Universität Wien

Diana Schüler, B.Sc. BA MSc.

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Porträt Diana Schüler
Sprechstunde: Via Skype or by appointment on Fri 25.10.2019, Fri 22.11.2019 and Fri 10.01.2020.

Diana Schüler will be teaching the SE Economic Systems in East Asia as an external lecturer at the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society, University of Vienna, during the winter term 2019/20. She is currently a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Chair of East Asian Economics/Japan and Korea, University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany.
She studied Economics (B.Sc. 2010, M.Sc. 2013) at the University of Bonn and also holds a degree in Asian Studies (B.A. 2014) from the same university. She was part of the DFG Research Group 1613 “Risk and East Asia” (2015 – 2018) at IN-EAST, University of Duisburg-Essen, and submitted her thesis about the role of institutions and risk preferences in the emergence of young entrepreneurs in South Korea in August 2019. For her PhD thesis, she also conducted extensive field work in South Korea in 2016/2017.
Beside her academic endeavors, she has over two years of work experience in the public and the private sector, in Germany as well as in South Korea.

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