Master CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes (656)
Allgemeine Hinweise:Aktuelle Infos zu Lehrveranstaltungen (z.B. Absagen, Änderungen, Prüfungstermine etc.) und Öffnungszeiten finden Sie auf unserer Homepage Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie nimmt an den EU-weiten ERASMUS Programmen teil.Genauere Informationen entnehmen Sie den Ankündigungen am Institut und der Homepage
Wissenschaftliche Methoden (15 ECTS)
- 240501 PR Ethnographische Forschung in Zentralmarokko (P1)
- 240502 PR [ en ] Fieldwork Seminar Northern Fennoscandia (P1)
- 240503 SE Ethnographische Forschung in Zentralmarokko (P1)
- 240504 SE [ en ] Methods Seminar for Fieldwork Seminar Northern Fennoscandia (P1)
Theoriengeschichte und Methoden der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (15 ECTS)
- 240044 VO [ de en ] Schwerpunktvorlesung: Doing Feminisms
- 240505 SE [ en ] Reading Theories - Selected anthropological debates (P2)
- 240506 VO Indigenous Methodologies im Kontext post-/dekolonialer Forschungsansätze (P2)
- 240534 SE [ en ] Doing Historical Realist Ethnography (P2)
Thematische Module 1 & 2 (30 ECTS)
Materielle Kultur und Konsumtion (15 ECTS)
- 240513 SE [ en ] Maritime Anthropology (P4)
- 240515 SE [ en ] (In)equality: A Critical Investigation (P4)
- 240518 SE [ en ] Digital Technologies as Material Culture (P4)
Neue Identitäten (15 ECTS)
- 240517 SE [ en ] Intimacy of Power - New Political Anthropology (P4)
- 240522 SE [ en ] Globalization Frontiers - positions and identities in US border regions (P4)
- 240523 SE [ en ] Visual and digital approaches in the field of (forced) migration (P4)
Visuelle Kultur, Populärkultur (15 ECTS)
- 240519 SE [ en ] The Politics of (In)visibility (P4)
- 240520 SE [ en ] Film and Anthropology. The Stories Images Tell (P4)
- 240532 SE [ en ] Doing visual and sensory ethnography: dialogues between old and new techniques and tools - A practice-based Seminar Series
Erasmus Modul (15 ECTS)
Teacher Exchange
- 240531 SE [ en ] Reproduction: Culture, Politics and Biomedicine (P4)
- 240532 SE [ en ] Doing visual and sensory ethnography: dialogues between old and new techniques and tools - A practice-based Seminar Series
- 240534 SE [ en ] Doing Historical Realist Ethnography (P2)
- 240535 SE [ en ] Family life and coping strategies in contexts of sociocultural vulnerability: filmic approaches (P4)
- 240536 SE [ en ] "Sehnsucht" and its siblings. Anthropological Perspectives (P4)
CREOLE Thesis Modul 2 (5 ECTS)
- 240526 AL [ en ] Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240527 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
Letzte Änderung: Mi 26.08.2020 15:43