO Philosophical Theology
Christian Social Ethics
Studies of Religions
- 010014 VO Study of Religions II
Old Testament Studies
- 010019 VO Biblical Theology of the Old Testament
New Testament Studies
- 010024 VO Exegesis New Testament
- 010031 VO Biblical Theology of the New Testament
Church History
- 010223 VO Church History Compact II - A Survey of the History of the second Christian Millenium
- 010330 VO Church history of Austria I - Church history of Austria I: From the beginnings of Christianity to the High Middle Ages.
Fundamental Theology
- 010011 VO Fundamental theology II
Dogmatic Theology
- 010070 VO Christology
- 010071 VO Christology II
Ecumenical Theology
- 010040 VO Ecumenical Theology - Theologien und Ekklesiologien der Reformation
- 010082 VO Study of the Eastern Churches
Moral Theology
- 010027 VO Applied Moral Theology - Ethics of Human Relations
- 010048 VO Fundamental Moral Theology II - Personal Foundations of Morality
Canon Law
Pastoral Theology
- 010087 VU Principles of Pastoral Theology
Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
Religious Pedagogics and Catechetics
- 010086 VO Religious Pedagogy and Catechetics I
Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training
Subject Didactics
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
- 010058 SE Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training - General subject didactics
- 010092 SE Subject-didactical seminar accompanying the practical school training - General subject didactics
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics
- 010172 SE Specific subject didactics III - Die Muttergottes. Dogma im RU
Practical Training in School
- 010123 PR Religious education in compulsory schools - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010124 PR Religious education in compulsory schools: Counselling
- 010029 SE Thomas Aquinas. Life and Works
- 010030 SE Texts - Places - Memory Landscapes. The Holy Land in the Old Testament
- 010035 SE Pius XI. and Austria - Erste Republik, Ständestaat und Anschluss im Lichte neu zugänglicher Vatikanischer Quellen
- 010045 SE M. Eckhart
- 010074 SE Basics and methods for scientifically working in Church History
- 010075 SE Jesus Christ- the son of God and Redeemer? Christological Debates
- 010099 SE Kants lectures on Rational Theology
- 010100 SE Albert Camus
- 010108 SE Ancient Christian Documents of the Eucharist
- 010113 SE The Russian Orthodox Church: Its Educational Culture and Social Ethical Perspective
- 010118 SE Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010127 SE Girls and Boys as victims of sexual violence (Gender) - Wie religionspädagogisch und pastoral damit umgehen?
- 010208 SE Titel
- 010237 SE Seminar - Tierethik als Herausforderung theologischer Anthropologie
- 010265 SE Bhagavad Gita
- 010307 SE Pastoral counseling in situations of loss and grief
- 010320 SE Feasting and Fasting in the Liturgical Life of the Christian East
- 010324 SE Titel
Electives and Free Electives
- 010009 PV Research Seminar - for advanced and postgraduate students
- 010010 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010015 EX Rome - Center of Communion
- 010016 PV Privatissimum - for Graduates and Post-graduate Students
- 010017 LS Archaeology Syro- Palestine
- 010018 VU Biblical Hebrew Reading
- 010020 VO Sacramental Celebrations II: Eucharist
- 010021 VO Liturgical Studies II: Liturgical Year and Liturgy of the Hours
- 010025 PV Exclusive tutorial - for doctoral students and candidates for habilitation
- 010033 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010037 VO Sacred Space. Christian Architecture
- 010044 SE Hegel's Phänomenology of the Spirit
- 010049 PV Privatissimum - Aktuelle Fragen der Fundamentalmoral
- 010079 VO Hindu-Religions: An Introduction
- 010081 VO Patristic Studies II: Selected Ideas of the Early Church Fathers
- 010083 PV Graduand and postgraduate tutuorial - for postgraduates
- 010088 PV Privatissimum
- 010089 SE Titel
- 010090 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010091 PV Privatissimum - for Diplomands and Doctorands
- 010096 UE Writing Lab
- 010097 EX Excursion to Israel
- 010101 SE Theology and Literature: Franz Werfel
- 010102 SE Titel
- 010103 VO Titel
- 010105 SE Titel
- 010107 VO Jewish / Christian / Muslim Milieus of the Habsburg Empire
- 010109 VO Westafrican Religions: An Introduction
- 010110 VO An Introduction into Ritual Theory
- 010111 VO Introduction to Buddhism
- 010112 VO Philosophy of Religion. An Introduction
- 010114 PV Private Class for Selected Students
- 010115 EX Orthodox Russia
- 010116 SE The Query for God as Query for Justice
- 010117 PR Contemporary challenges of pastoral care II
- 010120 SE Phenomenology of Religion. Classics, Criticism, New Approaches
- 010121 SE SE Recent Research Approaches Science of Religions - Etic and Emic Research Approaches in the Study of Religion and Anthropology of Religion
- 010122 SE Introduction in Sociology of Religion
- 010125 FS Values in Society, Economy and Politics
- 010128 FS Theology of "difference"
- 010131 EX Excursion Hungary
- 010132 SE [ en ] The role of religion in the acculturation of migrants: Psychological perspectives.
- 010133 SE [ en ] Interpreting Modernity
- 010134 SE Islamic Mysticism
- 010135 VO [ en ] Mesoamerican Religions
- 010136 UE Leadership: Know-How or Form of Art?
- 010137 KO Conversatorium to lecture
- 010212 PV Doctoral Seminar - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 010308 PV Procedural Law in the Church
- 010322 PV Exclusive tutorial (for undergraduands, doctoral students) - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 010326 PV Privatissimum - für Habilitanden, Doktoranden und Diplomanden
- 020043 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience IV
- 300073 SE Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
- 010068 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010078 PV Biblical monotheism and the problem of violence
- 010080 PS Introduction to Academic Writing
- 010085 PV Privatissimum
- 010094 WS Workplace Migration
- 010095 WS Religion in Context of Migration
- 020060 SE Gesundheitsberufe im Wandel der Zeit - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Abgrenzungsfragen
- 020062 KU Migration und Gesundheit (Wahlfach) - Gesundheitsrisiken und Gesundheitsversorgung im Kontext von Migration
- 030622 VO Research in Migration and Immigrant - multidisciplinary perspectives
Women Studies and Gender Studies
- 010012 SE Specific subject didactics I - Bible didactics
- 010127 SE Girls and Boys as victims of sexual violence (Gender) - Wie religionspädagogisch und pastoral damit umgehen?
- 010208 SE Titel
Optional Subject
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:50