7.02. Master Degree Programmes in History
MA History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
- 180125 VO-L Philosophy of Science and the Humanities - Historical and Philosophical Dimensions
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - The English-Speaking North-Atlantic World, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070108 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - Practising Writing in English on themes and literature of British Empire history
- 070373 UE Foreign Languages and Historical Sciences: Historiography on Silesia
- 070530 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1
- 070551 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - La France et l'Autriche : perceptions, attitudes, relations. Sources et historiographie françaises du XVIe au XXe siècle.
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Complementary Courses
APM Preparation for Specialisation
- 070005 KU History of Austria since 1918 - Handlungsspielräume. Österreich in internationalen Spannungsfeldern
- 070006 VO History of the Ancient World 2
- 070007 VO History of the Ancient World 1
- 070027 VO History of Austria since 1918
- 070075 KU Scources and Analysis for History of Science - Cultures of Knowledge 1500-1900
- 070077 VO Topics, Problems and Perspectives in the History of Science - Cultures of Knowledge 1500-1900
- 070105 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 070148 VO Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914) - Naturkatastrophen und ihre Bewältigung
- 070178 VO History of Austria since 1918
- 070190 KU History of Austria since 1918
- 070203 VO History of Austria since 1918
- 070227 VO Medieval Age 2 (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 070245 KU Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 070252 VO History of Austria 1526 - 1918
- 070282 KU History of Austria 1526 - 1918
- 070287 KU History of Austria up to 1526
- 070290 VO Austrian History 1526 - 1918 - Ringvorlesung: Von Lier nach Brüssel: Schlüsseljahre Österreichischer Geschichte (1496-1995)
- 070292 VU Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914)
- 070298 VO History of Austria 1526 - 1918
- 070312 KU Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914)
- 070318 VO Medieval Age 2 (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 070324 KU Medieval Age 2 (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 070358 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Europäische Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit im globalen Kontext
- 070418 VO Medieval Age 1 (approx. 400 to approx. 1200)
- 070424 KU Medieval Age 1 (approx. 400 to approx. 1200)
- 070425 VO Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914)
- 070428 VO History of Austria up to 1526
- 070466 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Europäische Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit im globalen Kontext
- 070492 KU Modern History /E3
- 070503 VO Medieval Age 1 (approx. 400 to approx. 1200)
- 070504 KU History of Austria 1526 - 1918
- 070507 KU Medieval Age 1 (approx. 400 to approx. 1200)
- 070509 KU Medieval Age 2 (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500) - Islamische Welt
- 070511 KU History of Austria up to 1526
- 070515 KU Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914) - Globalgeschichtlicher Schwerpunkt
- 070533 VO Medieval Age 2 (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 070557 VO History of Austria up to 1526
- 070567 VO Österreichische Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgeschichte (MIttelalter)
- 070574 VO Medieval Age 1 (approx. 400 to approx. 1200)
3. Alternative Group of Required Modules - Specialisations in MA History
3.1. APMG Ancient History and Archaeology
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Ancient History and Archaeology
PM Specialisation 1: Greek History
- 090007 VO Lecture in Greek History
- 090008 SE Seminar in Greek History
PM Specialisation 2: Roman History
PM Applied History of the Ancient World: Excursion(s)
PM Archaeology
- 090010 VO Constitution and 'political culture' of the Roman Republic
- 090035 UE Classical Studies and Subdisciplines
PM Research Module Ancient History and Archaeology
3.2. APMG Medieval History
- 070438 UE Inventory Technique
- 070561 VO History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria - (Neuzeit)
PM Theories, Sources and Methods: Analysis and Interpretation of Sources for Medieval History
PM Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200)
- 070470 SE Seminar
- 070481 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200)
- 070485 SE Seminar - nur gemeinsam mit EX 070237
- 070501 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200) - Adel und Kirche im babenbergischen Österreich (PD Dr. Roman Zehetmayer)
- 070561 VO History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria - (Neuzeit)
PM Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 to approx. 1500)
- 070470 SE Seminar
- 070474 VO Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 - approx. 1500) - Universität im Mittelalter (mit gender- und frauenspezifischen Aspekten)
- 070475 SE Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 - approx. 1500)
- 070485 SE Seminar - nur gemeinsam mit EX 070237
- 070561 VO History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria - (Neuzeit)
PM Research Module Medieval History
PM Applied Medieval History
- 070107 PK Applied Medieval History - Identities, ethnicity and religion in the Middle Ages.
