§ 57.1 Psychology (First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme)
§ 57.1.1 Introduction to Psychology for Prospective Teachers
- 180065 VO Introduction to Psychology (PP)
§ 57.1.2. General Psychology I
§ 57.1.3. General Psychology II
- 200212 VO Elective Course: General Psychology II
§ 57.1.4. Developmental Psychology I
§ 57.1.5. Developmental Psychology II
§ 57.1.6. Social Psychology I
§ 57.1.7. Social Psychology II
- 200214 VO Elective Course: Social Psychology II
§ 57.1.8. Depth Psychology I
§ 57.1.9. Depth Psychology II
- 180068 VO Psychoanalysis: Terms, Differences, Discussions - Tiefenpsychologie II
- 180183 VO Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Depth psychology II
§ 57.1.10. Experiments in Psychology Classes
- 180066 PS Experiments in Psychology Classes
§ 57.1.11. Psychological Research Methods
- 180067 VO Psychological Methods of Investigation
§ 57.1.12. Elective Courses Psychology
- 180045 VO [ en ] Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction - Consciousness, Cognition, and the Brain-Mind-Problem
- 180046 SE Consciousness and Intentionality - Basic Problems in Philosophy of Mind
- 180058 VO-L Philosophy of Science and Psychoanalysis - Current debate and the point of view of neurobiology
- 180161 PS [ en ] Alva Noe: Action in Perception
- 190487 VO Consultation and Personality Development - psychoanalytic perspective
- 200010 VO Introduction to Psychological Gender Studies
- 200107 VO Work- Organizational and Economic Psychology II
- 350586 VO Basic Aspects of Sport Psychology for Physical Education
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37