B. Bachelor Degree Programme in Catholic Religious Education (1.10.2008)
Den Studienplan finden Sie unter http://ssc-kaththeologie.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=3594
B1 Introduction to the Study of Theology (Orientation Period)
- 010018 PS Introduction to Exegetical Methods
- 010048 PS Introduction to Academic Work
- 010082 VO Introduction to theology II
- 010110 VO Introduction in Theology I
B2 Introduction to Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training and Subject Didactics
B3 Alternative Required Module: Introduction to Ecumenism
B27 Alternative Required Module
- 010045 PS Basic Texts: Ethics and Anthropology
- 010094 VO Epistemology
GR Alternative Required Module: New Testament Greek
- 010072 VU New Testament Greek II
B4 Philosophical Anthropology and Classics of Philosophical Thought
- 010014 VO Classics of Philosophical Thought
B5 Old Testament Studies I
B6 New Testament Studies I
- 010001 VO Introduction to the New Testament
B7 Church History - Compact
- 010223 VO Church History Compact II - The Second Christian Millennium - Von den Kreuzzügen zu Dialogtreffen der Religionen
B8 Theory of Knowledge
B9 Ethics
B10 Old Testament Studies II
B11 New Testament Studies II
- 010077 VO Fundamental Exegesis of the New Testament II - Paul and His Letters
B12 Christology
- 010011 VO Fundamental theology II
- 010070 VO Christology
B13 Introduction to the Theology of Spirituality and Literature of the Church Fathers
- 010081 VO Basic Lines of History of Spirituality
B14 Basic Course Moral Theology
B15 Introduction to Canon Law
- 010099 VO Matrimonial Law of the Church
B16 Liturgical Studies
B17 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education I
- 010093 SE General subject didactics: Methods and media in religious education - (Methoden und Medien des RU)
- 010095 SE Basics of religious didactics - General subject didactics
- 010100 SE Titel
- 010103 SE Suject didactics Adult Education/Working with children and Youth
- 010182 SE Religious didactics in compulsory schools - General subject didactics
B18 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training I
B19 Metaphysics and the Teaching of God
B20 Systematic Ecclesiology
B21 Ecumenical Theology
B22 Social Studies I: Christian Social Ethics
B23 Sacramental Celebrations: Introduction
B24 Practical Ecclesiology
- 010083 VU Catechetics II: Whole Community Catechesis
- 010084 VU Practical-theological ecclesiology
- 010297 VU Catechetics I
B25 Subject Didactics- Catholic Religious Education II
- 010105 PR Religious education in compulsory schools - Subject related traineeship in compulsory schools
- 010163 SE Specific subject didactics III - (Spezielle Fachdidaktik III)
B26 Pedagogic- Scientific Professional Training II
BAM Bachelor Module
- 010021 BA Prophecy and social criticism. Biblical and ethical perspectives
- 010042 BA Is Christian sexually ethics better than its reputation?
- 010089 BA A way of encounter with God - principal lines and dynamic of Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola
- 010107 BA Seminar FK3/D31/BAM
- 010108 BA Parish - and what else? Analysis of different forms of Christian communities
- 010115 BA Women in the passion gospels and easter gospels (canonical and apocryphal)
- 010118 DS Contemporary challenges of pastoral care in a theological context
- 010320 BA Liturgy and Life through the Eyes of a 4th century Woman: the Itinerarium Egeriae
Optional Subject
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37