Studies Programme 33 - Nutritional Sciences
33.01. Nutritional Sciences
A[3] Bachelor Degree Programme in Nutritional Sciences (2011)
Module 1 BACH 2011) Dietetics: Applied and Multidisciplinary (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)
- 330046 VO StEOP: Dietetics: Applied and Multidisciplinary - für Studienbeginner im Sommersemester
Module 2 BACH (2011) Basics of Human Physiology (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)
- 330048 VO StEOP: Basics of Human Physiology, VO 5ECTS (STEOP BACH 11) - Vorlesung für Studienbeginner im Sommersemester
Module 2 BACH 2011) Human Anatomy and Histology (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)
- 330053 VO StEOP: Human Anatomy and Histology, VO 5ECTS (STEOP BACH 11) - Vorlesung für Studienbeginner im Sommersemester
Module 4 BACH (2011) Basics of Chemistry and Biochemistry and In-Depth Training in Histology and Cytology
- 330034 UE Histology and Cytology
- 330044 UE Chemical exercises for nutritional scientists
Module 5 BACH (2011) Basics of Biology/Nutrition and Health
- 330040 VO Ecophysiology of crop plants
Module 6 BACH (2011) Physics
- 330032 UE Physics Laboratory Course
Module 7 BACH (2011) Chemistry of Natural Materials and Analytical Chemistry
Module 8 BACH (2011) In-Depth Training in Biochemistry
- 330018 UE Biochemical Practise - für Ernährungswissenschafter
- 330083 VO Biochemical techniques - (für Ernährungswissenschafter)
Module 9 BACH (2011) Human Nutrition I
Module 10 BACH (2011) Principles of Food Science I
- 330045 VO Biotechnology and Genetics Engineering in Food Production
- 330101 VO Plant production
Module 11 BACH (2011) Principles of Food Science II (Optional Required Module)
- 330005 VO First Aid including accident prevention
- 330006 UE Food Storage and Preservation Practicals
- 330020 VO Irradiation: basics (chemical and biological) - food preservation
- 330025 VO History of nutrition - History of nutrition
- 330039 VO Communal feeding
- 330047 VO Supply inventory and supply conservation
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330077 SE Wild food I - Die Verwendung einheimischer Wildpflanzen in der menschlichen Ernährung
- 330084 VO+SE Communication- and mediaresearch
Module 12 BACH (2011) Hygienic, Chemical and Sensory Aspects of Food Quality
- 330049 VO Quality Assessment and Sensory Analysis of Food
- 330065 VO Introduction to Microbiology and Hygene
Module 13 BACH (2011) Biometry, Statistics and Computing
- 330004 UE I.T. and Biometry Practicals
- 330098 VO Introduction to Biostatistics
Module 14 BACH (2011) Economics (Optional Required Module)
- 330005 VO First Aid including accident prevention
- 330020 VO Irradiation: basics (chemical and biological) - food preservation
- 330023 VO Basics of economics - Basics of economics
- 330025 VO History of nutrition - History of nutrition
- 330042 VO Introduction to Economics
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330077 SE Wild food I - Die Verwendung einheimischer Wildpflanzen in der menschlichen Ernährung
- 330084 VO+SE Communication- and mediaresearch
Module 15 BACH (2011) Human Nutrition II
- 330058 SE Seminar on Nutritional Sciences
- 330108 UE Practices in Nutiritional Physiology II
Module 16 BACH (2011) Special Biochemistry and Pathophysiology
Module 17 BACH (2011) Food Chemistry and Food Technology
- 330016 UE Laboratory course in food chemistry - for nutritional scientists
- 330050 UE Lab Course of Analytical Food Chemistry
- 330051 UE Laboratory course in food chemistry - for nutritional scientists
Module 18 BACH (2011) Food Quality
Module 19 BACH (2011) Special Nutrition and Dietetics
- 330013 VO Sport and Nutrition - Physiological basics of performance, training and nutrition
- 330036 UE Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics
Module 20 BACH (2011) Sientific In-Depth Studies and Bachelor's Paper or Project
- 330026 SE Scientific Expandation and Bachelor Work
A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Nutritional Sciences (2009)
