Thematische Module 1 & 2 (30 ECTS)
Materielle Kultur und Konsumtion (15 ECTS)
- 240522 SE [ en ] Impacts, social dynamics and legal aspects in the context of extractive industrial projects (P4)
- 240523 SE [ en ] Material Culture: the Thing (P4)
Neue Identitäten (15 ECTS)
- 240510 VS [ en ] Cultures of Siberia (P3, P4)
- 240518 SE [ en ] Anthropology of Policy (P4)
- 240527 SE [ en ] Multilocality - tackling human mobility and migration through place, space and time (P4)
- 240528 SE [ en ] Creating national identities (P4)
Visuelle Kultur, Populärkultur (15 ECTS)
- 230118 VO+SE Ethnographischer Film/Soziologischer Film - Bewegtbild in Erhebung, Analyse und Kommunikation visueller Materialien
- 240517 VO [ en ] Modern and Contemporary African Art (P4)
- 240524 SE [ en ] Visual Culture: Art Biennials (P4)
- 240525 SE [ en ] "When you have eliminated the impossible …" - Cultural Traits & Visual Representations (P4)
Letzte Änderung: Di 12.06.2018 13:33