Zweiter Studienabschnitt
- 120157 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120163 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Learner Language - Linguistics Seminar: Learner Language
- 120164 AR [ en ] Ling. course: Focus on Form and Function - Linguistics course: Focus on Form and Function
- 120171 AR [ en ] Special Ling. Course: Old English Lang & Culture - Special Linguistics Course: Old English language and culture
- 120172 VO [ en ] Special Ling. Course: Topics in English Syntax - Special Linguistics Course: Topics in English Syntax
2.1. Sprachkompetenz
- 120026 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I - Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120077 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I - Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120144 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I - Advanced Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120022 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120024 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120025 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120088 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120105 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120157 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120084 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs: From Reading to Writing to R - Themenspezifischer Kurs: From Reading to Writing to Reading (from Scripted Texts)
- 120161 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs World of Work 1 (ESP) - Themenspezifischer Kurs: World of Work 1 (ESP)
- 120091 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs World of Work 2 (ESP) - Themenspezifischer Kurs: World of Work 2 (ESP)
- 120073 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs: Adv. Oral Presentation Skills - Themenspezifischer Kurs: Advanced Oral Presentation Skills
- 120167 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs: Advanced Oral Presentation Ski - Themenspezifischer Kurs: Advanced Oral Presentation Skills
- 120099 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs: Practic. Translation for Tourism - Themenspez. Kurs: Practical Translation for Tourism
2.2. Linguistik
- 120036 VO [ en ] Core Lecture Linguistics - Core Lecture Linguistics
- 120033 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Word Formation - Linguistics Seminar: Word Formation
- 120045 SE [ en ] Ling. Sem.: Lang. contact & bilingualism history E - Linguistics Seminar: Language contact and bilingualism in the history of English
- 120075 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Cross-cultural communication - Linguistics Seminar: Cross-cultural communication
- 120118 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Retextualisations - Linguistics Seminar: Retextualisations - Discourse Analysis in Practice
- 120140 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Lexicalisation - Linguistics Seminar: Lexicalisation
- 120163 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Learner Language - Linguistics Seminar: Learner Language
- 120038 AR [ en ] Introduction to Corpus Linguistics - Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
- 120169 AR [ en ] Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers - Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers
- 120170 AR [ en ] Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers - Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers
- 120102 AR [ en ] Why are varieties of English different? - Why are varieties of English different?
- 120112 AR [ en ] Topics in Pragmatics - Topics in Pragmatics
- 120164 AR [ en ] Ling. course: Focus on Form and Function - Linguistics course: Focus on Form and Function
- 120171 AR [ en ] Special Ling. Course: Old English Lang & Culture - Special Linguistics Course: Old English language and culture
- 120172 VO [ en ] Special Ling. Course: Topics in English Syntax - Special Linguistics Course: Topics in English Syntax
2.3. Literaturwissenschaft
- 120040 VO [ en ] The British Novel of the 20th Century - The British Novel of the 20th Century
- 120110 VO [ en ] Cultural History American Fiction fr. the 1940s - A Cultural History of U.S.-American Fiction: The Emergence of Multiculturality (from the 1940s to the 1970s)
- 120104 VO [ en ] Development of the Detective Story - The Development of the Detective Story
- 120023 SE [ en ] Lit. Seminar: Going Native in America - Literary Seminar: Going Native in America
- 120035 SE [ en ] Lit. Seminar: The Contemporary South African Novel - Literary Seminar: The Contemporary South African Novel: New Voices
- 120101 SE [ en ] Lit. Seminar: Shakespeare Season 'Burgtheater' - Literary Seminar: Shakespeare Season at the 'Burgtheater'
- 120111 SE [ en ] Lit. Seminar: Transatlantic Exchange - Literary Seminar: The Transatlantic Exchange and the 'International Novel'
- 120120 SE [ en ] Lit. Seminar: Plays by Novelists - Literary Seminar: Plays by Novelists
- 120123 SE [ en ] Lit. Seminar: Love in the Context of Ireland - Literary Seminar: 'Love in the Context of Ireland' - as Presented in Selected Contemporary Irish Fiction
- 120083 AR [ en ] Short Story Classics - Short Story Classics
- 120128 AR [ en ] Poetry in the EFL classroom - 'Sky in the Pie' - Poetry in the EFL Classroom
- 120176 AR [ en ] Victorian Poetry - Victorian Poetry
- 120032 AR [ en ] Fictions of the Pacific Rim - Fictions of the Pacific Rim
- 120039 AR [ en ] Beginning the Novel - Beginning the Novel: Exploring the Magic of the First Page in Early English Narrative Fiction
- 120067 AR [ en ] Revolutionary Writings: Literature and Authority - Revolutionary Writings: Literature and Authority in the Early Republic
- 120090 AR [ en ] London and the London Theatre Scene - London and the London Theatre Scene (Field Trip)
- 120177 AR [ en ] The Harlem Renaissance - The Harlem Renaissance
- 120179 AR [ en ] Edgar Allan Poe - Edgar Allan Poe
2.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltungen
- 120071 AR [ en ] Negotiating Cultural Identities: Film & TV Comedy - Adv. Cultural Studies: Negotiating Cultural Identities through Film and TV Comedy
- 120097 AR [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies: Shipping Out - Advanced Cultural Studies: Shipping Out
- 120178 AR [ en ] Adv. CS: Intercultural Communication - Adv. Cultural Studies: Intercultural Communication
- 120066 SE [ en ] CS Seminar: Approaches to Cultural Analysis - Cultural Studies Seminar: Ways of Thinking. Approaches to Cultural Analysis - The British Way
- 120044 AR [ en ] Coping with Death and Bereavement in English Lit. - Advanced Interdisc. Studies: Coping with Death and Bereavement as a Theme in English Literature. An Interdisciplinary Approach.
- 120070 AR [ en ] Adv. Gender Studies: Nursing the Nation - Advanced Gender Studies: Nursing the Nation
2.5. Fachdidaktik
- 120062 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum - Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120089 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum - Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120133 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum - Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120156 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum - Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120092 UE [ en ] Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik:
- 120106 UE [ en ] Themenspezif. Kurs FD: Lost in a good book - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik: Lost in a good book: Literature in the EFL classroom
- 120147 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs FD: Cinema and Language Teaching - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik: Cinema and Language Teaching
- 120148 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs FD: Hooked by the book!? - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik: Hooked by the book!? - Literature and ELT
- 120149 UE Themenspez. Kurs FD: Methodology and ESP - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik: Methodology and ESP
- 120150 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs FD: Teacher Resources - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik: Teacher Resources: a survey and critical assessment
- 120151 AR [ en ] Principles of ELT Methodology - Principles of ELT Methodology
- 120152 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs FD: The US in the Context of ELT - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik: The US in the Context of ELT
- 120153 AR [ en ] Principles of ELT Methodology - Principles of ELT Methodology
- 120154 UE [ en ] Themenspez. Kurs Fachdid.: Reading in a Second Lan - Themenspez. Kurs Fachdidaktik: Reading and the Teaching of Reading in a Second Language
2.6. Diplomanden / Doktorandenseminare
- 120093 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120098 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120173 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120174 SE [ en ] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:34