24.01. Social and Cultural Anthropology
Bachelor Degree Programme in Social and Cultural Anthroplogy
1. Introductory Phase
1.1 STEOP 1
- 210026 VO BA 1.1 Foundations of Social Theories
- 210027 VO BA 1.2 Foundations of Social Methods
- 230002 VO Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230003 VO Basics of Social Theory
- 240109 VO Basics of methodology in social sciences
- 240113 VO Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
1.2 STEOP 2
- 210033 VO BA 2.2 Social sciences and social change
- 230001 VO Social Sciences and Social Change
- 240111 VO Social sciences and social change: contemporary debates
- 240112 VO Orientation course
- 240176 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240177 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240178 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240179 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240180 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240181 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240182 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240183 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240184 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
2. Basics
2.1. Core Issues
2.2 Central Fields of Research
- 240114 VO Anthropology of Religion and Consciousness
- 240123 VO Introduction to intercultural communication
- 240127 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
2.3 History of Theory in Anthropology
- 240116 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240130 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240131 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240132 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
3. Advanced Phase
3.1 Methods of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- 240165 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240166 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240167 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240168 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240169 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240170 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240172 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240173 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240174 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240175 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
3.2 Application-Oriented Fields of Research
3.2.1 Intercultural applied Fields in Organisations and Projects
- 240123 VO Introduction to intercultural communication
- 240133 VO Anthropology of organizations
- 240134 VO Inter-cultural human rights: the UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples
- 240135 VO Intercultural Competence in International Companies and Organizations: - Theories and Modells in Comparison
- 240136 VS Anthropology of Human Rights
- 240137 VS Intercultural Trainings: Theory and Practice
- 240138 VS [ en ] Indigenous Peoples & Environmental Rights (3.2.1)
- 240139 VS Who¿s Land? The Struggle for Indigenous Landrights in Southern Africa
- 240218 VS Mentoring as a new culture in University organisation: Students promoting students
3.2.2 Migration - Integration - Asylum
3.2.3 Anthropology and Development Cooperation
3.2.4 Museum and Educational Work
3.2.5 Medical Anthropology - Body Awareness - Transculturality
3.2.6 Visual Anthropology
- 240140 VO [ de en ] VO Visual Anthropology
- 240141 VS Introduction in Visual Anthropology
- 240142 VS Inside and outside, emic and etic in visual representation: - theoretical background and practical examples
- 240143 VS Jean Rouch - Explorations in Ethnographic Film
- 240144 VS How real is reality in ethnographic films?"- anthropological approaches in documentary filmmaking - Methodisch - ethnologische Ansätze im Dokumentarfilm
3.3 Current Issues in Social and Cultural Anthropology
3.3.1 Politics - Globalisation
3.3.2 Law - Peace - Conflict
- 240127 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
3.3.3 Town - Space - Environment
3.3.4 Economy - Tourism
- 240145 VO Work and exchange in rural areas
- 240146 VO Multidimensional Consumption - Introduction to the Anthropology of Consumption
- 240147 VO Anthropology of Tourism
- 240148 VS Sextourism
- 240149 VS Ethnic tourism - concepts, forms ans power relations - Konzepte, Formen und Machtverhältnisse
- 240150 VS Tourism and Gender: Junctions and Disjunctions