Module 1 BACH Natural-Scientific Foundations of Nutritional Sciences (STEP)
- 330048 VO StEOP: Basics of Human Physiology, VO 5ECTS (STEOP BACH 11) - Vorlesung für Studienbeginner im Sommersemester
Module 2 BACH (2009) Basics of Biochemistry and In-Depth Training in Chemistry, Histology and Cytology
- 330034 UE Histology and Cytology
- 330044 UE Chemical exercises for nutritional scientists
Module 3 BACH Basics of Biology/Nutrition and Health
- 300098 VO Animal Anatomy , Phylogeny and Evolution
- 330040 VO Ecophysiology of crop plants
Module 4 BACH Physics
- 330032 UE Physics Laboratory Course
Module 5 BACH Chemistry of Natural Materials and Analytical Chemistry
Module 6 BACH In-Depth Training in Biochemistry
- 330018 UE Biochemical Practise - für Ernährungswissenschafter
- 330083 VO Biochemical techniques - (für Ernährungswissenschafter)
Module 7 BACH Human Nutrition I
Module 8 BACH Principles of Food Science I
- 330045 VO Biotechnology and Genetics Engineering in Food Production
- 330101 VO Plant production
Module 9 BACH Principles of Food Science II (Optional Required Module)
- 330005 VO First Aid including accident prevention
- 330006 UE Food Storage and Preservation Practicals
- 330020 VO Irradiation: basics (chemical and biological) - food preservation
- 330025 VO History of nutrition - History of nutrition
- 330039 VO Communal feeding
- 330047 VO Supply inventory and supply conservation
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330077 SE Wild food I - Die Verwendung einheimischer Wildpflanzen in der menschlichen Ernährung
- 330084 VO+SE Communication- and mediaresearch
Module 10 BACH Hygienic, Chemical and Sensory Aspects of Food Quality
- 330049 VO Quality Assessment and Sensory Analysis of Food
- 330065 VO Introduction to Microbiology and Hygene
Module 11 BACH Biometry, Statistics and Computing
- 330004 UE I.T. and Biometry Practicals
- 330098 VO Introduction to Biostatistics
Module 12 BACH Economics (Optional Required Module)
- 330005 VO First Aid including accident prevention
- 330020 VO Irradiation: basics (chemical and biological) - food preservation
- 330023 VO Basics of economics - Basics of economics
- 330025 VO History of nutrition - History of nutrition
- 330042 VO Introduction to Economics
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330077 SE Wild food I - Die Verwendung einheimischer Wildpflanzen in der menschlichen Ernährung
- 330084 VO+SE Communication- and mediaresearch
Module 13 BACH Human Nutrition II
- 330058 SE Seminar on Nutritional Sciences
- 330108 UE Practices in Nutiritional Physiology II
Module 14 BACH Special Biochemistry and Pathophysiology
Module 15 BACH Food Chemistry and Food Technology
- 330016 UE Laboratory course in food chemistry - for nutritional scientists
- 330050 UE Lab Course of Analytical Food Chemistry
- 330051 UE Laboratory course in food chemistry - for nutritional scientists
Module 16 BACH Food Quality
Module 17 BACH Special Nutrition and Dietetics
- 330013 VO Sport and Nutrition - Physiological basics of performance, training and nutrition
- 330036 UE Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics
- 330081 VO Dietetic treatment including artificial nutrition
Module 18 BACH Sientific In-Depth Studies and Bachelor's Paper or Project
- 330026 SE Scientific Expandation and Bachelor Work
B. Master Degree Programme - Nutritional Sciences
Specialisation in Molecular Nutrition (Module 1-12)
Module 1 Molecular Nutrition as Basis for Integrative Human Nutrition
- 330029 VO Nutrition as an Integrated Discipline: Cell to Society Concept (Advanced Level Case Studies)
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330060 SE [ en ] Seminar Human Nutrition (for Moduls MN1, FQ1, EP1, PH1)
Module 2 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Molecular Nutrition
Module 3 Metabolic Regulation and Diet Therapy
- 330012 VO Nutrition and Immunology - Food allergies
Module 4 Experimental Nutrition Research
- 330028 UE Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences
Module 5 Basics of Molecular Biology and Genetics
