D. Diploma Programme [UnIStG] - German Philology
Das Diplomstudium ist noch bis zum Jahr 2013 gültig, Umsteigemöglichkeiten finden Sie auf der Webseite der Studienprogrammleitung (http://spl.univie.ac.at/spl10 ).Das DaF-Modul kann wie bisher absolviert werden, siehe dazu Kapitel 9.
1. Introductory Phase
2. Basics of German Philology
2.1. Scientific Research Techniques
2.2. Text Analysis
2.3. Text Production
2.4. Rhetoric
2.5. Theory of Literature
- 100090 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100091 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100092 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100093 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100094 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100095 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100096 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
- 100097 UE Exercise course: Literary and Cultural Theory
2.6. Literature and Media
- 100050 VO Lecture course: Texts and Media
2.7. Introduction to Germanistic Linguistics
- 100065 VO Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft
- 100184 VO Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft
2.8. Grammar of Present-Day Language
- 100108 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100109 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100110 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100111 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100112 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100113 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
- 100114 UE Exercise course: Contemporary Grammar
2.9. Middle High German Grammar
- 100098 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100099 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100100 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100101 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100102 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100103 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100104 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100105 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100106 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
- 100107 UE Exercise course: Middle High German
3. Lectures in the First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
3.1. Old German Literature
- 100049 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100061 VO Ältere deutsche Literatur: Frühe mittelhochdeutsche Literatur
- 100062 VO Ältere deutsche Literatur: Deutschsprachige Handschriften des Mittelalters - Grundzüge der Mediengeschichte einer Manuskriptkultur
- 100063 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100064 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
3.2. New German Literature
- 100048 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100054 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Der Töne Licht - Intermedialität und Ästhetik in der Literatur der deutschen Romantik
- 100055 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
- 100056 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - USA-Bilder im deutschsprachigen Roman des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts.
- 100057 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100058 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Literatur und Erster Weltkrieg
- 100059 VO Neuere deutsche Literatur: Geschichte d. Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur als Spiegel d. Lesesozialisation
- 100060 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Biedermeier, Junges Deutschland und früher Bürgerlicher Realismus
- 100215 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
3.3. German Language
- 100066 VO Sprachwissenschaft: Fachsprachen, Fachkommunikation, Sondersprachen
- 100186 VO Lecture course: Linguistics
- 122255 AR [ en ] Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Hist. & Descr. - Understanding Language Change - Sprachwandel verstehen
3.3. German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100011 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100012 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100018 VO Linguistische und didaktische Grammatik (DaF 2)
4. Conversatoriums in the First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme
4.1. Conversatorium History of Language
- 100067 VO Lecture History of Language
4.2. Conversatorium History of Literature 750-1500
- 100185 VO Lecture course: Literary History III
4.3. Conversatorium History of Literature 1500-1770/80
4.4. Conversatorium History of Literature 1770/80-1945
4.5. Conversatorium History of Literature 1848-1945
4.6. Conversatorium History of Literature 1945 until Present Day
5. Proseminars
5.1. New German Literature
- 100122 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100139 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100140 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100141 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature - der deutschsprachigen Literatur
- 100142 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100144 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100145 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature - (Literarische) Barockrezeption im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- 100146 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100147 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature - Gustav Mahlers Umgang mit literarischen Texten
- 100148 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100149 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100150 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
- 100217 PS Proseminar: Modern German Literature
5.2. Old German Literature
- 100151 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100152 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100153 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100154 PS Proseminar: Medieval and Early German Literature
5.3. Linguistics
- 100155 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100156 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100157 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100158 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100160 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100161 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
- 100162 PS Proseminar: Linguistics - Sprache von gestern oder androzentrische Wirklichkeit?
