1. Internationales Management
1.1. Advanced International Personnel Management
- 040689 SE [ en ] IM: International Personnel Management
1.2. Besteuerung Multinationaler Unternehmen
- 040466 VK IM: Internationales Steuerrecht
1.3. Business History
- 040066 VO [ en ] Business and Economic History: Multinational firms
- 040766 VO [ en ] Business and Economic History - The global economy since the 18th Century (BA)
1.4. International Accounting
- 040629 VK KFK EUR: Rechnungslegung nach IAS/IFRS II
- 040640 VK IM/KFK EUR: Konzernrechnungslegung
- 040657 VK IM/KFK EUR: Rechnungslegung nach IAS/IFRS I
- 040658 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EUR: Financial Accounting according to IAS/IFRS I
1.5. International Economics
1.6. International Financial Management
1.7. International Industrial Management
- 040515 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040516 SE [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
1.8. International Innovation and Technology Management
- 040370 UK [ en ] IM/KFK ITM: International Innovation and Technology Management
1.9. International Logistics
1.10. International Market Entry Decision
- 040621 SE [ en ] IM: International Market Entry Decision
1.11. International Marketing
- 040517 FK [ en ] IM/KFK iMAR: International Marketing: Teil 1 (E) - Context & Analysis
1.12. International Negotiations
- 040268 SE [ en ] IM: International Negotiations (for Master Students)
- 040609 FK [ en ] KFK ORGA: International Negotiations
1.13. International Public Utility Management
- 040733 SE [ en ] IM: Sector-specific Problems in International Public Utility Management
- 040885 VK [ en ] IM: International Public Utility Management
1.14. International Strategy and Organization
- 040506 SE [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization (E) - Advanced Topics
- 040562 VK [ en ] IM: International Strategy & Organization: Advanced Topics (E) - Advanced Topics
- 040621 SE [ en ] IM: International Market Entry Decision
1.15. Internationale Unternehmensführung
- 040474 SE IM: Global Corporate Strategy - Internationale Unternehmensführung
- 040508 FK IM: Global Corporate Strategy - Internationale Unternehmensführung
1.16. Internationales Energiemanagement
- 040515 VK [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
- 040516 SE [ en ] IM/KFK EU: International Energy Management (E)
1.17. Internationales Kooperationsmanagement
- 040707 FK IM: Kooperationsmanagement
1.18. Internationales Recht
- 040486 VK IM: Europarecht
1.19. Risk and Insurance
- 040765 VK [ en ] IM: Risk and Insurance 2
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:38