3.3.5 Religion - World View - Ritual
3.3.6 Art - Media - Narration
- 240151 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Art
- 240152 VO Media Ethnographies - Ethnography in the Anthropology of Media
- 240153 VO Introduction to African Art. Concepts and Style Regions
- 240154 VS Islam in film and television
- 240155 VS Tatau or Tattoo? An Introduction to the Culture and Practice of Tattooing
- 240156 VS Representing Diaspora Identities
3.4 Regional Specialisations
- 240126 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
- 240128 VO Ethnology of Central Asia: An Introduction
- 240129 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Africa
4. In-Depth Study Phase
4.1 Theoretical Discourses
- 240157 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240158 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240159 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240160 SE Theoretical discourses
4.2 Fieldwork and Analysis of Data
- 240161 SE Fieldwork and analysis of data
- 240162 SE Fieldwork and analysis of data
- 240163 SE Fieldwork and analysis of data
- 240164 SE Fieldwork and analysis of data
Master Degree Programme in Cultural and Social Anthropology
P1 Methods
- 240185 SE Field work - methodology
- 240186 SE Methodology seminar: qualitative and quantitative image analysis
- 240187 SE Fieldwork in the archives
- 240188 SE Wine, vignerons and wine growers in the valley of Kamp
- 240189 SE Interviews and ethnologic Videodocumentation
- 240190 PR Fieldwork in the archives
- 240191 PR Wine, vignerons and wine growers in the valley of Kamp
- 240226 SE [ en ] Research Methods in Anthropology of Tourism
P2 Theories
- 240192 VO Anthropological Research in Hunter-Gatherer Societies
- 240193 VO Anthropological Approaches of Methods in (intercultural) Sciences of Communication
- 240194 VO [ en ] History of Anthropology since the 1970's (P2)
P3 Regional Fields of Research
- 080092 SE [ de en ] Hospitality and Ethnography in Austria
- 240195 VO Climate Change and other ecological disasters: - Examples from Oceania with its effects on Social Behavior
- 240196 SE [ en ] Colonial Encounters
- 240197 VO [ en ] Anthropology of the Middle East
- 240198 VO Anthropological Implications of Climate Change focusing on Oceania
- 240200 SE Islam and Power in Southeast Asia. Current Developments and Anthropological Debates
- 240201 SE "race" "gender" "class" - exemplified through "Female Empowerment of Black Women in America"
- 240202 VO [ en ] Gender, Religion, and Identity in India
- 240207 VO [ en ] Vodou and other religious traditions and ritual practices in the caribbean
- 240229 VO Basic Elements of Mesoamerican Religion I
P4 Thematic Fields of Research
- 240171 SE Anthropology of Violence and Conflict
- 240199 SE [ en ] Communication and aesthetics
- 240203 SE [ en ] On the Notion of 'Evil' in Anthropology
- 240204 VO Body Images from a feminist Perspective
- 240205 VO [ en ] Material Culture: An Introduction
- 240206 VO [ en ] We shoot the World - Documentary filmmaking and globalization
- 240207 VO [ en ] Vodou and other religious traditions and ritual practices in the caribbean
- 240208 SE [ en ] Lifeworlds of Children and Young People - Anthropological research methods, research experiences and trends
- 240209 SE Anthropology of Postsocialism
- 240211 SE Introduction in modern african Music
- 240212 SE Current Approaches to the Anthropology of Technology
- 240213 SE [ en ] Consuming Cities - Anthropology of Food and Consumption within the Materiality of Urban Cultures
- 240214 SE [ en ] Visual Culture
- 240215 SE [ en ] "Migrating masculinities": Crises and control of masculinities in a globalized world (P4)
- 240216 SE Normal and Abnormal Bodies - Presentations and Definitions
- 240227 SE Social security and care
- 240228 SE Alevi Identity Politics in Turkey and Western Europe
- 240232 VO Anthropology of Consensus - Concepts, Strategies and Limitations exemplified by case studies from Asia
P5 Research Design and Practical Skills
- 240217 UE Handing in: From the idea to the thesis - Von der Idee zur Diplom-/Masterarbeit
- 240219 UE Journalism and Public Relations for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
P6 Anthro Lab
- 240220 AL Anthro Lab
- 240221 AL Anthro Lab
- 240222 AL Anthro Lab
- 240223 AL Anthro Lab
- 240231 AL Anthro Lab
Master Degree Programme CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes
Thematic Modules