- 330011 VO Cellular and Molecular Biology - for Nutrition Scientists
Module 6 Nutritional Requirements in Health and Disease
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition
- 330061 SE Seminar Nutrition through the life cycle
- 330100 VO Nutrient based Dietary Guidlines and Nutrition through the Life Cycle
Module 7 Cultural History of Nutrition and Nutritional Epidemiology
- 330025 VO History of nutrition - History of nutrition
Module 8 Nutrition Safety
- 330063 SE [ en ] Seminar Food Safety
Module 9 Practical Skills I
- 330007 SE Media Studies - Präsentationstechniken, Sprechtechnik, Rhetorik, Kommunikation
- 330010 PR Statistics for PhD and Master Students
- 330019 VO+SE Molecular-physiological Aspects of Sports Nutrition
- 330030 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates for Nutricional Sciences - Progress Report
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330080 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
Module 10 Practical Skills II
- 330007 SE Media Studies - Präsentationstechniken, Sprechtechnik, Rhetorik, Kommunikation
- 330010 PR Statistics for PhD and Master Students
- 330019 VO+SE Molecular-physiological Aspects of Sports Nutrition
- 330030 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates for Nutricional Sciences - Progress Report
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330080 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
Module 11 Scientific Research and Master's Thesis
Module 12 Master's Thesis
Specialisation in Food Quality and Food Safety (Module 1-12)
Module 1 Integrative Human Nutrition and Food Quality
- 330029 VO Nutrition as an Integrated Discipline: Cell to Society Concept (Advanced Level Case Studies)
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330060 SE [ en ] Seminar Human Nutrition (for Moduls MN1, FQ1, EP1, PH1)
Module 2 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Food Quality
- 330075 VO Multivariate Methods
- 330091 PR Multivariate Methods (Practicals)
Module 3 Special Aspects of Food Production
- 330074 VO Packaging technology
- 330095 VO Food Labeling
Module 4 Food Quality
Module 5 Food Safety
- 330027 VO Safety Evaluation of Novel Foods
Module 6 Modern Aspects of Food Science
- 330003 VO Qualitymanagement in the food industry
- 330071 VO New Trends in Food Research
Module 7 Environment Quality
- 330037 VO+SE Environmental impact/environmental analysis - Xenobiotics in the Food Chain: Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Management, Risk Communication
Module 8 Food for Particular Nutritional Needs
- 330002 SE Nutritional Problems in Developing Countries
- 330033 VO [ en ] Global Nutrition
Module 9 Practical Skills I
- 330007 SE Media Studies - Präsentationstechniken, Sprechtechnik, Rhetorik, Kommunikation
- 330010 PR Statistics for PhD and Master Students
- 330019 VO+SE Molecular-physiological Aspects of Sports Nutrition
- 330030 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates for Nutricional Sciences - Progress Report
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330080 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
Module 10 Practical Skills II
- 330007 SE Media Studies - Präsentationstechniken, Sprechtechnik, Rhetorik, Kommunikation
- 330010 PR Statistics for PhD and Master Students
- 330019 VO+SE Molecular-physiological Aspects of Sports Nutrition
- 330030 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates for Nutricional Sciences - Progress Report
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330080 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
Module 11 Scientific Research and Master's Thesis
Module 12 Master's Thesis
Specialisation in Public Health Nutrition (Module 1-12)
Module 1 Integrative Human Nutrition and Public Health Nutrition
- 330029 VO Nutrition as an Integrated Discipline: Cell to Society Concept (Advanced Level Case Studies)
- 330060 SE [ en ] Seminar Human Nutrition (for Moduls MN1, FQ1, EP1, PH1)
Module 2 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Public Health Nutrition
