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Studienprogrammleitung 31 - Molekulare Biologie
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Master Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology (830 [2] - Version 2013)
Introduction (30 ECTS)
MMEI I Forschungsthemen in der Molekularen Mikrobiologie, Mikrobiellen Ökologie und Immunbiologie (30 ECTS)
- 300347 SE [ en ] Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution - Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunology
- 301484 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology, Microbial Ecology and Immunobiology - Diversity and function of uncultured microbes in medical and environmental samples
- 301841 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301842 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular Microbiology
- 301843 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301844 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301845 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
- 301846 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Molecular Microbiology
APMG (1) Molecular Microbiology (30 ECTS)
MMEI II-1.1 Proseminar Molekulare Mikrobiologie (5 ECTS)
MMEI II-1.2 Spezielle Themen der Molekularen Mikrobiologie (10 ECTS)
- 301040 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
MMEI II-1.3 Spezielle wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in der Molekularen Mikrobiologie (15 ECTS)
APMG (2) Microbial Ecology (30 ECTS)
MMEI II-2.1 Proseminar Mikrobielle Ökologie (5 ECTS)
MMEI II-2.2 Spezielle Themen der Mikrobiellen Ökologie (10 ECTS)
- 270127 VU [ en ] The Chemistry of Microbial Interactions
- 300080 VO [ en ] Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2)
- 301026 SE [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 301039 SE [ en ] Kommunikation für Lebenswissenschaftler
- 301040 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 301114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
- 301116 SE [ en ] Molekulare Populationsgenetik von Prokaryoten
- 301117 SE [ en ] Elemente des Maschinellen Lernens
- 301366 SE [ en ] Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
MMEI II-2.3 Spezielle wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in der Mikrobiellen Ökologie (15 ECTS)
APMG (3) Immunobiology (30 ECTS)
MMEI II-3.1 Proseminar Immunologie (5 ECTS)
MMEI II-3.2 Spezielle Themen der Immunologie (10 ECTS)
- 301040 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 301103 SE [ en ] Vertiefungsseminar Epigenetik
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301908 VO [ en ] Immune Resistance Mechanisms to current Cancer Therapies - Part II: Newest Experimental Designs and Approaches for the Study of novel Immunotherapy targets
MMEI II-3.3 Spezielle wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in der Immunbiologie (15 ECTS)
Interdisciplinary Subjects (15 ECTS)
MMEI III Ausgewählte Kapitel aus den interdisziplinären Fächern der molekularen Biowissenschaften und Biologie (15 ECTS)
- 300080 VO [ en ] Symbiosis concepts and model systems (Part 2)
- 300085 SE [ en ] Interactions and Evolution of Organisms - Evolutionary Systemsbiology 2
- 300094 UE [ en ] Proteomics in Systems Biology
- 300104 UE [ en ] Physiology and cell biology of marine symbionts and their hosts
- 300141 VU [ en ] Multivariate statistical methods in ecology - data analysis and modelling
- 300175 VO [ en ] Microbial Oceanography
- 300182 VO Ökologie und Vielfalt sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe
- 300194 VO [ en ] Information-processing in neuronal networks
- 300201 UE [ en ] Microbial Oceanography Course
- 300332 UE [ en ] Practical Course in Modelling and Systems Biology
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 300411 SE [ en ] Microbial conservation and restoration: uniting science and policy
- 301026 SE [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 301033 UE Wissenschaftskommunikation im Labor - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301040 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 301093 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology IV
- 301214 UE [ en ] Toolkit für in silico Sequenzanalysen
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computergestuetzte Strukturelle Biologie
- 301236 UE [ en ] UE zur computergestuetzten strukturellen Biologie - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301250 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar in Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech - Business in Biotech I
- 301276 SE [ en ] Journal Club II - Stammzellbiologie: Evolutionäre, entwicklungsbiologische und pathologische Dimensionen
- 301282 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301380 SE [ de en ] Fachliteraturseminar Biochemie
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301461 VO Biomolekulare NMR-Spektroskopie
