Masterstudium English Language and Linguistics
1. M-01 - Pflichtmodul Language, literature and culture
- 122210 VO [ en ] Communication, Code and Culture
- 123210 VO [ en ] Literatures in English - American Drama
- 128110 VO [ en ] Cultural Studies - MA M01 - Australian Culture: Fiction and Film
2. M-02 - Pflichtmodul Advanced Academic Language Skills
- 121220 UE [ en ] English for Academic Purposes
- 121250 UE [ en ] English in a Professional Context - Advanced - World of Work II
3. M-03 - Pflichtmodul Research foundations
- 128123 AR [ en ] Advanced course in English linguistics (Research Foundations, M 03) - Structural Analysis
- 128301 AR [ en ] Research methods in linguistics
- 128304 AR [ en ] What's this thing called science?
4. M-04 - Alternatives Pflichtmodul Historical and descriptive linguistics
- 122226 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper / MA historical & descriptive linguistics - Spatio-temporal relations in language
- 122227 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / MA historical & descriptive linguistics
- 122252 AR [ en ] Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Hist. & Descr. / CS - Reading Medieval English
5. M-05 - Alternatives Pflichtmodul Applied linguistics and teaching English as a foreign language
- 122229 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Language Policy from a (Critical) Discourse Perspective
- 122251 AR [ en ] Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Approaching ESP Texts
- 122253 AR [ en ] Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL / CS - Language production in English: syntax, discourse and dialogue
6. M-06 - Pflichtmodul Research Module
- 128600 SE [ en ] Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:39