Material Culture and Consumption
- 240205 VO [ en ] Material Culture: An Introduction
- 240213 SE [ en ] Consuming Cities - Anthropology of Food and Consumption within the Materiality of Urban Cultures
New Identities
- 240196 SE [ en ] Colonial Encounters
- 240198 VO Anthropological Implications of Climate Change focusing on Oceania
- 240201 SE "race" "gender" "class" - exemplified through "Female Empowerment of Black Women in America"
- 240207 VO [ en ] Vodou and other religious traditions and ritual practices in the caribbean
- 240208 SE [ en ] Lifeworlds of Children and Young People - Anthropological research methods, research experiences and trends
- 240209 SE Anthropology of Postsocialism
- 240215 SE [ en ] "Migrating masculinities": Crises and control of masculinities in a globalized world (P4)
Visual Culture, Popular Culture
- 240199 SE [ en ] Communication and aesthetics
- 240203 SE [ en ] On the Notion of 'Evil' in Anthropology
- 240206 VO [ en ] We shoot the World - Documentary filmmaking and globalization
- 240214 SE [ en ] Visual Culture
History of Theory and Methods in Cultural and Social Anthropology
- 240192 VO Anthropological Research in Hunter-Gatherer Societies
- 240193 VO Anthropological Approaches of Methods in (intercultural) Sciences of Communication
- 240194 VO [ en ] History of Anthropology since the 1970's (P2)
Scientific Methods
- 240185 SE Field work - methodology
- 240186 SE Methodology seminar: qualitative and quantitative image analysis
- 240187 SE Fieldwork in the archives
- 240188 SE Wine, vignerons and wine growers in the valley of Kamp
- 240189 SE Interviews and ethnologic Videodocumentation
- 240190 PR Fieldwork in the archives
- 240191 PR Wine, vignerons and wine growers in the valley of Kamp
- 240226 SE [ en ] Research Methods in Anthropology of Tourism
Erasmus Module
CREOLE Thesis Module 2
- 240220 AL Anthro Lab
- 240221 AL Anthro Lab
- 240222 AL Anthro Lab
- 240223 AL Anthro Lab
- 240231 AL Anthro Lab
Diploma Degree Programme according to UniStG
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Orientation Period
1.2. Theory
1.3. Method
- 240165 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240166 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240167 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240168 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240169 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240170 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240172 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240173 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240174 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240175 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
1.4. Thematic Fields of Research
- 240114 VO Anthropology of Religion and Consciousness
- 240123 VO Introduction to intercultural communication
- 240127 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
- 240133 VO Anthropology of organizations
- 240151 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Art
1.5. Regional Fields of Research
- 240126 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
- 240128 VO Ethnology of Central Asia: An Introduction
- 240129 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Africa
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Wissmeth
- 240185 SE Field work - methodology
- 240186 SE Methodology seminar: qualitative and quantitative image analysis
- 240187 SE Fieldwork in the archives
- 240188 SE Wine, vignerons and wine growers in the valley of Kamp
- 240189 SE Interviews and ethnologic Videodocumentation
- 240190 PR Fieldwork in the archives
- 240191 PR Wine, vignerons and wine growers in the valley of Kamp
- 240226 SE [ en ] Research Methods in Anthropology of Tourism
2.2. Packages
- 080092 SE [ de en ] Hospitality and Ethnography in Austria
- 240145 VO Work and exchange in rural areas
- 240146 VO Multidimensional Consumption - Introduction to the Anthropology of Consumption
- 240147 VO Anthropology of Tourism
- 240148 VS Sextourism
- 240149 VS Ethnic tourism - concepts, forms ans power relations - Konzepte, Formen und Machtverhältnisse
- 240150 VS Tourism and Gender: Junctions and Disjunctions
- 240152 VO Media Ethnographies - Ethnography in the Anthropology of Media
- 240153 VO Introduction to African Art. Concepts and Style Regions
- 240154 VS Islam in film and television
- 240155 VS Tatau or Tattoo? An Introduction to the Culture and Practice of Tattooing