- 100163 PS Proseminar: Linguistics
5.4. Tutorial German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100007 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100008 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100009 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100010 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100213 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
6. Seminars
6.1. Old German Literature
- 100125 MA Seminar Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100126 MA Seminar Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100127 MA Seminar Medieval and Early German Literature
- 100128 MA Seminar Medieval and Early German Literature
6.2. New German Literature
- 100115 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100116 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100117 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100118 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100119 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100120 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100121 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100123 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100124 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
- 100203 UE Exercise Course: editorial philology
- 100216 MA Seminar Modern German Literature
6.3. German Language
- 100129 MA Seminar Linguistics
- 100130 MA Seminar Linguistics
6.4. German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100014 SE Seminar DaF/DaZ UniSTG Curriculum
- 100019 SE (A) Sprachvergleich (DaF 2)
- 100024 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 4 KSM4.2 Language Policies, Language Rights and Language Improvement
- 100025 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 3 SHL 3.2 Diagnosis (Language Status, Language Learning Needs)
- 100027 SE (B) Sprach- und Textkompetenz im DaF- und DaZ- Unterricht (DaF 3,7)
7. Seminars (and Conversatoriums) for Diploma and Doctoral Candidates
7.1. Old German Literature
- 100173 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100174 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
7.2. New German Literature
- 100164 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100165 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100166 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100167 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100168 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100169 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100170 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100171 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 100172 SE Conversatorium for Diploma & Doctoral Candidates
- 420006 SE ICONIC TURNS. Image, Imagetheory, Imagery of 18 to 20 Century
- 420010 SE Scientific Literature for Doctoral Students
- 100203 UE Exercise Course: editorial philology
7.3. German Language
7.4. German as a Foreign/Second Language
- 100041 FPR Empirisches und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Bereich DaF/ DaZ - (für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen) und Forschungspraxis für Masterstudierende
- 100042 FPR Qualitative Forschungsmethoden - (für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen) und Forschungspraxis für Masterstudierende
8. Elective Courses
9. Emphasis on German as a Foreign Language/German as a Second Language
9.1. Basic Questions
9.2. Language Acquisition
- 100019 SE (A) Sprachvergleich (DaF 2)
- 100021 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 3 SHL 3.2 Diagnosis (Language Status, Language Learning Needs)
- 100031 SE (B) Gedächtnisse, Emotionen, Motive im Lernprozess (DaF 3,7)
9.3. Language Teaching
- 100010 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100020 SE (B) Lehrwerke / Lehrmaterialien (DaF 3,7)
- 100023 SE (B) Intercultural institutional communication - Eine diskurstheoretische Diskussion von "Interkulturalität" als Konzept und Handlungsfeld. (DaF 6)
- 100027 SE (B) Sprach- und Textkompetenz im DaF- und DaZ- Unterricht (DaF 3,7)
- 100028 SE (B) Mehrsprachige Kinderliteratur für mehrsprachige Lernkontexte (DaF 7)
- 100030 SE (B) Medialität im DaF/ DaZ - Unterricht (DaF 3,7)
- 100031 SE (B) Gedächtnisse, Emotionen, Motive im Lernprozess (DaF 3,7)
- 100032 SE (A) Methodik (DaF 4)
9.4. Grammar
- 100007 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100008 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100018 VO Linguistische und didaktische Grammatik (DaF 2)
- 100019 SE (A) Sprachvergleich (DaF 2)
- 100213 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
9.5. Regional Studies
- 100009 PS Proseminar: German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100026 SE (B) Landeskunde (DaF 5)
9.6. Language Policy
- 100011 VO Lecture course: Basics of German as Foreign and Second Language
- 100014 SE Seminar DaF/DaZ UniSTG Curriculum
- 100016 SE (C) Sprachenpolitische Grundfragen (DaF 6)
- 100021 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 3 SHL 3.2 Diagnosis (Language Status, Language Learning Needs)
- 100023 SE (B) Intercultural institutional communication - Eine diskurstheoretische Diskussion von "Interkulturalität" als Konzept und Handlungsfeld. (DaF 6)
- 100024 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 4 KSM4.2 Language Policies, Language Rights and Language Improvement
- 100025 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 3 SHL 3.2 Diagnosis (Language Status, Language Learning Needs)
9.7. Conversatoriums and Practical Training
- 100034 PR Teaching Observations I
- 100035 PR Teaching Observations I
- 100036 PR Unterrichtspraktikum (DaF 8)
- 100038 PR Interkulturelles Praktikum (IKP) (DaF 8)
- 100039 PR Mentoring-Praktikum (DaF 8)
10. Additional Courses
11. Specialist Tutorials
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:36