PM Historical Ancillary Sciences of Medieval History with Excursions
3.3. APMG Modern History
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Modern History
PM Specialisation 1: Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 070182 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 2 - Globalgeschichtliche Aspekte der sogenannten "Maurenfrage": Zur Rolle islamischer Mächte in der Weltpolitik der frühen Neuzeit (15.-17.Jh.)
- 070313 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - RV: Grenzen weltweit. Zonen, Linien, Mauern im historischen Vergleich
- 070478 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800) - Das Heilige Römische Reich im frühneuzeitlichen Europa
- 070479 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 070508 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 2 - RV: Seefahrt und die frühe europäische Expansion - Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Pazifik
- 070538 VO Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 070553 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1
- 070554 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 070582 SE Seminar - Gelehrsamkeit und Philosophie der Medizin: Gelehrsamkeit und Wissenschaft zwischen Humanismus und dem Ende des Ancien Régime
PM Specialisation 2: Late Modern History (Contemporary History) (approx. 1800 to present)
- 070055 SE Seminar - Austria and Italy 1848-1938
- 070106 SE Seminar - 1866
- 070126 SE Vertiefungsmodul 2: Themen, Probleme und Methoden der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Die Stadt als Natur- und Erholungsraum
- 070217 SE Project Course Module Applied Contemporary History - The Holocaust
- 070221 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070223 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070230 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Exile Studies
- 070246 VO Late Modern Times (Contemporary History) (approx. 1800 to present) - History of warfare and peacemaking from the bronze age to modern times with emphasis on the long 19. century.
- 070303 SE Seminar
- 070308 SE Seminar - Perception of Democracy as a historical Key Concept in the 20th century in Europe and the United States 1848-1918
- 070361 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070393 VO Economy and Society of Eastcentraleurope in the 20th Century
- 070447 VO History of Austria since the 19th Century
- 070461 SE Seminar
- 070462 VO Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914)
- 070463 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070486 SE History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries - History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070494 VO A/E/R
- 070527 SE Seminar - Recent Approaches in History of Science
- 070553 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1
- 070554 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070004 EX Excursion - Wien von der römischen Soldatensiedlung bis zur sechstgrößten Stadt um 1900
- 070237 EX Excursion - Waldviertel nur gemeinsam mit Seminar 070485
- 070460 EX Excursion - Wien 1919 - 1945
PM Applied Modern History
- 070242 FS Research Seminar - Mapping the European City
- 070457 FS Research Seminar - Bigamie in der frühen Neuzeit
- 210170 SE M11: Research Practice
PM Research Module Modern History
- 070081 FS [ en ] Research Seminar: Insular Studies
- 070091 FS Research Seminar: Postestas or Violentia? - Physical and sexual violence in Early Mordern Europe
- 070122 FS Forschungsseminar - Geschichte der Sexualität im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070219 FS Research Module Contemporary History - "Aryanization, Restitution, Provenience"
- 070220 FS Research Module Contemporary History - Inside "new Austria". The General Bureau of the "Vaterlaendische Front"
- 070242 FS Research Seminar - Mapping the European City
3.4. APMG Austrian History
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Austrian History
- 070540 KU Exercises in Primary Source Studies - Quellen zur Österreichischen Geschichte bis 1526
PM Specialisation 1: Austrian History during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- 070054 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - From Colony to Great Power: British North-America and the United States, 1607-1913"
- 070440 SE Seminar on the History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria
- 070469 VO History of Austria/ R2
- 070501 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200) - Adel und Kirche im babenbergischen Österreich (PD Dr. Roman Zehetmayer)
- 070561 VO History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria - (Neuzeit)
PM Specialisation 2: Austrian History since the 19th Century
- 070106 SE Seminar - 1866
- 070126 SE Vertiefungsmodul 2: Themen, Probleme und Methoden der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Die Stadt als Natur- und Erholungsraum
- 070303 SE Seminar
- 070308 SE Seminar - Perception of Democracy as a historical Key Concept in the 20th century in Europe and the United States 1848-1918
- 070337 SE Seminar
- 070361 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070447 VO History of Austria since the 19th Century
- 070469 VO History of Austria/ R2
PM Research Module Austrian History
- 070122 FS Forschungsseminar - Geschichte der Sexualität im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070219 FS Research Module Contemporary History - "Aryanization, Restitution, Provenience"
- 070598 FS Forschungsseminar - Politik - Gewalt - Geschlecht: Neue Forschungen zum Ersten Weltkrieg
PM Applied Austrian History
- 070129 PK Modul Angewandte Geschichte - Künstlerische und kulturelle Werke aus historischer und ethnologischer Perspektive
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070237 EX Excursion - Waldviertel nur gemeinsam mit Seminar 070485
- 070460 EX Excursion - Wien 1919 - 1945
3.5. APMG History of Science
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of History of Science
PM Specialisation 1: Problems and Issues of History of Science
- 070151 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Kulturaustausch, Technologie- und Wissenstransfer
- 070221 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070223 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070505 SE [ en ] Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Masskillings in the 20th century
- 070527 SE Seminar - Recent Approaches in History of Science
- 070547 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Instutionalisierte Praktiken von Entwicklung: "Entwicklungshilfe" und "sozialistische Hilfe"
