26.04 Teacher Training Programme: Physics
Introductory and Orientation Phase
STEOP 1 Introduction to Physics I
- 260144 SE Seminar which prepares for the STEOP1 and STEOP2 exams - for beginners with summer term 2013
First Stage of the Degree Programme
1.1. Experimental Physics
- 260016 VO Introduction to Physics II
- 260127 UE Exercise course in Introductory Physics II
- 260192 PR Laboratory for Physics Teacher Training
1.2. Theoretical Physics
- 260014 VO Principles of Modern Physics - Special Relativity and Elements Quantum Physics
- 260189 UE Exercises: Theoretical Physics L1
- 260191 VO Theoretical physics for teacher students L1 - Mechanics and electrodynamics
1.3. Teaching Methodology
- 260010 VO+SE Competence-orientated teaching in mechanics
- 260044 SE Learning physics by playing and acting?!
- 260064 SE Methods for Teaching Physics
- 260069 SE Test Items for the Physics Classroom
- 260082 SE What is Physics all about? - The Nature of Science in Science Education
- 260106 SE Physics-FAQ - Typical Misunterstandings froms physics
- 260157 SE Assignment for developing student competences in the physics classroom
- 260158 SE Integrating experiments into the physics classroom
- 260164 SE Introduction to Physics Education
1.4. Mathematics
- 260141 VO Mathematical Basics for Physics 3
- 260145 UE Exercises to Mathematical Basics for Physics 3
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
2.1. Experimental Physics
2.1.1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
- 260094 VO Nuclear and Isotope Physics II - Introduction to nuclear physics II
- 260135 SE [ de en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics
- 260140 VO Ion beam analysis of materials
- 260271 VO Science based dating methods
- 260300 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics II
2.1.2. Quantum Physics
- 260118 SE [ de en ] Workshop "Quantum Physics und Information"
- 260132 VO Photonic Quantum Computing
- 260247 SE Seminar on a Scientific Topic - Quantum information, entanglement and geometry
2.1.3. Matter and Solid-State Physics
- 260002 VO [ de fr ] Introduction to solid state physics (electronic properties) - for students of all semesters
- 260011 UE Solid State Physics II - Exercises
- 260013 SE Physical materials testing II
- 260020 VO Phase transitions in solids - statistical models
- 260023 VO Physics of the earth - Structure and physical properties of the earth
- 260029 VO Solid State Physics II
- 260061 VO Optical materials: linear and nonlinear properties
- 260086 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy II
- 260102 UE Introduction into Electron Microscopy II - Exercises
- 260139 VO Photovoltaics: An option towards energy independency
- 260188 VO Physics of matter II
- 260209 SE Physics of functional materials
- 260250 VO [ de fr ] Superconductivity II (incl. High-temperature sc.) - for students of all semesters
- 260254 VO Materials Physics II: Actual methods and materials
- 260277 UE [ en de ] Exercise course in Introductory Physics IV
- 260278 VO Introduction to Physics IV
2.1.4. Interdisciplinary Physics
- 260023 VO Physics of the earth - Structure and physical properties of the earth
- 260055 VO Critical discussion of Austria’s electrical power-balance from a physicist’s perspective
- 260111 UE Physics of sailing - Exercises
- 260119 SE MF 1 Recent developments in the theory of interconnected dynamical systems (MaG 25)
- 260140 VO Ion beam analysis of materials
- 260262 VO MF 1 Theory of interconnected dynamical systems II (MaG 25) - from cellular automata to genetic and artificial neural network models
- 260271 VO Science based dating methods
- 260283 VO Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of view
- 260285 SE Introduction to environmental sciences, seminar
- 260296 VO Physics of sailing - The true mechanisms of sailing
2.1.5. Computational Physics
- 260072 VO Computational Physics II - Simulation
- 260307 UE Computational Physics II Problem Class
- 260313 SE [ de en ] Modeling and Simulation
2.2. Theoretical Physics
- 260004 VO [ en ] Particle Physics II
- 260249 UE [ de en ] Particle Physics II - Exercises
2.3. Physics Laboratory
- 260005 PR Laboratory Solid State Physics: Advanced Materials - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 260045 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - Isotope detection and application
- 260057 PR [ de en ] Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics
- 260060 PR Laboratory course on materials physics
- 260108 PR Laboratory Electronics - Electronics for Physicists
- 260126 PR [ de en ] Laboratory Scientific Computing
- 260182 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments II
- 260193 PR Practical Class on Modern Microscopical Methods
- 260211 PR Laboratory Quantum Optics
- 260291 PR Laboratory Aerosolphysics - for advanced students
2.4. Teaching Methodology
- 260008 SE Seminar for PhD Students and Diploma Students - Research in physics aducation
- 260010 VO+SE Competence-orientated teaching in mechanics
- 260044 SE Learning physics by playing and acting?!