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysikalische Chemie der Makromoleküle - Strukturbiologie
- 301507 VO [ en ] Struktur und Funktion der Proteine
- 301578 VO Spezielle Themen der Bioinformatik
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301591 VO [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Übungen zu Grundlagen in der Bioinformatik
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport u. Sortierung in Säugetierzellen
- 301736 SE [ en ] Entwicklungsbiologisches Seminar
- 301854 UE [ de en ] UE B Strukturbiologie - Advanced Practical Course in Structural Biology
- 301902 VO [ en ] Modellsysteme und Konzepte in Stammzellbiologie und Regeneration
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronale Netzwerk Dynamiken und Verhalten für PhD und Master - for PhD and Master
- 301908 VO [ en ] Immune Resistance Mechanisms to current Cancer Therapies - Part II: Newest Experimental Designs and Approaches for the Study of novel Immunotherapy targets
Additional Scientifc Skills for Biologists (15 ECTS)
- 233062 UE [ en ] Science Communication Laboratories
- 300085 SE [ en ] Interactions and Evolution of Organisms - Evolutionary Systemsbiology 2
M-WZB Wissenschaftliche Zusatzqualifikationen in der Biologie für Masterstudierende (15 ECTS)
- 233060 UE [ en ] Science in Society Laboratories
- 300165 UE [ de en ] Algae - their world explored
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 300443 SE+UE [ en ] Scientific Writing: Abstracts and Articles
- 301033 UE Wissenschaftskommunikation im Labor - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech - Business in Biotech I
- 301276 SE [ en ] Journal Club II - Stammzellbiologie: Evolutionäre, entwicklungsbiologische und pathologische Dimensionen
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
- 301355 SE [ en ] Neueste Entwicklungen in der Chromosomenbiologie IV
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysikalische Chemie der Makromoleküle - Strukturbiologie
- 301600 UE Bioinformatik-Praktikum II
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Übungen zu Grundlagen in der Bioinformatik
- 301740 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Research Report - MMEI
- 301871 PR [ de en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology II
- 301908 VO [ en ] Immune Resistance Mechanisms to current Cancer Therapies - Part II: Newest Experimental Designs and Approaches for the Study of novel Immunotherapy targets
Master Molecular Precision Medicine (329 [1] - Version 2021)
MPM1: Funktionsstörungen von Chromosomen, Genen und DNA-Reparaturmechanismen (15 ECTS)
MPM2: Krankheiten aufgrund Störungen der Proteostase (8 ECTS)
MPM3: Krankheiten aufgrund Enzym-Insuffizienz (8 ECTS)
MPM4: Krankheiten aufgrund fehlerhafter Signaltransduktion (8 ECTS)
MPM5: Krankheiten des Immunsystems (8 ECTS)
MPM6: Biomedizinische Informatik und Genomics in der Medizin (20 ECTS)
MPM7: Von der Forschung zur Klinik (12 ECTS)
MPM8: Freie Wahlfächer (5 ECTS)
MPM9: Ethik, Gesetzgebung und Gesundheitsökonomie (6 ECTS)
Master Molecular Biology (865)
MMB I. Fundamental Concepts of Molecular Biology (10 ECTS)
MMB II. Quantitative Biology (13 ECTS)
- 301600 UE Bioinformatik-Praktikum II
MMB II. Principles in Quantitative Biology
- 301400 VU [ en ] Fundamentals of Quantitative Biology
MMB II. VO, VU, UE, SE on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics or Systems Biology 3 ECTS
- 301214 UE [ en ] Toolkit für in silico Sequenzanalysen
- 301507 VO [ en ] Struktur und Funktion der Proteine
- 301577 VO Biomolekulare Simulation
- 301578 VO Spezielle Themen der Bioinformatik
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Übungen zu Grundlagen in der Bioinformatik
MMB III. Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1. Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (30 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (20 ECTS)
MMB III-1a: VO Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301186 VU [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics
- 301461 VO Biomolekulare NMR-Spektroskopie
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysikalische Chemie der Makromoleküle - Strukturbiologie
MMB III-1a: UE Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301236 UE [ en ] UE zur computergestuetzten strukturellen Biologie - DK Integrative Structural Biology
- 301853 UE [ de en ] UE A Strukturbiologie - Basic Practical Course in Structural Biology
- 301854 UE [ de en ] UE B Strukturbiologie - Advanced Practical Course in Structural Biology
MMB III-1a: Further Lectures on Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse
- 301093 SE [ en ] Modern Concepts in Structural Biology IV
- 301232 VO [ en ] Computergestuetzte Strukturelle Biologie
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course - 2 SStd.