- 070582 SE Seminar - Gelehrsamkeit und Philosophie der Medizin: Gelehrsamkeit und Wissenschaft zwischen Humanismus und dem Ende des Ancien Régime
PM Specialisation 2: Problems of History of Science and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070221 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070223 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070527 SE Seminar - Recent Approaches in History of Science
- 070582 SE Seminar - Gelehrsamkeit und Philosophie der Medizin: Gelehrsamkeit und Wissenschaft zwischen Humanismus und dem Ende des Ancien Régime
- 230174 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and Development: Global Science in the Information Age
PM Issues of History of Science with Excursions
PM Applied History of Science
PM Research Module History of Science
4. Master-Module
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070407 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070413 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070415 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070416 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070417 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070467 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070525 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Historische Wissenschaftsforschung (nur gemeinsam mit der gleichnamigen LV von Friedrich Stadler)
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
- 070566 MA Master Seminar
MA Women's and Gender History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - The English-Speaking North-Atlantic World, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070108 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - Practising Writing in English on themes and literature of British Empire history
- 070373 UE Foreign Languages and Historical Sciences: Historiography on Silesia
- 070530 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1
- 070551 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - La France et l'Autriche : perceptions, attitudes, relations. Sources et historiographie françaises du XVIe au XXe siècle.
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Introduction to Women's and Gender History
- 070320 KU Sources and Methods of Womens and Gender History - Die Stellung der Frau in der Tschechoslowakei im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070446 VO Women¿s and Gender History ¿ Questions, Issues, History
- 070550 KU Sources and Methods of Womens and Gender History
APM Complementary Courses in the Context of the Discipline
3. Required Modules
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Women's and Gender History
- 070448 KU Women's and Gender History /A1 - Geschlechtergeschichte als Emotionengeschichte
- 240225 VO Feminist Migration Studies
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Context
- 070004 EX Excursion - Wien von der römischen Soldatensiedlung bis zur sechstgrößten Stadt um 1900
- 070460 EX Excursion - Wien 1919 - 1945
4. Group of Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Women's and Gender History
- 070126 SE Vertiefungsmodul 2: Themen, Probleme und Methoden der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Die Stadt als Natur- und Erholungsraum
- 070221 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070223 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070361 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070449 KU Women's and Gender History /A1 - Die Ehe als religiöse, rechtliche und soziale Institution in der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070474 VO Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 - approx. 1500) - Universität im Mittelalter (mit gender- und frauenspezifischen Aspekten)
- 070475 SE Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 - approx. 1500)
- 070520 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 2 - Zur Geschlechtergeschichte der k. (u.) k. Armee im internationalen Vergleich (1868 bis 1914/18)
- 070553 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1
- 070555 SE Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1 - Von der Antike zur Moderne
PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Women's and Gender History
- 070126 SE Vertiefungsmodul 2: Themen, Probleme und Methoden der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Die Stadt als Natur- und Erholungsraum
- 070221 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070223 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070361 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070474 VO Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 - approx. 1500) - Universität im Mittelalter (mit gender- und frauenspezifischen Aspekten)
- 070475 SE Specialisation 2: Medieval Age II (approx. 1200 - approx. 1500)
- 070520 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 2 - Zur Geschlechtergeschichte der k. (u.) k. Armee im internationalen Vergleich (1868 bis 1914/18)
- 070553 VO Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1
- 070555 SE Specialisation: Questions and Issues of Women's and Gender History 1 - Von der Antike zur Moderne
PM Research Module Women's and Gender History
- 070122 FS Forschungsseminar - Geschichte der Sexualität im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070457 FS Research Seminar - Bigamie in der frühen Neuzeit
- 070598 FS Forschungsseminar - Politik - Gewalt - Geschlecht: Neue Forschungen zum Ersten Weltkrieg
PM Applied Women's and Gender History
5. Master-Module
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070264 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070277 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070304 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070407 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070413 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070415 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070416 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070417 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070467 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070471 MA Master Seminar
- 070482 MA Master Seminar
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070525 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Historische Wissenschaftsforschung (nur gemeinsam mit der gleichnamigen LV von Friedrich Stadler)
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
- 070566 MA Master Seminar
MA Historical-Cultural European Research
