A. Bachelor programme Astronomy
1. StEOP - Compulsory Orientation Phase
STEOP: Introduction to physics I
- 260089 VO STEOP: StEOP 1 Introduction to Physics I - Mechanics, Thermodynamics
- 260162 PUE [ de en ] STEOP: StEOP 1 Exercise course in Introductory Physics I
- 260163 PPR STEOP: StEOP 1 Experimental methods for Introduction to Physics I
StEOP: Introduction to Astronomy I
- 280420 VO Introduction to Astronomy I (STEOP) (NPI)
- 280421 PUE Introduction to Astronomy I (STEOP) (PI)
1. Mandatory modules
Introduction to Astronomy II
Introduction to astronomy III
- 280427 VO Introduction to Astronomy III (NPI)
- 280428 UE Introduction to Astronomy III (PI)
Astronomical Laboratory Exercises for Beginners
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I
- 280430 VO Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I (NPI)
- 280431 UE Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers I (PI)
Basics of mathematics and physics for astronomers II
Numerical methods in astronomy
Introduction to physics II
Introduction to physics III
- 260243 VO Introduction to Physics III - Quanta, atoms and nuclei
- 260152 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics III
Analysis for physicists I
- 260224 VO Analysis for Physicists I
- 260225 UE Problem session to Analysis for Physicists I
Analysis for physicists II
Linear algebra for physicists
- 260226 VO Linear Algebra for Physicists
- 260227 UE Problem session to Linear Algebra for Physicists
Astrophysics I
- 280447 VO Astrophysics I (NPI)
- 280448 UE Astrophysics I (PI)
Astronomical instruments I
- 280449 VU Astronomical instruments I (PI)
History of science/philosophy of science/philosophy
Practical observations
- 280450 PR Practical observations, part I (PI)
Seminar: topics of the current astronomical research
Astronomical bachelorseminar (incl. Bachelor thesis)
- 280453 SE [ de en ] Astronomical bachelorseminar (PI)
2. Alternative mandatory module
Astronomical instruments II
Astrophysics II
3. Optional Modules
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37