MMB III-1. Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (20 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: VO Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301185 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Structural Bioinformatics I
- 301449 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Current and advanced topics in structural biology
MMB III-1a: UE Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301853 UE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) UE A Strukturbiologie - Basic Practical Course in Structural Biology
MMB III-1a: Further Lectures on Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301151 UE ( VOR-ORT ) UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse - für Diplomanden, Dissertanden und fortgeschrittene Studenten
- 301247 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Modern Concepts in Structural Biology I
- 301273 VO+UE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Live imaging course
MMB III-1b: PR - Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (10 ECTS)
- 301872 PR [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Advanced Scientific Practice "Molecular Machines: From Structure to Function"
Letzte Änderung: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44