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - The English-Speaking North-Atlantic World, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070108 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - Practising Writing in English on themes and literature of British Empire history
- 070373 UE Foreign Languages and Historical Sciences: Historiography on Silesia
- 070530 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1
- 070551 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - La France et l'Autriche : perceptions, attitudes, relations. Sources et historiographie françaises du XVIe au XXe siècle.
2. Required Modules
PM Introduction to European History
- 070241 IK Einführungsmodul Europäische Geschichte - Integrierter Kurs - (in Verbindung mit Fachtutorium)
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Historical-Cultural European Research
3. Group of Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Historical-Cultural European Research in Regional Perspective
- 070054 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - From Colony to Great Power: British North-America and the United States, 1607-1913"
- 070393 VO Economy and Society of Eastcentraleurope in the 20th Century
- 070402 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070454 SE Russia and the Caucasus
- 070455 SE The First World War and Eastern Europe
- 070463 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070486 SE History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries - History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070554 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
PM Specialisation 2: Historical-Cultural European Research in a Cross-Area Perspective
- 070151 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Kulturaustausch, Technologie- und Wissenstransfer
- 070481 SE Specialisation 1: Medieval Age I (to approx. 1200)
- 070505 SE [ en ] Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Masskillings in the 20th century
- 070547 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Instutionalisierte Praktiken von Entwicklung: "Entwicklungshilfe" und "sozialistische Hilfe"
PM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Perspective
- 070004 EX Excursion - Wien von der römischen Soldatensiedlung bis zur sechstgrößten Stadt um 1900
PM Research Module Historical-Cultural European Research in Transnational Perspective
- 070242 FS Research Seminar - Mapping the European City
PM Applied Historical-Cultural European Research
- 070129 PK Modul Angewandte Geschichte - Künstlerische und kulturelle Werke aus historischer und ethnologischer Perspektive
4. Master-Module
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070471 MA Master Seminar
- 070482 MA Master Seminar
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
MA Eastern European History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - The English-Speaking North-Atlantic World, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070108 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - Practising Writing in English on themes and literature of British Empire history
- 070373 UE Foreign Languages and Historical Sciences: Historiography on Silesia
- 070530 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1
- 070551 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - La France et l'Autriche : perceptions, attitudes, relations. Sources et historiographie françaises du XVIe au XXe siècle.
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Basics of Eastern European History
- 070379 VO Russian and East slavic History
- 070394 VO History of East and Southeast Europe
APM Excursion and Transdisciplinary Opening
- 070392 EX Excursion Venice as a central place of international trade in the Late Middle Ages - (gemeinsam mit der LMU München)
3. Group of Modules - Key Issues, Sources and Methods of Eastern European History
PM Key Issues, Sources and Methods of Russian/East Slavic History
PM Key Issues, Sources and Methods of East-Central European History
PM Key Issues, Sources and Methods of South East European History
4. Group of Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation in Eastern European History I
- 070393 VO Economy and Society of Eastcentraleurope in the 20th Century
- 070402 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070454 SE Russia and the Caucasus
- 070455 SE The First World War and Eastern Europe
- 070463 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
PM Specialisation in Eastern European History II
- 070454 SE Russia and the Caucasus
- 070455 SE The First World War and Eastern Europe
- 070463 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
PM Research in Eastern European History
5. Master-Module
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070264 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070277 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070304 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070407 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070413 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070415 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070416 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070417 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070467 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070471 MA Master Seminar
- 070482 MA Master Seminar
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070525 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Historische Wissenschaftsforschung (nur gemeinsam mit der gleichnamigen LV von Friedrich Stadler)
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
MA Economic and Social History
- 070092 KU Scources, Methods and Theories of Economic and Social History
- 070420 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - The English-Speaking North-Atlantic World, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070108 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - Practising Writing in English on themes and literature of British Empire history
- 070173 KU [ en ] Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte im transdisziplinären Kontext 1 - Violence and Social Orders. D. C. North¿s Proposal of a Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History
- 070373 UE Foreign Languages and Historical Sciences: Historiography on Silesia
- 070530 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1
- 070551 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - La France et l'Autriche : perceptions, attitudes, relations. Sources et historiographie françaises du XVIe au XXe siècle.
