2. Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 060011 SE Selected lithic inventories
- 060014 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060016 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060018 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060019 SV Archeology and history of the Germans in Central Europe
- 060020 VO Basics of aerial archaeology - basics
- 060022 PR Human and Dead - Anthropological Analyses
- 060023 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060024 VU GIS Applications in Archaeology
- 060032 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060072 UE Fotografic documentation
- 060075 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060090 UE Scientific Archaeology - Archaeometry
- 060094 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060096 VU Archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs
- 060132 UE Drawing Archaeological Artefacts
- 060133 VO Greek and Roman Engineering
- 060138 VO Principles of geophysical prospecting
- 060139 UE Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
- 060140 UE Scientific Archaeology -Geoarchareology and Bioarchaeology
- 060141 VO Basics of Experimental Archaeology
- 060142 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060143 VU Geophysical Prospecting
- 060145 UE Interpreting archaological prospection data
- 060147 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060149 SE Archaeological Prospection
- 060153 SE Seminar Migrationperiod
- 060163 VU Airborne laser scanning (LiDAR) for archaeologists
- 060164 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060165 PV Exclusive tutorial
- 060175 SE Seminar to the Roman times: Roman buildings in Barbaricum
- 060176 PR Introduction into Archaeozoology with Identification of Faunal Remains - Analyses of Animal Bones
- 060177 VO Quantitative Methods in Pre- and Protohistory
- 060179 SE Seminar to special themes of the history of prehistory
- 060180 SV Methods of Celtic Archaeology
- 060181 SV Special Themes in Pre- and Protohistory: Resources in Prehistory
- 060182 SE Quantitative Seminar
- 060183 SE Neolithic and Chalcolithic in Anatolia and Aegean. Cultures, Exchange and Relations
- 060199 SV Introduction to the documentation, evaluation and interpretation of Upper Palaeolithic sites - using the example of lithic artefacts
Last modified: We 18.03.2020 02:03