ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Karin Vetschera
- Mail:
- Telefon: +43-1-4277-54070
Visitenkarte: vCard
Forschungsprofil: u:cris
Lehre (iCal)
- 300182 VO Ökologie und Vielfalt sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300340 UE Spezifisches Forschungsprojekt Mol. Biologie:OMICS in the research on model organisms and ecosystems
- 300600 UE Methods of chemodiversity research - Phytochemistry and secondary metabolism
- 300417 VO Molecular Biology of Plants
- 300471 SE Seminar Chemodiversity Research - Phytochemistry, function, interpretation
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300600 UE Methods of chemodiversity research - Phytochemistry and secondary metabolism
- 301091 UE Spezifisches Forschungsprojekt Mol. Biologie:OMICS in the research on model organisms and ecosystems
Letzte Änderung: Sa 01.03.2025 05:00