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Basics of Economic and Social History
- 070092 KU Scources, Methods and Theories of Economic and Social History
- 070104 VO Economic and Social Histroy from Medieval Time to present - Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Europa, 1000-2000
- 070439 VO Economic and Social Histroy from Medieval Time to present
- 070458 VO Scources, Methods and Theories of Economic and Social History - Dorfalltag im Nationalsozialismus
APM Economic and Social History in Transdisciplinary Context
- 070173 KU [ en ] Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte im transdisziplinären Kontext 1 - Violence and Social Orders. D. C. North¿s Proposal of a Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History
3. Required Modules
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
PM Economic, Social and Cultural Theories
- 070196 UE Übung zu Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Theorie für HistorikerInnen
- 070198 VO Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Theorie für HistorikerInnen - Theorien in den Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaften
- 070199 UE Übung zu Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Theorie für HistorikerInnen - Theorien in den Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaften (nur gem. mit VO 070198)
- 070357 VO Theory of Economic Science for Historians - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Theorien für Wirtschafts- und SozialhistorikerInnen (nur gemeinsam mit LV 070196 )
PM Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
4. Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 070313 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - RV: Grenzen weltweit. Zonen, Linien, Mauern im historischen Vergleich
- 070508 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 2 - RV: Seefahrt und die frühe europäische Expansion - Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Pazifik
PM Specialisation 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History
- 070126 SE Vertiefungsmodul 2: Themen, Probleme und Methoden der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte - Die Stadt als Natur- und Erholungsraum
- 070151 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Kulturaustausch, Technologie- und Wissenstransfer
- 070278 VO Vertiefungsmodul 2: Themen, Probleme und Methoden der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
- 070294 VO Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Geld und Geldpolitik - Geschichte und Konzepte
- 070316 SE Seminar
- 070361 SE Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
PM Research Module Economic and Social History
- 070122 FS Forschungsseminar - Geschichte der Sexualität im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070163 FS Research Seminar - Mobile Food. Historische Ernährungsforschung im Universalmuseum
PM Applied History
- 070129 PK Modul Angewandte Geschichte - Künstlerische und kulturelle Werke aus historischer und ethnologischer Perspektive
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070264 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070277 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070304 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070407 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070413 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070415 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070416 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070417 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070467 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070471 MA Master Seminar
- 070482 MA Master Seminar
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070525 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Historische Wissenschaftsforschung (nur gemeinsam mit der gleichnamigen LV von Friedrich Stadler)
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
MA Contemporary History
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
- 180125 VO-L Philosophy of Science and the Humanities - Historical and Philosophical Dimensions
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - The English-Speaking North-Atlantic World, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070108 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - Practising Writing in English on themes and literature of British Empire history
- 070373 UE Foreign Languages and Historical Sciences: Historiography on Silesia
- 070530 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1
- 070551 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - La France et l'Autriche : perceptions, attitudes, relations. Sources et historiographie françaises du XVIe au XXe siècle.
2. Required Module - Theories, Sources and Methods of Contemporary History
- 070216 VO Issues, Theories and Controversies of Contemporary History
- 070370 KU Sources and Methods of Contemporary History - Contemporary History: Sources and Methods: "To Serve Mankind in Peace, And the Fatherland in War" - Science in an Age of Wars"
3. Group of Required Modules - Specialisation
PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Contemporary History
- 070055 SE Seminar - Austria and Italy 1848-1938
- 070217 SE Project Course Module Applied Contemporary History - The Holocaust
- 070221 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070223 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070230 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Exile Studies
- 070463 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070527 SE Seminar - Recent Approaches in History of Science
PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Contemporary History
- 070055 SE Seminar - Austria and Italy 1848-1938
- 070221 VO Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070223 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Eugenics and Gender. Austria in international Context.
