Mag. Mag. Dr. Elmar Flatschart
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- Phone: +43-1-4277-64119
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 240052 SE VM3 / VM7 - Critical Intersectional Approaches in global Masculinity Studies
- 240086 KU GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - Materialistische Perspektiven auf Entwicklung
- 240117 SE VM7 / VM6 - Global Reproduction-Chains - Patriarchy, Domestic Labour and Care-Debate
- 240051 SE VM1 / VM6 - State Theory of the global South. Spatial and materialist delimitations
- 240086 KU GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - Materialistische Perspektiven auf Entwicklung
- 240008 VO Karl Marx’ Critical Science. Global and Universal?
- 240086 KU GM3 - Development Theories and Paradigms from a Transdisciplinary Perspective - Materialistische Perspektiven auf Entwicklung
- 240163 FS FM2 - Research Seminar (Part 2) - Materialism and Post-/Decolonial feminist debates and Care
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00