- 301380 SE [ de en ] Fachliteraturseminar Biochemie
- 301558 UE UE aus Biomolekularer Simulation
MMB III-1b: PR - Molecular Machines: from Structure to Function (10 ECTS)
MMB III-2. Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (30 ECTS)
MMB III-2a: Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (20 ECTS)
MMB III-2a: PS Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
MMB III-2a: UE Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
- 301102 UE Übung in Genetik und Molekularer Pathologie - Epigenetik
- 301873 UE [ en ] Exercises in Advanced Cell Biology
MMB III-2a: Further Lectures on Cellular Architecture and Maintenance
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse
- 301122 VO [ en ] Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course - 2 SStd.
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301591 VO [ en ] Advanced Cell Biology
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport u. Sortierung in Säugetierzellen
MMB III-2b: PR - Cellular Architecture and Maintenance (10 ECTS)
- 301874 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Cellular Architecture and Maintenance"
MMB III-3. Chromosome and RNA Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-3a: Chromosome and RNA Biology (20 ECTS)
MMB III-3a: VO Chromosome and RNA Biology
MMB III-3a: UE Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301102 UE Übung in Genetik und Molekularer Pathologie - Epigenetik
- 301180 UE [ en ] Advanced genetics: C.elegans
- 301656 UE [ en ] UE Practical Course in Chromosome and RNA biology
MMB III-3a: Further Lectures on Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse
- 301103 SE [ en ] Vertiefungsseminar Epigenetik
- 301122 VO [ en ] Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301250 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar in Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course - 2 SStd.
- 301355 SE [ en ] Neueste Entwicklungen in der Chromosomenbiologie IV
- 301844 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 560003 SE [ en ] VBC RNA Club: Research Report in RNA Biology
MMB III-3b: PR - Chromosome and RNA Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301875 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Chromosome and RNA Biology"
MMB III-4. Stem Cells and Developmental Biology (30 ECTS)
MMB III-4a: Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (20 ECTS)
MMB III-4a: VO Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
MMB III-4a: UE Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
- 300145 UE [ de en ] Entwicklungsbiologie mariner Evertebraten in Villefranche-sur-Mer
- 301115 UE [ en ] Übung in Molekularer Entwicklungs- und Neurobiologie
- 301876 UE [ en ] Exercises in Stem Cell Biology
MMB III-4a: Further Lectures on Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
- 301052 UE [ en de en ] UE in Fluoreszenz und Konfokalmikroskopie inkl.Übungen zur Bild-bearbeitung/analyse
- 301103 SE [ en ] Vertiefungsseminar Epigenetik
- 301122 VO [ en ] Cell Biology and Molecular Pathology
- 301272 VO+UE [ en ] Live imaging course - 2 SStd.
- 301276 SE [ en ] Journal Club II - Stammzellbiologie: Evolutionäre, entwicklungsbiologische und pathologische Dimensionen
- 301736 SE [ en ] Entwicklungsbiologisches Seminar
- 301844 SE [ en ] Advanced Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Immunobiology
- 301902 VO [ en ] Modellsysteme und Konzepte in Stammzellbiologie und Regeneration
MMB III-4b: PR - Stem Cell and Developmental Biology (10 ECTS)
- 301877 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Stem Cell and Developmental Biology"
MMB IV. Additional Scientific Skills for Molecular Biologists (17 ECTS)
- 270199 VO Bioinformatik II - Computational Mass Spectrometry
- 270200 PR ( GEMISCHT ) Multiomics Data Science
- 270201 PR [ de en ] Targeted Lipidomics
- 300085 SE [ en ] Interactions and Evolution of Organisms - Evolutionary Systemsbiology 2
- 300194 VO [ en ] Information-processing in neuronal networks
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 301033 UE Wissenschaftskommunikation im Labor - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301040 VO [ en ] The Human Microbiome