- 070230 SE Specialisation 1: Questions and Issues of Contemporary History - Exile Studies
- 070337 SE Seminar
- 070463 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070527 SE Seminar - Recent Approaches in History of Science
PM Research Module Contemporary History
- 070219 FS Research Module Contemporary History - "Aryanization, Restitution, Provenience"
- 070220 FS Research Module Contemporary History - Inside "new Austria". The General Bureau of the "Vaterlaendische Front"
PM Applied Contemporary History
- 210170 SE M11: Research Practice
PM Complementary Courses and Excursions
- 070214 KU Complementary Courses - Ghettos under the Nazi occupation
- 070460 EX Excursion - Wien 1919 - 1945
4. Required Module - Disciplinary and Transdisciplinary Contexts
5. Master-Module
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070264 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070277 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070304 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070407 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070413 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070415 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070416 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070417 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070467 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070471 MA Master Seminar
- 070482 MA Master Seminar
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070525 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Historische Wissenschaftsforschung (nur gemeinsam mit der gleichnamigen LV von Friedrich Stadler)
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
MA Global History and Global Studies
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
PM Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070070 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - The English-Speaking North-Atlantic World, 16th to 21st Centuries
- 070108 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 2 - Practising Writing in English on themes and literature of British Empire history
- 070373 UE Foreign Languages and Historical Sciences: Historiography on Silesia
- 070530 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1
- 070551 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - La France et l'Autriche : perceptions, attitudes, relations. Sources et historiographie françaises du XVIe au XXe siècle.
2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Basics of Global History
- 070094 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - Language and Diplomacy in a Global Context: Early Modern Communication Problems between Europe and East Asia
- 070165 VO [ en ] Introduction to Global History
- 070166 VO Theorien und Methoden der Globalgeschichte - Theories and Methods of Global History
- 070573 KU [ en ] Working Skills in Global History - The Global Economic Crisis of 1857
APM Basics in another Subject Area of Global Studies
- 140001 VO Introduction to Oriental Studies
- 150010 VO Geography of Japan
- 150022 VO Introductory Course
- 150053 VO Japanese society
- 150186 VO Japanese Culture
- 140047 KU Democracy in Africa in Change
- 140116 KU Youth and Politics in Africa
- 140357 KU Approaches to African History: Challenges and Perspectives
- 140299 PS From the Rhine to the Ganga - History and Historiography between Civilizations
- 140316 VO KS1 - K III - Einführung in die Entwicklungssoziologie
- 140313 VO EF1 - E I - Introduction to International Development
- 070173 KU [ en ] Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte im transdisziplinären Kontext 1 - Violence and Social Orders. D. C. North¿s Proposal of a Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History
3. Required Modules
PM Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History and Global Studies
- 070359 KU [ en ] Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History - The Great Divergence
- 070480 KU Theories, Sources and Methods of Global History - Erster Weltkrieg und imperialistische Rivalitäten in Afrika
PM Specialisation 1: Issues of Global History: World Regions from the Perspective of Global History
- 070054 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - From Colony to Great Power: British North-America and the United States, 1607-1913"
- 070184 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - Maritime Politik im Mittelmeerraum: Technologie- und Wissenstransfer, Expansions- und Handelspolitik (1000-1600)
- 070260 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 1 - K & K kolonial. Habsburgermonarchie und koloniale Frage in Afrika
- 070402 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070461 SE Seminar
- 070472 VO [ en ] Rise and Descent of the British Empire - British global power from 1500
- 070486 SE History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries - History of the British Isles in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 140183 VO Modern Arabic Politics and Society (Modern Arab History 1)
