9.04. Classical Philology, Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090211 VO+UE Introduction to Latin II
- 090296 VO+UE Introduction to Latin I
- 090297 VO+UE Introduction to Latin II
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Classical Philology
Module Group I: Advanced Modules
1. Required Module - Orientation Period (STEP)
- 090062 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Greek)
- 090120 UE Indroduction in Latin texts: Pliny, Letters
- 090130 UE Introduction into Latin grammar
2. Required Module - Classical Studies
- 090073 VO Antique History of Religion
- 090284 VO Masterpieces of Classical Art
3a. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1
- 090298 VO+UE Introduction to Ancient Greek II - Introduction to Ancient Greek II
3b. Alternative Required Module - Greek 1a
4. Required Module - Greek 2
- 090069 UE Griechische Lektüre I (Teil 2) - Teil 2
Module Group II: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5A-8A: Area of Specialisation "Latin Studies"
5a. Required Moudule - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Latin)
- 090043 UE Latin grammar I
- 090065 UE Latin Reading I - Kurs A
- 090066 UE Latin Reading I - Kurs B
6a. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Latin)
- 090009 UE Lateinische Grammatik II
- 090067 UE Latin Reading III
- 090071 UE Lateinische Grammatik III
7a. Required Module - Classical Studies (Latin)
- 090064 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090113 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
8a. Required Module - History of Reception (Latin)
- 090113 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
Module Group III: Alternative Group of Required Modules 5B-8B: Area of Specialisation "Greek Studies"
- 090298 VO+UE Introduction to Ancient Greek II - Introduction to Ancient Greek II
5b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 1 (Greek)
- 090015 UE Greek grammar I
6b. Required Module - Grammar and Reading Comprehension 2 (Greek)
- 090068 UE Greek Reading III
- 090088 UE Griechische Grammatik III
7b. Required Module - Classical Studies (Greek)
- 090070 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose)
- 090072 VO Greek Cultural History
- 090097 VO Teilgebiet der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung): Homer
8b. Required Module - History of Reception (Greek)
- 090070 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose)
- 090097 VO Teilgebiet der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung): Homer
9. Required Module - Bachelor's Paper
- 090023 SE Greek Seminar: Homer - Seminar (Griechisch)
- 090074 SE Seminar Latin
- 090166 PS Introduction to philological methods (Latin) - Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
B. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Greek Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
- 090023 SE Greek Seminar: Homer - Seminar (Griechisch)
- 090070 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose)
- 090097 VO Teilgebiet der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung): Homer
3. Required Module - Text Types
- 090023 SE Greek Seminar: Homer - Seminar (Griechisch)
- 090068 UE Greek Reading III
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
- 090056 SE Research Seminar 1 - Diese LV muss gemeinsam mit dem Seminar von Prof. Jursa (140398) besucht werden!
- 090106 VO History of Science - Ringvorlesung
- 090145 VO+UE Converstorium: Plato, Timaeus
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
C. Master Degree Programme in Classical Philology (Latin Studies)
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
4. Required Module - Linguistic History
- 090082 VO+UE Introduction to the Metrics of Latin
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
- 090056 SE Research Seminar 1 - Diese LV muss gemeinsam mit dem Seminar von Prof. Jursa (140398) besucht werden!
- 090099 VO+UE History of Science
- 090106 VO History of Science - Ringvorlesung
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
D. Master Degree Programme in Medieval and Modern Times Latin Philology
1. Required Module - Literary History
2. Required Module - Literature
- 090061 UE Latin writings by, for and about women in early modern times
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
3. Required Module - Text Types
4. Required Module - Linguistic and Literary History
- 090061 UE Latin writings by, for and about women in early modern times
- 090082 VO+UE Introduction to the Metrics of Latin
5. Required Module - Transdisciplinarity
- 090099 VO+UE History of Science
- 090106 VO History of Science - Ringvorlesung
6. Required Module - Master Seminar
E. Diploma Degree Programme Middle and Neo-Latin
- 090052 UE Tales of the middle ages - (besonders für Absolventen der Ergänzungskurse)
- 090083 UE Stylistics of Latin
- 090112 VO Ägypten in griechischen Texten
- 090114 UE Lektüre zur VO: Lateinische Epistolographie
- 090189 EX Exkursion: Spätantike christliche Stätten in Norditalien
1. Middle and Neo-Latin Courses
- 090061 UE Latin writings by, for and about women in early modern times
- 090085 UE Exercise Course Medieval and New Latin Reading
- 090098 VO Überblick über die lateinische Literatur des Mittelalters
2. Proseminars
- 090111 KO Konversatorium zur Vorlesung: Tacitus
3. Seminars
4. Subject Didactics
- 090075 UE Einsatz technischer Medien (Latein)
- 090076 UE Einsatz technischer Medien (Griechisch)
- 090078 UE Lehr- und Lernziele lateinischer Autorenlektüre I
- 090080 UE Lehr- und Lernziele griechischer Autorenlektüre
- 090081 UE Außerkanonische Texte im Lateinunterricht
F. Complementary Study Programme in Classical Philology
Module A: History of Reception (Antique Literature)
- 090064 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090070 VO Area of Ancient Greek Literature (Prose)
- 090097 VO Teilgebiet der altgriechischen Literatur (Dichtung): Homer
- 090098 VO Überblick über die lateinische Literatur des Mittelalters
- 090106 VO History of Science - Ringvorlesung
- 090112 VO Ägypten in griechischen Texten
- 090113 VO Area of Roman Literature (Prose)
- 090287 VO Lecture: Epigrams in Roman literature
Module B: Classics in Translation
- 090062 VO Classical Literature in Translation (Greek)
- 090072 VO Greek Cultural History
- 090073 VO Antique History of Religion
- 090106 VO History of Science - Ringvorlesung
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36