Universität Wien

12.01. English and American Studies

Wichtige Informationen zum Studium erhalten Sie auf der Website der StudienServiceStelle Anglistik:


Leitfäden und Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie unter:


Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass ab dem SS 2012 nur mehr für die STEOP-Vorlesungen eine verpflichtende LV-Anmeldung besteht. Der Anmeldezeitraum umfasst das gesamte Semester (bis 30.6.).

Studierende erhalten pro Semester zusätzlich zu 1000 Basispunkten Bonuspunkte nach Studienfortschritt. Dies gewährleistet, dass Studierende die für den weiteren Studienfortschritt (gemäß Curriculum) vorgesehenen Lehrveranstaltungen tatsächlich besuchen können. Zur Berechnung der Bonuspunkte werden die bisher im Studium absolvierten ECTS-Punkte herangezogen. Die Plätze werden im Anmeldesystem auf Basis der Summe individuell gesetzter Basispunkte und errechneter Bonuspunkte vergeben.

III. Courses for Compulsory Exams according to the BA Curriculum English and American Studies

1. M-01 - Introductory and Orientation Stage of the Degree Programme

PM M01.1. Introduction to the Study of Language 1

PM M01.2. Introduction to the Study of Literature

PM M01.3. Introduction to Anglophone Cultures and Societies

2. Compulsory Module "Language"

PM M02 Modul Integrated Language and Study Skills

PM M03 Modul Language in Use

PM M04 Modul Oral Language Skills

3. Compulsory Module "Linguistics"

PM M05 Modul Topics in Linguistics 1

PM M06 Modul Topics in Linguistics 2

4. Compulsory Module "Literature and Cultural Studies"

PM M07 Modul Topics in Cultural and Media Studies 1

PM M08 Modul Literary Studies

5. Alternate Compulsory Module "Cultural Studies"

APM M09 Topics in Cultural and Media Studies 2

6. Alternate Compulsory Module "Literary Studies"

APM M10 Advanced Literary Studies

B. Master Degree Programmes

V. Courses for Compulsory Exams according to the MA Curriculum Anglophone Literatures and Cultures

1. M-01 - Compulsory Module Language, Literature and Culture

2. M-02 - Compulsory Module Advanced Academic Language Skills

3. M-03 - Research Methodology and Theory

3. M-03 - Alternative Module British / Irish / New English Literature

4. M-04 - Alternative Module American / North American Literature / Studies

5. M-05 - Alternative Module Cultural / Media Studies

6. M-06 - Interdisciplinary Module

7. M-07 - M.A. Seminar / Thesis

IV. Courses for Compulsory Exams according to the MA Curriculum English Language and Linguistics

1. M-01 - Compulsory Module "Language, literature and culture"

2. M-02 - Compulsory Module "Advanced Academic Language Skills"

3. M-03 - Compulsory Module "Research foundations"

4. M-04 - Alternative Module "Historical and descriptive linguistics"

5. M-05 - Alternative Module "Applied linguistics and teaching English as a foreign language"

6. M-06 - Research Module

I. Courses for Compulsory Exams according to the Curricula of the Diploma Programme 343 and Teaching Discipline English 344

First Stage of the Degree Programme

1.1. Language Competence

1.2. Linguistics

1.3. Literary Studies

1.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Courses

1.5. Teaching Methodology

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

2.1. Language Competence

2.2. Linguistics

2.3. Literary Studies

2.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - Interdisciplinary Courses

2.5. Teaching Methodology

2.6. Seminars for Diploma/Doctoral Candidates

II. Optional Courses

E. Minor Subjects

The World of English 1

The World of English 2

The World of English 3

D. Courses for Compulsory Exams according to the Curricula of the Teaching Discipline English 344

First Stage of the Degree Programme

3.2 - Introductory and Orientation Stage of the Degree Programme

3.3.1 Language Competence

3.3.2 Linguistics

3.3.3 Literary Studies

3.3.4 Anglophone Cultural and Media Studies

3.3.5 Teaching Methodology

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

4.2.1 Teaching Methodology

4.2.2 Language Competence

4.3.2 Linguistics

4.2.4 Literary Studies

4.2.5 Elective Subject

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37