B.1. Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe: Studienschwerpunkt Business Orientation
B.1.a Econometrics for Business Orientation (8 ECTS)
B.1.b.i Alternatives Pflichtmodul Banking for Business Orientation (24 ECTS)
Pflichtfächer (16 ECTS)
- 040029 SE [ en ] Seminar Asset Pricing (MA) - Market Microstructure
- 040095 KU [ en ] Investment Banking (MA)
- 040097 KU [ en ] Commercial Banking (MA)
- 040275 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 2 (MA)
Wahlfächer (8 ECTS)
- 040018 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/CF/FM: Behavioural Finance (MA)
- 040028 KU [ en ] Advanced FM: Portfolio Management (MA)
- 040031 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/FM: Limits of Arbitrage (MA)
- 040085 KU [ en ] Options and Derivatives (MA)
- 040090 KU [ en ] Corporate Finance 2 (MA)
- 040118 KU [ en ] Corporate Restructuring (MA)
- 040164 SE [ en ] Seminar on liquidity, money, blockchain, and cryptocurrency (MA)
- 040259 SE [ en ] Seminar Corporate Finance (MA)
- 040442 KU [ en ] Advanced FM: Market Microstructure (MA)
- 040514 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/CF/FM: Empirical Finance (MA)
- 040569 KU [ en ] Valuation (MA)
- 040642 SE [ en ] Seminar Portfoliomanagement (MA)
- 040783 PR Venture Capital and Finance (MA)
- 040977 SE [ en ] Seminar in Empirical Finance and Financial Econometrics
B.1.b.ii Alternatives Pflichtmodul Corporate Finance for Business Orientation (24 ECTS)
Pflichtfächer (16 ECTS)
- 040090 KU [ en ] Corporate Finance 2 (MA)
- 040118 KU [ en ] Corporate Restructuring (MA)
- 040259 SE [ en ] Seminar Corporate Finance (MA)
- 040569 KU [ en ] Valuation (MA)
Wahlfächer (8 ECTS)
- 040018 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/CF/FM: Behavioural Finance (MA)
- 040028 KU [ en ] Advanced FM: Portfolio Management (MA)
- 040029 SE [ en ] Seminar Asset Pricing (MA) - Market Microstructure
- 040031 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/FM: Limits of Arbitrage (MA)
- 040085 KU [ en ] Options and Derivatives (MA)
- 040095 KU [ en ] Investment Banking (MA)
- 040097 KU [ en ] Commercial Banking (MA)
- 040164 SE [ en ] Seminar on liquidity, money, blockchain, and cryptocurrency (MA)
- 040275 KU [ en ] Banking and Financial Intermediation 2 (MA)
- 040442 KU [ en ] Advanced FM: Market Microstructure (MA)
- 040514 KU [ en ] Advanced BA/CF/FM: Empirical Finance (MA)
- 040642 SE [ en ] Seminar Portfoliomanagement (MA)
- 040783 PR Venture Capital and Finance (MA)
- 040977 SE [ en ] Seminar in Empirical Finance and Financial Econometrics
B.1.c Electives in Finance, Accounting and Economic Law (20 ECTS)
- 040014 KU Econometrics in Finance (MA)
- 040073 KU Corporate Governance und externes Rechnungswesen II (MA)
- 040082 KU Abschlussanalyse und Unternehmensbewertung (MA)
- 040098 UK Wertpapier- und Kapitalmarktrecht
- 040108 UK [ en ] International Macroeconomics (MA) - Track in Macroeconomic Policy
- 040148 VO [ en ] Rechnungswesen (MA)
- 040164 SE [ en ] Seminar on liquidity, money, blockchain, and cryptocurrency (MA)
- 040255 VO Wirtschaftsrecht (MA)
- 040479 UK Rechtsfragen der Corporate Governance
- 040589 UK Sonderfragen der Besteuerung von Finanzinstrumenten
- 040722 UK Bankrecht
- 040726 UK Rechtsfragen zu Mergers & Acquisitions I
- 040727 UK Rechtsfragen zu Mergers & Acquisitions II
- 040728 UK Öffentliche Wirtschaftsaufsicht
B.1.d Electives in Business, Economics and Statistics (8 ECTS)
Letzte Änderung: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32