Universität Wien

Master Molecular Biology (865)

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Zur Sicherung der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis kann die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung ein "Notenrelevantes Gespräch" (Plausibilitätsprüfung) vorsehen, das erfolgreich zu absolvieren ist.

MMB I. Fundamental Concepts of Molecular Biology (10 ECTS)

MMB II. Quantitative Biology (13 ECTS)

MMB II. Principles in Quantitative Biology

MMB II. VO, VU, UE, SE on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics or Systems Biology 3 ECTS

MMB III. Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)

MMB III-1. Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (30 ECTS)

MMB III-1a: Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (20 ECTS)

MMB III-1a: VO Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
MMB III-1a: UE Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
MMB III-1a: Further Lectures on Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function

MMB III-1b: PR - Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (10 ECTS)

MMB III-2. Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (30 ECTS)

MMB III-2a: Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (20 ECTS)

MMB III-2a: PS Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
MMB III-2a: UE Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
MMB III-2a: Further Lectures on Cellular Architecture and Maintenance

MMB III-2b: PR - Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (10 ECTS)

MMB III-3. Chromosome and RNA Biology (30 ECTS)

MMB III-3a: Chromosome and RNA Biology (20 ECTS)

MMB III-3a: VO Chromosome and RNA Biology
MMB III-3a: UE Chromosome and RNA Biology
MMB III-3a: Further Lectures on Chromosome and RNA Biology

MMB III-3b: PR - Chromosome and RNA Biology (10 ECTS)

MMB III-4. Stem Cells and Developmental Biology (30 ECTS)

MMB III-4a: Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (20 ECTS)

MMB III-4a: VO Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
MMB III-4a: UE Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
MMB III-4a: Further Lectures on Stem Cell and Developmental Biology

MMB III-4b: PR - Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (10 ECTS)

MMB III-5. Molecular Neuroscience (30 ECTS) - ab WS23 nicht mehr wählbar

MMB III-5a: Molecular Neuroscience (20 ECTS)

MMB III-5a: VO Molecular Neuroscience
MMB III-5a: UE Molecular Neuroscience
MMB III-5a: VU on Molecular Neuroscience
MMB III-5a: Further Lectures on Molecular Neuroscience

MMB III-5b: PR - Molecular Neuroscience (10 ECTS)

MMB IV. Additional Scientific Skills for Molecular Biologists (17 ECTS)

MMB V. Scientific Practice (20 ECTS)

Letzte Änderung: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39