Master Molecular Biology (865)
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MMB I. Fundamental Concepts of Molecular Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301401 VO [ en ] Concepts in Molecular Biology
- 301417 VO [ en ] Methods in Molecular Biology
MMB II. Quantitative Biology (13 ECTS)
MMB II. Principles in Quantitative Biology
- 301400 VU [ en ] Fundamentals of Quantitative Biology
MMB II. VO, VU, UE, SE on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics or Systems Biology 3 ECTS
- 301060 UE [ en ] Bioinformatics for microbial omics - Computational genomics, pangenomics, metagenomics and multi-omics analysis
- 301214 UE [ en ] Toolkit für in silico Sequenzanalysen
- 301599 UE [ en ] Praktikum Bioinformatik
- 301632 UE [ de en ] ( GEMISCHT ) Übungen zu Grundlagen in der Bioinformatik
- 301696 VO [ en ] Grundlagen der Systembiologie
MMB III. Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1. Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (20 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: VO Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301449 VO [ en ] Current and advanced topics in structural biology
MMB III-1a: UE Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301853 UE [ en ] UE A Strukturbiologie - Basic Practical Course in Structural Biology
- 301854 UE [ en ] UE B Strukturbiologie - Advanced Practical Course in Structural Biology
MMB III-1a: Further Lectures on Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301092 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology III
- 301151 UE UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse - für Diplomanden, Dissertanden und fortgeschrittene Studenten
- 301273 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
MMB III-1b: PR - Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (10 ECTS)
MMB III-2. Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (30 ECTS)
MMB III-2a: Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (20 ECTS)
MMB III-2a: PS Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
- 301164 PS [ de en ] Biochemie für Fortgeschrittene - für Studierende des Masterstudiums Molekulare Biologie
MMB III-2a: UE Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
MMB III-2a: Further Lectures on Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
- 301101 VO [ en ] Epigenetics- From basic mechanisms to medical applications
- 301121 SE Seminar in Zellbiologie
- 301151 UE UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse - für Diplomanden, Dissertanden und fortgeschrittene Studenten
- 301273 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301580 SE [ de en ] Zellbiologie heute: aktuelle Fragen, Methoden, Projektplanung
MMB III-2b: PR - Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (10 ECTS)
- 301874 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Cellular Architecture and Maintenance"
MMB III-3. Chromosome and RNA Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-3a: Chromosome and RNA Biology (20 ECTS)
MMB III-3a: VO Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301652 VO [ en ] Advanced topics in Chromosome and RNA Biology
MMB III-3a: UE Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301246 UE [ en ] Advanced Genetic Engineering - Praktikum und Seminar
MMB III-3a: Further Lectures on Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301101 VO [ en ] Epigenetics- From basic mechanisms to medical applications
- 301151 UE UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse - für Diplomanden, Dissertanden und fortgeschrittene Studenten
- 301273 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301327 SE [ en ] Epigenetics, epitranscriptomics and mobile elements
- 301354 SE [ en ] Neueste Entwicklungen in der Chromosomenbiologie III
- 301408 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301605 SE [ en ] Genetisches Seminar (Molekularbiologie der RNA)
- 560003 SE [ en ] VBC RNA Club: Research Report in RNA Biology
MMB III-3b: PR - Chromosome and RNA Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301875 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Chromosome and RNA Biology"
MMB III-4. Stem Cells and Developmental Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-4a: Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (20 ECTS)
MMB III-4a: VO Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
- 301558 VO [ en ] Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
MMB III-4a: UE Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
- 300302 UE [ de en ] Übung in Entwicklungsbiologie
MMB III-4a: Further Lectures on Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
- 301095 SE [ en ] Licht, Hormone und Rhythmen in Pflanzen und Tieren
- 301151 UE UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse - für Diplomanden, Dissertanden und fortgeschrittene Studenten
- 301273 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course
- 301275 SE [ en ] Journal Club I - Stammzellbiologie: Evolutionäre, entwicklungsbiologische und pathologische Dimensionen
- 301605 SE [ en ] Genetisches Seminar (Molekularbiologie der RNA)
- 301709 SE [ de en ] Biologie der Herzstammzellen: Projekt- und Versuchsplanung sowie aktuelle Literatur II
MMB III-4b: PR - Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301877 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Stem Cell and Developmental Biology"
MMB IV. Additional Scientific Skills for Molecular Biologists (17 ECTS)
- 270241 PR ( GEMISCHT ) Untargeted Lipidomics
- 270243 VO Lipidomics
- 300033 VO ( DIGITAL ) Einführung in die Mykologie
- 300122 VO [ en ] Biology and Evolution of Archaea - Archaea evolution, genetics, cell biology, ecology and biotechnology
- 300353 UE [ en ] Applied programming for Bioinformatics - Principles and techniques for simple programming to solve biological problems, using a common programming language. Practical experience with text processing and automation of external programms.
- 301138 SE [ en ] Behavior, Rhythms and Neurological Diseases
- 301169 SE [ en ] Applied Machine Learning for biological problems
- 301224 SE [ en ] Bioinformatics for Microbial Metagenomics
- 301267 VO [ en ] Business in Biotech
- 301281 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
- 301310 SE [ en ] Therapie und Prophylaxe von Viruskrankheiten
- 301325 VO [ en ] Genetic Methods in Neuroscience
- 301347 VO [ en ] Via pandemics and epidemics to the basic principles of virology
- 301354 SE [ en ] Neueste Entwicklungen in der Chromosomenbiologie III
- 301402 VO [ en ] Basics in Neuroscience I
- 301404 VO [ en ] Basics in Neuroscience II
- 301407 VO [ en ] DNA-Tumorviren, vom Krebsauslöser zum Therapeutikum - Wahllehrveranstaltungen in Molekularer Medizin
- 301449 VO [ en ] Current and advanced topics in structural biology
- 301465 SE [ en ] Current Trends in Bioanalytical Technologies
- 301584 UE Projektplanung in der Wissenschaftskommunikation
- 301741 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Research Report - MMB
- 301901 VO+UE [ en ] Introduction into 3D cryo electron microscopy
- 301903 SE [ en ] Science oder Science Fiction: Wie man Forschung nachhaltiger macht
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronale Netzwerk Dynamiken und Verhalten für PhD und Master - for PhD and Master
- 301907 VO [ en ] Die Entwicklung von neuen Tumor Immunotherapien - Entdeckung von neuen Therapie Ansätzen, deren Validierung bis hin zur klinischen Testung von neuen Therapien
- 530038 SE Lipidomics-state of the art techniques
MMB V. Scientific Practice (20 ECTS)
- 301870 PR [ en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology I
- 301871 PR [ de en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology II
Letzte Änderung: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43