B. Master Degree Programmes History of Theatre, Film and Media
MA (G) 1 Group of Required Modules, Lectures
MA (G) 1.1. Lectures I
- 170005 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theater der Antike
- 170006 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Theatralität und Rationalismus. Theater im 18. Jahrhundert
- 170013 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Leben im Social Net. Geschichte und Theorien der digitalen Vernetzungskultur
- 170051 KO Discussion Course on the History of Film - Theorie und Geschichte des Films
- 170054 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatralität und Rationalismus. Theater im 18. Jahrhundert
- 170093 VO Lecture on the History of Film - Theorie und Geschichte des Films
- 170094 KO Discussion Course on the Lecture History of Theatre - Theater der Antike
MA (G) 1.2. Lectures II
- 170004 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre
- 170010 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre, Film and Media - Do we know what a body can do?
- 170011 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre and Film
- 170013 VO Lecture on the History of Media - Leben im Social Net. Geschichte und Theorien der digitalen Vernetzungskultur
MA (G) 2 Group of Required Modules, Seminars
MA (G) 2.1. Archive and Historiography
- 170036 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Jüdische Dramen und Filme
- 170108 SE Seminar: Archive and Historiography - Zirkus und Archiv
MA (G) 2.2. Presence of History
- 170026 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Gangsterfilms of the 1930s
- 170030 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Auf den Bühnen der "zweiten Öffentlichkeit". Live Art im Mittel- und Osteuropa der 70er und 80er Jahre
- 170064 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Film Exile and Exile Film 1933-1945
- 170107 SE Seminar: Contemporary History - Vom Nationalismus zum Weltatem: Theorie und Realität des Wagner-Musiktheaters 1851-2011
MA (G) 2.3. Fractures of Modernity
- 170104 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Italian opera industry in the 18th and 19th century
- 170109 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Collective, Ornament: Crowds in the Cinema
- 170139 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Touch/Screen. The Haptical and Optical in Media
- 170182 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Entertainments at War. Theatre, cinema and media programs in wartimes
- 170224 SE Seminar: Breaking Points of Modernism - Lektüre- und Forschungsseminar: Dramaturgien im zeitgenössischen Theater
MA (G) 3 Group of Elective Supplementary Modules
MA (G) 3.1. Theory und Aesthetics
- 170027 VU Monumental bodies, body moments: Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts
- 170049 UE Radio: Medium, Communication and the Public
- 170088 VU Puppet- and Objecttheatre
- 170162 VU Libretto and Composition - Das Verhältnis von Text und Musik als Grundlage der Opern-Dramaturgie
MA (G) 3.2. History
- 170018 VU Music-Theatre in Baroque Europe - premises, genesis and development of the art form "opera"
- 170048 UE "Second publicity" of the Hungarian Avant-Garde - Understanding space-constitutive media and performances in the counter culture of the 1960s and 1970s
- 170073 UE Popular Theatre after 1848
- 170095 VU Perspectives and Disciplinary History - Positions and Objectives of Early Theatre Studies
- 170103 UE Writing for Hollywood
MA (G) 3.3. Technique
- 170024 UE Producing radio plays and audio books - the basics of working in the studio
- 170029 UE Producing AV-Media for Science & Research - Part 2: Web 2.0 and Video 2.0 in practice
- 170032 UE Stagelighting
- 170119 UE How tu use & produce AV-Media for Science & Research - Part 1: Web 2.0 and Video 2.0 in theory and practice
MA (G) 3.4. Organisation and Law
- 170035 VU Introduction to activities as publisher for stageplays or literary agent - Einführung in die Theaterverlagsarbeit und die damit verbundenen Urheberrechtsfragen und -probleme
- 170038 UE Music Theatre in Practice
- 170056 VU Copyright and Remix
- 170062 VU Cultural Policies in Europe - zwischen Förderung des europäischen Kulturschaffens und nationalen Identitätskonzepten
MA (G) 3.5. Fields of Practice and Communication
- 170042 UE Film Curatorship 1
- 170045 UE Kritisches/Kritiken Schreiben
- 170046 UE Media metamorphosis - Language excersices in the context of media
- 170047 VU Cultural marketing. Strategies and concepts in theory and practice
- 170061 UE Dschungel Academy
- 170098 UE Stage Costume - Introduction; Design and Concept Development
- 170106 VU Jura Soyfer put on the stages of our time - an exhibition
- 170114 UE Wagner 2013
MA (G) 3.6. Gender
- 170055 UE History of Perspective
- 170060 UE Gender Trouble Revisited II: Policy, feminism and contemporary performance art
- 170116 UE Queer Theory
MA (G) 3.7. Global Perspectives
- 170052 VU Exotism. Other Worlds and Modernism
- 170069 UE "Nouveaux cinémas" and "Third Cinema" - Decolonisation in the author´s film of the 1960s
- 170071 VU Antizignism
MA (G) 4 Work Module
MA (G) 4.1. Master-Thesis Presentation
- 170008 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170009 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170025 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170031 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170037 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170050 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170063 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170065 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170074 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170087 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170089 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170090 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170174 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
- 170177 SE Seminar for Diploma Candidates, Master-Thesis Presentation - DiplomandInnenseminar, Masterarbeitsübung
MA (G) 4.2. Privatissimum
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37