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech - Business in Biotech I
- 301282 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysikalische Chemie der Makromoleküle - Strukturbiologie
- 301507 VO [ en ] Struktur und Funktion der Proteine
- 301588 VO [ en ] Signalling in the Immune System - vormals Spezielle Kapitel aus der Immunologie
- 301741 SE [ en ] Journal Club and Research Report - MMB
- 301902 VO [ en ] Modellsysteme und Konzepte in Stammzellbiologie und Regeneration
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronale Netzwerk Dynamiken und Verhalten für PhD und Master - for PhD and Master
- 301908 VO [ en ] Immune Resistance Mechanisms to current Cancer Therapies - Part II: Newest Experimental Designs and Approaches for the Study of novel Immunotherapy targets
- 530031 SE [ de en ] Lipidomik: Neuere Methoden der Lipidanalytik
MMB V. Scientific Practice (20 ECTS)
- 301870 PR [ en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology I
- 301871 PR [ de en ] Scientific Practice in Molecular Biology II
Master Neuroscience (232)
MNEU I. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (15 ECTS)
- 301400 VU [ en ] Fundamentals of Quantitative Biology
MNEU II. Basic Neuroscience (8 ECTS)
MNEU III. Advanced Neuroscience I (15 ECTS)
- 301406 VU [ en ] VU Advanced Neuroscience
MNEU III: Experimental Neuroscience Part 1 (VU/10 ECTS)
- 301409 VU [ en ] Experimental Neuroscience Part 1
MNEU III: Experimental Neuroscience Part 2 (VU/5 ECTS)
- 301410 VU [ en ] Experimental Neuroscience Part 2
MNEU IV. Advanced Neuroscience II (17 ECTS)
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301406 VU [ en ] VU Advanced Neuroscience
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301410 VU [ en ] Experimental Neuroscience Part 2
- 301879 PR [ en ] Advanced Scientific Practice "Molecular Neuroscience" - Master Neuroscience
MNEU V. Complementary Scientific Skills for Neuroscientists (10 ECTS)
- 270199 VO Bioinformatik II - Computational Mass Spectrometry
- 270200 PR ( GEMISCHT ) Multiomics Data Science
- 270201 PR [ de en ] Targeted Lipidomics
- 300150 VO [ en ] Methods in Neurobiology
- 300194 VO [ en ] Information-processing in neuronal networks
- 300362 UE [ en ] Applied Data Analysis
- 301033 UE Wissenschaftskommunikation im Labor - "Hands on - Minds on"
- 301250 SE [ en ] Literature Seminar in Chromosome and RNA Biology
- 301268 UE [ en ] Business in Biotech - Business in Biotech I
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
- 301323 VO [ en ] Cell type-specific features of the Nervous System
- 301324 VO [ en ] Peroxisomes in Health and Disease
- 301405 VO [ en ] History of Neuroscience through the Nobel Prizes
- 301407 SE [ en ] Lipidmetabolism in Brain Function - Literature Seminar in the field of Neurosciences
- 301408 SE [ en ] Modern approaches in the analysis of neuronal circuits and behavior
- 301463 VO [ en ] Biophysikalische Chemie der Makromoleküle - Strukturbiologie
- 301578 VO Spezielle Themen der Bioinformatik
- 301632 UE [ de en ] Übungen zu Grundlagen in der Bioinformatik
- 301665 SE+UE [ de en ] Protein Transport u. Sortierung in Säugetierzellen
- 301904 SE [ en ] SE Neuronale Netzwerk Dynamiken und Verhalten für PhD und Master - for PhD and Master
- 301908 VO [ en ] Immune Resistance Mechanisms to current Cancer Therapies - Part II: Newest Experimental Designs and Approaches for the Study of novel Immunotherapy targets
- 530031 SE [ de en ] Lipidomik: Neuere Methoden der Lipidanalytik
MNEU VI. Scientific Practice (20 ECTS)
- 301880 PR [ en ] Scientific Practice in Neuroscience I
- 301881 PR [ en ] Scientific Practice in Neuroscience II
MNEU VII. Research Proposal (5 ECTS)
MNEU VII: Seminar: Research Proposal (2 ECTS)
- 301283 SE [ en ] Essential Scientific Writing: Writing up your thesis
MNEU VII: Seminar: Research Proposal (3 ECTS)
- 301282 SE [ en ] Planning your Master project
MNEU VII: Seminar: Research Proposal (5 ECTS)
Letzte Änderung: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43