D. MA in Islamic Religious Pedagogy
Compulsory Modules
a) Islamic Sciences
Modul 1: Qur'ran, the Prophet's actions and way of thinking (SE / VO 6 SST) (12 CP)
- 190109 SE M1: Thinking and practice of the Prophet - Hadith in islamic religious education
The Prophet's actions and way of thinking
Modul 2: Religious doctrine and Islam in every day life (SE/VO 6 SST) (12 CP)
Religious doctrine
- 190113 SE M2: Faith - what do muslim Children believe in?
Islam in every day life
- 190115 SE M2: Everyday Life in Islam - Online and Offline Religion
Modul 3: Ethics and mysticism in Islam (VO/SE/KV 4 SST) (5 CP)
Modul 4: Islamic teaching methodology (SE 4 SST) (8 CP)
- 190111 SE+UE M5: Islamic teaching methodology
b) Human Sciences
Modul 5: Religious Science and Philosophical Studies (VO/SE 4 SST) (6 CP)
Philosophical Studies
- 190236 SE M5: Introduction in the philosophical Thinking - Ethics as the common basis of religions and philosohies
Religious Science
Modul 6: Sociology of Religion and Psychology of Religion (VO/SE 4 SST) (6 CP)
Psychology of Religion
Sociology of Religion
- 190320 SE M6: Sociology of Religion and Psychology of Religion - Islam as a social Phenomenon
Modul 7: European cultural history and intercultural research (VO/SE/UE 4 SST) (10 CP)
European cultural history
- 190274 SE+UE M7: European Cultural History - Islam in international cinema
Intercultural research
c) Education in the Science of didactic Pedagogy
Modul 8: Pedagogic-Scientific Career Preparation Elective course: Islamic Religious pedagogy
Theory and pracitical experience of school development (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
Theory and practical experience of educating and consulting (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)'
Elective course: Islamic Religious pedagogy (VO/SE/UE 2 SST) (3 CP)
Islamic Religious pedagogy
Modul 9: Subject Specific Practicum (UE 3 SST) (5 CP)
Choice of compulsory modules
Modul I: Communal pedagogy (SE/VO 8 SST) (14 CP)
Christian theologies
Community management and organisational development
Interreligious dialogue
- 190275 VO AM I: Interreligious Dialog - From Confrontation to Dialogue. Introduction to the Muslim-Christian Encounter
Modul II: Social pedagogy (SE/VO/UE 8 SST) (14 CP)
Foundations and methods of Counselling
Foundations and methods of Social pedagogy
Communication and Rhetorics
Master Thesis with accompanying seminar (30 CP)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37
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Team der Islamischen Religionspädagogik