1. Master Degree Programme "Geography"
MG1. Specialisation Modules
MG1.1. Specialisation Module - Geomorphology and Risk Research
- 290257 VO [ en ] Mountain Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change
- 290005 PS Remote Sensing
- 290006 PS Modelling in Physical Geography
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290082 UE Statistics in physical geography
- 290347 SE Seminar on Physical Geography / Geoecology: Current topics in Hydrology
- 290195 VO+KO [ en ] Natural Risks in High Mountain Regions - Analysis and Management
- 290126 PS Climatic change
MG1.2. Specialisation Module - Geoecology and Quaternary Research
- 290154 VO Scientific Progress in Geoecology
- 290005 PS Remote Sensing
- 290006 PS Modelling in Physical Geography
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290082 UE Statistics in physical geography
- 290347 SE Seminar on Physical Geography / Geoecology: Current topics in Hydrology
- 290126 PS Climatic change
- 290125 VO+UE World Water Reserves and Water Supply
MG1.3. Specialisation Module - Social and Economic Geography
- 290038 VO Economic structure of Austrian regions
- 290065 VU Theories of spatial development
- 290247 PS Financial and Economic Crises
- 290031 SE Seminar for Economic Geography - Technologischer Fortschritt, regionale Disparitäten und Globalisierung
MG1.4. Specialisation Module - Population and Urban Research
- 290214 RV Global population passed 7 billion - facts, concepts, trends
- 290136 VO Urban Development in Asia in a Cross-cultural Perspective
- 290001 VO Housing and Housing Policy
- 290249 RV Immigrant Entrepreneurs - the socio-cultural role of ‚ethnic‘ economies in urban areas
- 290111 SE Seminar (Human / Regional Geography): The Arab World - Innovationszentren oder "Global Risk Areas"?
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Stadtentwicklung zwischen Kiez / Grätzl und Metropole: Berlin und Wien im Vergleich
MG1.5. Specialisation Module - Focus on Europe
- 290245 VO Regional and political geography of Southeast Europe
- 290038 VO Economic structure of Austrian regions
- 290103 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 290058 VU [ en ] European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290059 SE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Stadtentwicklung zwischen Kiez / Grätzl und Metropole: Berlin und Wien im Vergleich
MG1.6. Specialisation Module - Focus on Asia
- 290136 VO Urban Development in Asia in a Cross-cultural Perspective
- 290250 PS Doing Fieldwork: Qualitative Research Methods in the Context of Asian Communities in Vienna
- 290092 PS Third World Development in Theory and Practice - Asia
MG2. Elective Modules
MG2.1. Elective Module - Methods and Functional Consolidation of Physical Geography
- 290195 VO+KO [ en ] Natural Risks in High Mountain Regions - Analysis and Management
- 290005 PS Remote Sensing
MG2.2. Elective Module - Project Module Physical Geography
- 290006 PS Modelling in Physical Geography
- 290088 UE Introduction Laboratory Methods Physical Geography
- 290082 UE Statistics in physical geography
- 290240 VO Construction and Relief of Landscapes in Austria
- 290257 VO [ en ] Mountain Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change
- 290195 VO+KO [ en ] Natural Risks in High Mountain Regions - Analysis and Management
- 290005 PS Remote Sensing
- 290154 VO Scientific Progress in Geoecology
- 290126 PS Climatic change
- 290125 VO+UE World Water Reserves and Water Supply
MG2.3. Elective Module - Regionale Development
- 290221 VO Theory of spatial planning
- 290065 VU Theories of spatial development
- 290103 VU Protected area policies and ressource management of Europa
- 290058 VU [ en ] European Spatial Development - EU Policies and National Planning Systems
- 290053 PSE Seminar in applied geography, spatial research and spatial planning - Regionale Identitäten als Faktor der Regionalentwicklung in Niederösterreich
MG2.4. Elective Module - Regional Tourism and Leisure Research
MG2.5. Elective Module - Methods of Human Geography
- 290250 PS Doing Fieldwork: Qualitative Research Methods in the Context of Asian Communities in Vienna
- 290254 PS Multivariat Regression Analysis - Theoretical background and empirical application for geographers and spatial planners
MG3. Field Trips
- 290218 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Nepal - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290123 PS [ en ] Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion Abroad - Mountainous- and Megacityregions in Transition. Socioeconomic Transformations in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam
- 290193 EX Excursion: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290036 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Geomorphology
- 290116 EX Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290246 EX Field trip
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Vienna Water Supply
- 290248 EX Field Trip
MG4. Master's Thesis
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37