- 330075 VO Multivariate Methods
- 330091 PR Multivariate Methods (Practicals)
Module 3 Basics of Public Health
Module 4 Basics of Health Promotion
- 330009 SE Nutrition and Health Policy
Module 5 Health Impact of Physical Activity
Module 6 Assessment of Nutritional Status and Nutritional Epidemiology
- 330028 UE Research Methods in Nutritional Sciences
- 330092 UE Practise Nutritional Epidemiology
Module 7 Food and Nutrition Policy
- 330025 VO History of nutrition - History of nutrition
Module 8 EU Basics - Public Health Nutrition
Module 9 Practical Skills I
- 330007 SE Media Studies - Präsentationstechniken, Sprechtechnik, Rhetorik, Kommunikation
- 330010 PR Statistics for PhD and Master Students
- 330019 VO+SE Molecular-physiological Aspects of Sports Nutrition
- 330030 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates for Nutricional Sciences - Progress Report
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330076 SE [ en ] Correct use of food composition data
- 330080 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
Module 10 Practical Skills II
- 330007 SE Media Studies - Präsentationstechniken, Sprechtechnik, Rhetorik, Kommunikation
- 330010 PR Statistics for PhD and Master Students
- 330019 VO+SE Molecular-physiological Aspects of Sports Nutrition
- 330030 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates for Nutricional Sciences - Progress Report
- 330052 UE Microbiological and molecularbiological practice in food production
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330076 SE [ en ] Correct use of food composition data
- 330080 SE Safety evaluation of novel foods - Safety evaluation of novel foods
Module11 Scientific Research and Master's Thesis
Module 12 Master's Examination
D. Teacher Training Programme in Home Economics and Nutrition
First Stage of the Degree Programme
- 330005 VO First Aid including accident prevention
- 330014 UE Chemical exercises for lectureshipstudies environmental sciencies
- 330017 VO Accounting and costing
- 330023 VO Basics of economics - Basics of economics
- 330024 SE Seminar Habitat forming/Human ecology - Habitat forming under human-ecological aspects
- 330031 UE Nutritional Practice I Including Nutrition Anthropometry
- 330032 UE Physics Laboratory Course
- 330035 UE Curriculum and Lesson Planning - Independent acting in lesson
- 330042 VO Introduction to Economics
- 330046 VO StEOP: Dietetics: Applied and Multidisciplinary - für Studienbeginner im Sommersemester
- 330062 UE Botanic exercises - Botanik pflanzlicher Lebensmittel
- 330086 SE Curriculum and Lesson Planning
Second Stage of the Degree Programme
- 330015 UE projects in subject home economics - Haushaltsökonomie und Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330021 VO+UE Household and food technology - (unter Berücksichtigung gesellschaftskritischer, geschlechtsspezifischer Arbeitsteilung)
- 330022 UE Practise in food preparation
- 330036 UE Practices in Lifestyle and Nutrition Associated Diseases and Dietetics - Basics of special dietetics
- 330049 VO Quality Assessment and Sensory Analysis of Food
- 330058 SE Seminar on Nutritional Sciences
- 330077 SE Wild food I - Die Verwendung einheimischer Wildpflanzen in der menschlichen Ernährung
- 330093 VO+SE Specialised Course in Teaching
- 330101 VO Plant production
- 330108 UE Practices in Nutiritional Physiology II
- 330043 VO Home Economics - und Arbeitsorganisation des Haushaltes
E. Doctoral Degree Programme - Nutritional Sciences
- 330010 PR Statistics for PhD and Master Students
- 330030 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates for Nutricional Sciences - Progress Report
- 330054 VO [ en ] Trials and Meta-Analysis in Nutritional Epidemiology
- 330055 SE Instruction to scientific work - für Doktoranden der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330056 SE Nutritional Sciences Colloquium - Aktuelle Aspekte der Ernährungswissenschaften
- 330076 SE [ en ] Correct use of food composition data
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38