Universität Wien

Master Philosophy (941 [2] - Version 2012)


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010010 FS Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit - Freedom of Self-Consciousness; Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness
180115 SE [en] Philosophy of Medicine
180117 SE Descartes, Conversation with Burman - Search for Truth through Natural Light
180119 SE [en] Philosophy of Emotions
180120 SE Basic texts of phenomenology - Ricoeur: The fallibility of man
180126 SE [de en] Subject Matter
180127 SE Subject Matter - Sprachphilosophie und Logik
180179 SE Cognition embodied by Nishida and by Reininger - Fundamentals of Buddhist Philosophy in East Asia and Philosophy in Central Europe
180180 SE Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Concerning the Ontology and Epistemology in the Life in a Global World
010010 FS Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit - Freedom of Self-Consciousness; Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness
030580 KU [en] Private Law Theory
180115 SE [en] Philosophy of Medicine
180119 SE [en] Philosophy of Emotions
180120 SE Basic texts of phenomenology - Ricoeur: The fallibility of man
180128 SE animal ethics
180131 VO-L [en] Abilities
180138 SE Philosophical novels - Literature as a medium of philosophy?
180139 VO-L [en] What is Performance-Philosophy? - Introduction into Contemporary Aesthetics at the Cutting Edge of Philosophy an the Arts
180174 VO-L State and religion
180179 SE Cognition embodied by Nishida and by Reininger - Fundamentals of Buddhist Philosophy in East Asia and Philosophy in Central Europe
180180 SE Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Concerning the Ontology and Epistemology in the Life in a Global World
190057 SE [de en] Ethic Challenges in Education - Privilegien, Kolonialität und dekoloniale Option
230123 SE Between social theory and theory of society. Pierre Bourdieu - and his understanding of societal fields, types of capital, social classes and lifestyle formations
010010 FS Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit - Freedom of Self-Consciousness; Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness
180115 SE [en] Philosophy of Medicine
010010 FS Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit - Freedom of Self-Consciousness; Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness
180117 SE Descartes, Conversation with Burman - Search for Truth through Natural Light
180119 SE [en] Philosophy of Emotions
180120 SE Basic texts of phenomenology - Ricoeur: The fallibility of man
180131 VO-L [en] Abilities
180126 SE [de en] Subject Matter
180127 SE Subject Matter - Sprachphilosophie und Logik
030580 KU [en] Private Law Theory
180120 SE Basic texts of phenomenology - Ricoeur: The fallibility of man
180128 SE animal ethics
180131 VO-L [en] Abilities
180174 VO-L State and religion
190057 SE [de en] Ethic Challenges in Education - Privilegien, Kolonialität und dekoloniale Option
230123 SE Between social theory and theory of society. Pierre Bourdieu - and his understanding of societal fields, types of capital, social classes and lifestyle formations
180138 SE Philosophical novels - Literature as a medium of philosophy?
180139 VO-L [en] What is Performance-Philosophy? - Introduction into Contemporary Aesthetics at the Cutting Edge of Philosophy an the Arts
180179 SE Cognition embodied by Nishida and by Reininger - Fundamentals of Buddhist Philosophy in East Asia and Philosophy in Central Europe
180180 SE Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Concerning the Ontology and Epistemology in the Life in a Global World
010010 FS Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit - Freedom of Self-Consciousness; Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness
180115 SE [en] Philosophy of Medicine
180117 SE Descartes, Conversation with Burman - Search for Truth through Natural Light
180119 SE [en] Philosophy of Emotions
180120 SE Basic texts of phenomenology - Ricoeur: The fallibility of man
180126 SE [de en] Subject Matter
180127 SE Subject Matter - Sprachphilosophie und Logik
180128 SE animal ethics
180131 VO-L [en] Abilities
180138 SE Philosophical novels - Literature as a medium of philosophy?
180139 VO-L [en] What is Performance-Philosophy? - Introduction into Contemporary Aesthetics at the Cutting Edge of Philosophy an the Arts
180174 VO-L State and religion
180179 SE Cognition embodied by Nishida and by Reininger - Fundamentals of Buddhist Philosophy in East Asia and Philosophy in Central Europe
180180 SE Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Concerning the Ontology and Epistemology in the Life in a Global World
190057 SE [de en] Ethic Challenges in Education - Privilegien, Kolonialität und dekoloniale Option
230123 SE Between social theory and theory of society. Pierre Bourdieu - and his understanding of societal fields, types of capital, social classes and lifestyle formations
010010 FS Hegels Phenomenology of Spirit - Freedom of Self-Consciousness; Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness
180115 SE [en] Philosophy of Medicine
180117 SE Descartes, Conversation with Burman - Search for Truth through Natural Light
180119 SE [en] Philosophy of Emotions
180120 SE Basic texts of phenomenology - Ricoeur: The fallibility of man
180126 SE [de en] Subject Matter
180127 SE Subject Matter - Sprachphilosophie und Logik
180128 SE animal ethics
180131 VO-L [en] Abilities
180138 SE Philosophical novels - Literature as a medium of philosophy?
180145 SE Project
180179 SE Cognition embodied by Nishida and by Reininger - Fundamentals of Buddhist Philosophy in East Asia and Philosophy in Central Europe
180180 SE Comparative Philosophy of the Buddhism - Concerning the Ontology and Epistemology in the Life in a Global World
190057 SE [de en] Ethic Challenges in Education - Privilegien, Kolonialität und dekoloniale Option
230123 SE Between social theory and theory of society. Pierre Bourdieu - and his understanding of societal fields, types of capital, social classes and lifestyle formations

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44