- 240156 VS Representing Diaspora Identities
- 240192 VO Anthropological Research in Hunter-Gatherer Societies
- 240193 VO Anthropological Approaches of Methods in (intercultural) Sciences of Communication
- 240194 VO [ en ] History of Anthropology since the 1970's (P2)
- 240195 VO Climate Change and other ecological disasters: - Examples from Oceania with its effects on Social Behavior
- 240196 SE [ en ] Colonial Encounters
- 240197 VO [ en ] Anthropology of the Middle East
- 240198 VO Anthropological Implications of Climate Change focusing on Oceania
- 240199 SE [ en ] Communication and aesthetics
- 240200 SE Islam and Power in Southeast Asia. Current Developments and Anthropological Debates
- 240201 SE "race" "gender" "class" - exemplified through "Female Empowerment of Black Women in America"
- 240202 VO [ en ] Gender, Religion, and Identity in India
- 240203 SE [ en ] On the Notion of 'Evil' in Anthropology
- 240204 VO Body Images from a feminist Perspective
- 240205 VO [ en ] Material Culture: An Introduction
- 240206 VO [ en ] We shoot the World - Documentary filmmaking and globalization
- 240207 VO [ en ] Vodou and other religious traditions and ritual practices in the caribbean
- 240208 SE [ en ] Lifeworlds of Children and Young People - Anthropological research methods, research experiences and trends
- 240209 SE Anthropology of Postsocialism
- 240211 SE Introduction in modern african Music
- 240212 SE Current Approaches to the Anthropology of Technology
- 240213 SE [ en ] Consuming Cities - Anthropology of Food and Consumption within the Materiality of Urban Cultures
- 240214 SE [ en ] Visual Culture
- 240215 SE [ en ] "Migrating masculinities": Crises and control of masculinities in a globalized world (P4)
- 240216 SE Normal and Abnormal Bodies - Presentations and Definitions
- 240217 UE Handing in: From the idea to the thesis - Von der Idee zur Diplom-/Masterarbeit
- 240219 UE Journalism and Public Relations for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240220 AL Anthro Lab
- 240221 AL Anthro Lab
- 240222 AL Anthro Lab
- 240223 AL Anthro Lab
- 240229 VO Basic Elements of Mesoamerican Religion I
- 240227 SE Social security and care
- 240228 SE Alevi Identity Politics in Turkey and Western Europe
- 240231 AL Anthro Lab
- 240232 VO Anthropology of Consensus - Concepts, Strategies and Limitations exemplified by case studies from Asia
2.3. Modules
2.3.1. CROCO
- 240133 VO Anthropology of organizations
- 240135 VO Intercultural Competence in International Companies and Organizations: - Theories and Modells in Comparison
- 240137 VS Intercultural Trainings: Theory and Practice
- 240218 VS Mentoring as a new culture in University organisation: Students promoting students
2.3.2. ENTOUR
2.3.3. IIMA
- 240134 VO Inter-cultural human rights: the UN declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples
- 240136 VS Anthropology of Human Rights
- 240138 VS [ en ] Indigenous Peoples & Environmental Rights (3.2.1)
- 240139 VS Who¿s Land? The Struggle for Indigenous Landrights in Southern Africa
2.3.5. MAKOTRA
2.3.6. MAPOB
- 240140 VO [ de en ] VO Visual Anthropology
- 240141 VS Introduction in Visual Anthropology
- 240142 VS Inside and outside, emic and etic in visual representation: - theoretical background and practical examples
- 240143 VS Jean Rouch - Explorations in Ethnographic Film
- 240144 VS How real is reality in ethnographic films?"- anthropological approaches in documentary filmmaking - Methodisch - ethnologische Ansätze im Dokumentarfilm
2.3.7. IK
2.4. Excursions Abroad
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Basics of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Basic Approaches of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Complementary Study Programme/Minor: Thematic and Regional Perspectives of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Regional Perspectives
- 240126 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Oceania
- 240128 VO Ethnology of Central Asia: An Introduction
- 240129 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of Africa
Thematic Perspectives
- 240114 VO Anthropology of Religion and Consciousness
- 240123 VO Introduction to intercultural communication
- 240127 VO Anthropology of Law: An Introduction
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36
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