B. Master Degree Programmes
1. Master Degree Programme - Slavonic Studies
1.1. Module Language
1.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
1.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
1.4. Linguistics Module
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
1.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
1.6 Master Module
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
2. Master Degree Programme - Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
2.1. Module Language
- 130137 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian: Stilistik
2.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130251 KO Analysis of older southern slavic texts
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
2.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130130 SE Program texts of Slavonic and modern avant-garde
- 130154 VO OlderCroatian Literature
- 130396 SE Seminar for Slovenian and South Slavic Literature
2.4. Linguistics Module
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
2.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
2.6 Master Module
- 130172 SE Identity Contruction in the Croatian Modernist Prose
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130205 KO The development of the Slovenian Literature
- 130258 SE-MA Linguistics Seminar for Eastern and Southern Slavic
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
- 130396 SE Seminar for Slovenian and South Slavic Literature
3. Master Degree Programme - Bulgarian
3.1. Module Language
3.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130064 VO Older Bulgarian literature
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130251 KO Analysis of older southern slavic texts
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
3.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
3.4. Linguistics Module
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
3.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
3.6 Master Module
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130258 SE-MA Linguistics Seminar for Eastern and Southern Slavic
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
4. Master Degree Programme - Polish
4.1. Module Language
- 130108 KO [ de pl ] Polish language press and issues of translation into German
4.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130167 KO Early language-reflective texts in West Slavonic languages
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
- 130375 VO Romanticism and Realism in Polish Literature
4.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
4.4. Linguistics Module
- 130100 SE Seminar on Polish linguistics: Polish dialectology
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
4.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
4.6 Master Module
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130177 KO [ pl ] Polish language of advertising (Presentation language Polish)
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
5. Master Degree Programme - Russian
5.1. Module Language
- 130238 UE [ de ru ] Language Acquisition Russian (advanced level) - Stylistics
5.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130016 VO Older East Slavic and Russian literature
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130120 KO Analysis of Older Eastern Slavic Texts
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
5.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130014 KO Conversatorium for Diploma and Doctoral Students
- 130127 SE Aesthetic and literary positions of Russian Modernism
- 130130 SE Program texts of Slavonic and modern avant-garde
- 130311 VO [ ru ] Majakovskij i Pasternak: Semantika poeticeskogo slova
- 130312 KO [ ru ] Majakovskij i Pasternak: Ananliz izbrannych tekstov lekcionnogo kursa
- 130313 PV Privatissimum
- 130314 VO [ ru ] Literaturnaja kritika simvolistov i akmeistov
5.4. Linguistics Module
- 130148 SE Regional language conflict Galicia and Transcarpathia - (auch für DoktoratskollegiatInnen des DK "Das österreichische Galizien und sein multikulturelles Erbe")
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
5.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
5.6 Master Module
- 130119 KO [ de ru ] Reading and interpretation: - Dostoevskij
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130206 KO [ de ru ] Literary translation - Thomas Mann in Russian translation (short stories, letters, essays)
- 130258 SE-MA Linguistics Seminar for Eastern and Southern Slavic
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
6. Master Degree Programme - Slovak
6.1. Module Language
6.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130128 VO Older Slovak Literature
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130167 KO Early language-reflective texts in West Slavonic languages
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
6.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
6.4. Linguistics Module
- 130036 SE Czech and Slovak Linguistic Seminar
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
6.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130099 KO Comparative Czech and Slovak Nominal Morphology
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
6.6. Master Module
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
7. Master Degree Programme - Slovenian
7.1. Module Language
7.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130156 VO Older Slovene Literature - The Enlightenment with comparisons to neighboring literatures
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130251 KO Analysis of older southern slavic texts
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
7.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130130 SE Program texts of Slavonic and modern avant-garde
- 130156 VO Older Slovene Literature - The Enlightenment with comparisons to neighboring literatures
- 130396 SE Seminar for Slovenian and South Slavic Literature
7.4. Linguistics Module
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
7.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
7.6. Master Module
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130205 KO The development of the Slovenian Literature
- 130258 SE-MA Linguistics Seminar for Eastern and Southern Slavic
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
- 130396 SE Seminar for Slovenian and South Slavic Literature
8. Master Degree Programme - Czech
8.1. Module Language
- 130316 UE [ cs ] language acquisition czech (advanced level)
8.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130167 KO Early language-reflective texts in West Slavonic languages
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
8.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130130 SE Program texts of Slavonic and modern avant-garde
- 130325 VO [ cs de ] Czech language, literature and film
8.4. Linguistics Module
- 130036 SE Czech and Slovak Linguistic Seminar
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
8.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130099 KO Comparative Czech and Slovak Nominal Morphology
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
8.6 Master Module
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130173 SE-MA MA-SE aspects of the narrative text analysis of selected examples
- 130322 UE Church Slavonic Codicology and Paleography
- 130325 VO [ cs de ] Czech language, literature and film
9. Master Degree Programme - Ukrainian
9.1. Module Language
9.2. Historical-Philological Module
- 130067 VO Old Church Slavonic - together with UE
- 130120 KO Analysis of Older Eastern Slavic Texts
- 130160 UE Old Church Slavonic - together with VO
- 130284 VO Comparative Linguistics
9.3. Literary and Cultural Studies Module
- 130130 SE Program texts of Slavonic and modern avant-garde
- 130319 VO Galician literature in the context
9.4. Linguistics Module
- 130148 SE Regional language conflict Galicia and Transcarpathia - (auch für DoktoratskollegiatInnen des DK "Das österreichische Galizien und sein multikulturelles Erbe")
- 130365 SE Linguistics Seminar: - Gender issues
9.5. Comparatistics Module
- 130078 VO Typology of Slavonic Languages
- 130131 VO Methods of Cultural Studies
- 130132 KO Methods of Cultural Studies: KO for the lecture
- 130139 VO Comparative Slavic Literature - Hugo von Hofmannsthal und die slawischen Literaturen
- 130143 SE-MA MA-SE of Older Western and Eastern Slavic Literatures
- 130171 VO Contemporary Cultural Theory in Slavic Context
9.6 Master Module
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36