- 260064 SE Methods for Teaching Physics
- 260069 SE Test Items for the Physics Classroom
- 260075 EX Pedagogics of excursions
- 260078 SE Language in physics classes
- 260082 SE What is Physics all about? - The Nature of Science in Science Education
- 260090 SE Lesson Concepts for Teaching "Radiation"
- 260117 SE Didactic coaching in physics teaching. Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 260120 SE Modern physics in school
- 260124 SE BLUKONE - Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Development
- 260157 SE Assignment for developing student competences in the physics classroom
- 260158 SE Integrating experiments into the physics classroom
- 260182 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments II
2.5. Excursions
- 260075 EX Pedagogics of excursions
- 260212 EX Excursions to Large Scale Research Facilities
Free Optional and Other Courses
- 260008 SE Seminar for PhD Students and Diploma Students - Research in physics aducation
- 260010 VO+SE Competence-orientated teaching in mechanics
- 260033 SE Recent topics of materials physics - (Electron microscopical studies)
- 260042 UE Support for L1 with emphasis on physics education in school
- 260044 SE Learning physics by playing and acting?!
- 260052 VO Diffusion in metals and alloys
- 260064 SE Methods for Teaching Physics
- 260066 SE [ en ] Seminar on applications of high-temperature superconductors
- 260069 SE Test Items for the Physics Classroom
- 260070 SE Seminar for isotope research and nuclear physics
- 260071 PR Experimental methods for Introduction to Physics II
- 260077 SE Dealing with Gender and Diversity constructively - Comparing Science, German and English language teaching. Class Room Observation as a research method to identify Good Practice
- 260078 SE Language in physics classes
- 260082 SE What is Physics all about? - The Nature of Science in Science Education
- 260090 SE Lesson Concepts for Teaching "Radiation"
- 260106 SE Physics-FAQ - Typical Misunterstandings froms physics
- 260109 RE Supplementary course to mathematical basics for physics 3
- 260117 SE Didactic coaching in physics teaching. Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 260120 SE Modern physics in school
- 260124 SE BLUKONE - Lessons on Energy in the context of Education for Sustainable Development
- 260132 VO Photonic Quantum Computing
- 260137 SE Selected problems of quantum theory
- 260147 SE [ de en ] Atomic ordering in alloys
- 260157 SE Assignment for developing student competences in the physics classroom
- 260158 SE Integrating experiments into the physics classroom
- 260164 SE Introduction to Physics Education
- 260168 SE Prep Course for study in Physics
- 260182 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments II
- 260203 VO Introduction to vector and tensor calculus II
- 260279 SE Scientific publishing and presentation
- 260283 VO Common features of methods in complementary medicine - from scientific and intercultural points of view
- 260306 VO Facets of Scientific Thinking
- 260308 IK Interactions of Scientific Thinking and Development of Society - in sozialwissenschaftlichen und historischen Kontexten
- 260309 IK Interactions of Scientific Thinking and Development of Society - in historical and cultural contexts
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37
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http://ssc-physik.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/SSC/ssc_physik/Formulare/UF_Physik/ErsetzungenLA-3.pdfInformationen zur "Pädagogisch-wissenschaftlichen Berufsvorbildung" und für die "Schulpraktische Ausbildung" (Pädagogisches Praktikum) und zur Online-Anmeldung zu den Lehrveranstaltungen finden Sie unter: http://ssc-philbild.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=lehrerinnenbildungInformationen zur Nutzung des Anmeldesystems unter: http://studieren.univie.ac.at/index.php?id=1334