- 140218 VO History of East Africa till 1800
- 140214 VO The East African Coast in the Trading Network of the Indian Ocean
- 140320 VO RTV - KOA - African History - 1500 - 1900
- 140353 VO Settler Societies in Southern Africa, 19th Century to the Present
- 140356 VO Africa and the Wider World: Trade, Migration, and Identity, ca. 14th to 20th Centuries
- 140071 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140178 VO African Societies to the 16th Century. - (Überblicksvorlesung afrikanische Geschichte 1)
- 150001 VO Regional Geography of East Asia with a Focus on Korea
- 150198 VO The Meiji Period. Political, Social and Cultural Aspects of Early Modern Japan
PM Specialisation 2: Issues of Global History: Themes of Global History
- 070151 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Kulturaustausch, Technologie- und Wissenstransfer
- 070294 VO Advanced Module 2: Issues, Problems and Methods of Economic and Social History - Geld und Geldpolitik - Geschichte und Konzepte
- 070463 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070505 SE [ en ] Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Masskillings in the 20th century
- 070508 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 2 - RV: Seefahrt und die frühe europäische Expansion - Atlantik, Indischer Ozean, Pazifik
- 070547 SE Seminar Vertiefung 2 - Instutionalisierte Praktiken von Entwicklung: "Entwicklungshilfe" und "sozialistische Hilfe"
- 140225 SE T II - Protoglobalisation
- 140346 SE SE IE - Economics and history : a transdisciplinary approach
- 230174 SE [ en ] Science, Technology and Development: Global Science in the Information Age
- 070554 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
- 140154 VO+UE Rhythm of Globalization
- 140328 VO Palaces, Temples, Pyramids: Archaeology of the Kushite Empire
- 140359 SE Gender History and Life Narratives in Africa
- 140351 SE Islam in Africa: revolutionary Islamic movements since the 17th century
- 140312 VO Cultural and Economic Geography of the Near East and North Africa
- 140163 VO Lecture on Selected Aspects of Modern Turkey - Soziale und ökonomische Entwicklungen in der modernen Türkei
- 140010 VO Political History of the Arab-Islamic Near East(from the beginnings of Islam to the present) - (von den Anfängen des Islam bis in die Gegenwart)
- 140015 SE Islam in Europe - Der Islam im österreichischen Diskurs
- 140160 VO Turkish Regional Studies I: Fiefs and Military Organization
- 070182 VO Vorlesung Vertiefung 2 - Globalgeschichtliche Aspekte der sogenannten "Maurenfrage": Zur Rolle islamischer Mächte in der Weltpolitik der frühen Neuzeit (15.-17.Jh.)
- 070313 VO Lecture Specialisaton 2 - RV: Grenzen weltweit. Zonen, Linien, Mauern im historischen Vergleich
- 140202 VO The National Independence Movement in India
- 140234 SE Globalisation in Contemporary India - Societal Impact and individual Consequences
- 150032 VO+UE [ en ] Contemporary East Asian Film
- 150062 SE [ en ] Economic Systems in East Asia (Group 1): - Regional Economic Integration and Regional Architecture in East Asia: Past, Present and Future
- 150082 VO+UE Millenarism and New Religions in East Asia
- 150077 UE Korean History Based on Films from South Korea
- 150224 VO [ en ] Intercultural Negotiation Patterns
- 150047 SE Seminar I: Cyborgs, Robots, Aliens - Constuctions of new identities and the transgression of boundaries in Japanese popular culture
- 150151 SE Seminar I: The Japanese "Nouvelle Vague" - Changes in Japanese cinema in the 1960s
- 150006 VO+UE Nihon Ryoiki: The Beginnings of the Narrative Tradition in Japanese Buddhism
- 150180 VO STEOP: Politics and Economy of the PR of China
- 150217 PS China and the world: foreign policy 1949-2010
- 150176 SE [ en ] China's economic and political reform
- 140107 SE [ en ] Human Rights based Development
- 140013 AG T I - International Migration - causes, types, processes and the political regulation of migration
- 140138 VO+UE Global Social Policy, Welfare and Gender
- 070479 SE Early Modern History (approx. 1500 to approx. 1800)
PM Excursion and Global Studies
- 070004 EX Excursion - Wien von der römischen Soldatensiedlung bis zur sechstgrößten Stadt um 1900
- 070392 EX Excursion Venice as a central place of international trade in the Late Middle Ages - (gemeinsam mit der LMU München)
- 140274 AG T II - Panafricanism
- 150037 VO STEOP: Chinese History of the 20th Century
- 340138 VO Global English and International Communication
- 010072 EX Excursion - Theologie des Kampfes und befreiende Kirchenpraxis in den Philippinen
4. Alternative Required Modules
APM Research Module Global History
- 070081 FS [ en ] Research Seminar: Insular Studies
- 070163 FS Research Seminar - Mobile Food. Historische Ernährungsforschung im Universalmuseum
APM Research Module Global Studies
APM Applied Global History
- 070107 PK Applied Medieval History - Identities, ethnicity and religion in the Middle Ages.
