Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Schumacher, Privatdoz.
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-41751
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 160114 PS Basics of Indo-European Studies
- 160132 PS Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe: Old Irish
- 160171 VO Indo-European Morphology - Verb
- 160192 VO History of Celtic Languages
- 160162 VO Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe - Old Irish
- 160163 SE In the twilight zone - Flexion, Syntax und Wortbildung in der Grauzone zwischen Verbum und Nomen
- 160175 PS Proseminar to the Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe - Albanian
- 160162 VO Historical Grammar of a further Indo-European Language of Europe - Albanisch
- 160171 VO Indo-European Morphology - Verb
- 160192 VO History of Celtic Languages
Last modified: Sa 01.02.2025 05:00