D. Electives (Bachelor and Master Degree Programme in Japanese Studies)
Die hier angeführten Lehrveranstaltungen sind anrechenbar für ein freies Wahlfach Japanologie (bzw. Japanisch Sprachbeherrschung) oder Ostasienwissenschaftliche Vertiefung für das Bakkalaureatsstudium Japanologie und/oder für das Magisterstudium Japanologie (NICHT für Bachelor- und Masterstudium !). ACHTUNG: ein Wahlfachblock sollte mindestens 12 St. umfassen. Bitte beachten Sie auch die Anmerkungen unter "Weitere Informationen" bei den einzelnen LV, die laufend eingetragen werden.
- 150200 VO Traditional Japanese Martial Arts
- 150198 VO The Meiji Period. Political, Social and Cultural Aspects of Early Modern Japan
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 150202 UE Japanese Arts
- 150225 UE Caricatures on Japanese Woodblock Prints
- 150070 UE Reading of Japanese Woodblock Prints
- 150199 UE Exercises to: The Meiji Period. Political, Social and Cultural Aspects of Early Modern Japan
- 150006 VO+UE Nihon Ryoiki: The Beginnings of the Narrative Tradition in Japanese Buddhism
- 150032 VO+UE [ en ] Contemporary East Asian Film
- 150229 VO+UE [ en ] East Asian Mythology
- 150082 VO+UE Millenarism and New Religions in East Asia
- 160081 VO+UE [ en ] East Asian Popular Music
- 150046 SUE [ de ja ] Japanese grammar and translation 5
- 150059 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
- 150080 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
- 150178 SUE [ ja ] Practical Japanese 5
- 150058 SUE [ ja ] Reading of Newspapers
- 340047 UE [ ja ] Technical Translation: Japanese
- 340156 UE [ ja ] Oral Communication: Japanese
- 340391 UE [ ja ] Translation of Legal Texts: Japanese
- 340107 UE [ ja ] Translation of Functional Texts 1: Japanese
- 340378 UE [ ja ] Culture- and Text-related Vocabulary Work: Japanese
- 340373 UE [ ja ] Reading Comprehension and Text Production: Japanese
- 340048 UE [ ja ] Text Competence 2 (oral): Japanese
- 340324 UE [ ja ] Basic Translation Competence: Japanese
- 150126 SE Formal and Informal Politics in East Asia
- 150062 SE [ en ] Economic Systems in East Asia (Group 1): - Regional Economic Integration and Regional Architecture in East Asia: Past, Present and Future
- 150226 SE [ en ] Economic Systems in East Asia (Group 2): - Regional Economic Integration and Regional Architecture in East Asia: Past, Present and Future
- 150227 SE [ en ] Economic Development in East Asia (Group 1): Korea and East Asia in the World Economy
- 150228 SE [ en ] Economic Development in East Asia (Group 2): Korea and East Asia in the World Economy
Last modified: Th 19.05.2022 00:59