- 070301 PK Projektkurs Globalgeschichte - Reisen in Asien (18. - 20. Jahrhundert)
APM Applied Global Studies
5. Master-Module
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070117 MA Seminar for Diploma Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070264 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070277 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070304 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070407 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070413 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070415 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070416 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070417 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070445 MA [ en ] Seminar for Diploma Candidates - Graduiertenkolleg 1: Globalgeschichte
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070467 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070471 MA Master Seminar
- 070482 MA Master Seminar
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070525 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Historische Wissenschaftsforschung (nur gemeinsam mit der gleichnamigen LV von Friedrich Stadler)
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
MA Historical Research, Historical Auxiliaries and Archive Science
- 070437 VO Coinage and Monetary History - Coinage and Monetary History
- 070438 UE Inventory Technique
- 070440 SE Seminar on the History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria
- 070441 VO History of the Constitutional Law of the Church
- 070442 KU Editorial Technique
- 070443 VU Archives: appraisal and access
- 070444 VU IT-Applications in the Archive Industry
1. Required Modules Orientation Period
PM Advanced Module Historical Thinking and Working
- 070109 VO Theory of Science, Theory of Historiology
- 070258 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Commodity Chains
- 070356 KU Practice of Scientific Communication - Revolutions in Global History
PM Basic Module 1
- 070115 VU Übungen an Quellen zur Verfassungsgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070561 VO History of Constitutional Law and Politicial Institutions of Austria - (Neuzeit)
PM Basic Module 2
- 070119 VU Hilfswissenschaften (Heraldik, Sphragistik, Genealogie)
- 070436 VU Medieval Palaeography I
PM Basic Module 3
PM Basic Module 4
PM Basic Module 5
PM Basic Module 6
- 070132 VU Aktenkunde
- 070135 VU Quellenkunde: Archivalische Quellenmit (bes. Ber. landesgeschichtlicher Quellen)
Archive - Practical Training
2. Alternative Group of Required Modules
APM Historical Research 1
APM Historical Research 2
- 070083 VU Handschriftenkunde und Buchwesen
- 070140 KU Exercises in Primary Source Studies
- 070540 KU Exercises in Primary Source Studies - Quellen zur Österreichischen Geschichte bis 1526
APM Historical Research 3
APM Historical Research 1
APM Archive Science and Media Archives 1
- 070145 VU History of Public Authorities - (together with P. Csendes, M. Hochedlinger, R. Jerabek, G. Obersteiner, H. Penz and J. Wührer)
- 070147 VU Rechtsfragen des Archivwesens
APM Archive Science and Media Archives 2
- 070153 SE Digitale Medienarchitektur
APM Archive Science and Media Archives 3
- 070337 SE Seminar
APM Archive Science and Media Archives 4
3. Master-Module
- 070008 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Medizin des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- 070089 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070114 MA Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070121 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070139 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070158 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070226 MA Master-Seminar - Geschichtsforschung
- 070232 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070233 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070234 MA Master Seminar
- 070235 MA Master Seminar
- 070236 MA Master Seminar
- 070238 MA Master Seminar
- 070239 MA Master Seminar
- 070240 MA Master Seminar - Dissertantinnen Seminar IK Historische Diktaturforschung
- 070248 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
- 070249 MA Master Seminar
- 070250 MA Master Seminar
- 070251 MA Master Seminar
- 070265 MA Master Seminar - "Historische Wissenschaftsforschung" - Seminar für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 070266 DS Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates - Postgraduiertenseminar - Vorstellung von Dissertationsprojekten
- 070382 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070397 DS Local / Regional History /R1
- 070452 MA Master Seminar
- 070459 MA Master Seminar
- 070471 MA Master Seminar
- 070482 MA Master Seminar
- 070484 MA Master Seminar
- 070524 MA Master-Seminar
- 070552 MA Master Seminar
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36