P4 Thematische Forschungsfelder (15 ECTS)
Bei LVs, die von anderen Studienprogrammleitungen angeboten werden, bitte unbedingt die ECTS beachten! Eine etwaige Anmeldung erfolgt außerdem über die zuständige Studienprogrammleitung.
- 020052 SE Medizin- und pflegeethisches Seminar - Zukunftsvision Patient Safety - aktuelle rechtliche Herausforderung der Patient:innensicherheit
- 240514 SE [ en ] Ethnicity, territories and trans-border connections (with a special focus on India) (P3)
- 240516 SE [ en ] ( GEMISCHT ) Social Lives of Ecology (P4)
- 240517 SE Sozialanthropologie des Wassers (P4)
- 240518 SE ( DIGITAL ) Biodiversität und Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele (P4)
- 240519 SE Krankenhauswelten (P4)
- 240520 SE [ en ] Anthropological Perspectives on Infrastructure (P4)
- 240521 SE [ en ] Toxic Worlds: Chemical Entanglements and Afterlives in the Anthropocene (P4)
- 240522 SE [ en ] Violence and (dead) bodies. Experiences from (post)conflict scenarios (P4)
- 240523 SE [ en ] ( GEMISCHT ) About laughing and crying - objects tell us their far-reaching stories (P4)
- 240524 SE [ en ] Art and materiality in the Global South (P4)
- 240525 SE [ en ] ( DIGITAL ) Anthropology of Food (P4)
- 240526 SE [ en ] ( GEMISCHT ) The European Alps: Historical and current perspectives in Anthropology (P4)
- 240527 SE [ en ] The City and its Discontents (P4)
- 240529 SE [ en ] Social movements, protests and counter-power: Anthropological perspectives (P4)
- 240530 SE [ en ] ( GEMISCHT ) Imagic turn - Pictorial turn - Iconic turn. Theories and practice of image interpretation (P4)
- 240531 SE [ en ] Visual and digital approaches in the field of (forced) migration (P4)
- 240532 SE [ en ] Politics of (in)visibility (P4)
- 240537 SE [ en ] The Anthropology of Money, Debt and Finance Capitalism (P4)
- 240542 SE [ en ] Borders from Below (P4)
- 240543 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Predicament of Memory: Through Documentary Film and Ethnography (Polish Cases) (P4)
- 240544 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Toward an Anthropology of Water (P4)
- 240545 SE [ en ] Scrutinizing Precarity - Anthropological Perspectives on a Ubiquitous Concept (P4)
- 240546 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Zombies and Extraterrestrials as Anthropological Objects (P4)
Letzte Änderung: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56