2. Alternative Required Modules
APM Complementary Courses
APM Preparation for Specialisation
- 070012 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources
- 070013 VO [ en ] History of the Middle Ages
- 070015 GR Guided Reading - Global History of Modern History
- 070020 VO Modern History - 1500 - 1914
- 070038 GR Guided Reading - Königtum im Mittelalter. Ein interkultureller Vergleich
- 070059 VO History of Science - fields, topics, problems: knowledge - science - culture and nature
- 070060 GR Guided Reading - knowledge - science - culture - nature
- 070066 SE Seminar - Sovereignty, society and politics in german-speaking areas in the middle ages
- 070075 PS Proseminar - A social history of the family in the Middle Ages and the early modern period
- 070093 GR Guided Reading - Geschichte der frühen Neuzeit: Selbstzeugnisse in der Geschichte
- 070094 GR Guided Reading - Cities and Towns in the Middle Ages
- 070099 GR Guided Reading - Nations and Nationalism
- 070108 GR Guided Reading - Consumption in the 19th and 20th Century
- 070117 GR Guided Reading - Die Stadt der Frühen Neuzeit als Forschungsfeld
- 070120 GR Guided Reading - History of Europe
- 070121 GR Guided Reading - Demografie - eine "Wissenschaft der Angst"? Bevölkerungsforschung und Bevölkerungspolitik im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 070123 GR Guided Reading - Nations and Nationalism
- 070125 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - The Mughal Empire in the Indian Subcontinent: Political and Social Dynamics (1526-1750)
- 070137 GR Guided Reading - Quellen und Methoden zur Geschichte Russlands
- 070139 VO History of the Middle Ages
- 070141 GR Guided Reading - History of the Middle Ages
- 070156 UE Language Course: Medieval and Early Modern German Sources
- 070173 GR Guided Reading - Zäsuren der mittelalterlichen Geschichte dargestellt in der Historiographie
- 070174 GR Guided Reading - State-building in the Balkans during the Nineteenth Century
- 070176 GR Guided Reading - The Black Sea. Contact Zone, Historical Region and Mythical Space
- 070196 GR [ en ] Guided Reading - South Asia and Globalisation: Historical Perspectives
- 070197 VO History of the Ancient World
- 070198 GR Guided Reading - Geschichte der Antike
- 070205 VO Austrian History I
- 070215 VO Austrian History II
- 070223 KU Sources and Methods of the History of Science - am Beispiel von Texten aus den Naturwissenschaften des 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 070224 SE Seminar - From the meter convention to the European Union. Internationalism in 19th and 20th century Europe
- 070229 GR Guided Reading - Modern History (c 1800 to c 1914)
- 070231 GR Guided Reading - Reisen im Spätmittelalter und in der Neuzeit
- 070234 GR Guided Reading - Geschichte der Antike
- 070266 PS Proseminar - Humans and Animals in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070267 SE Seminar - European History
- 070322 GR Guided Reading - Microhistory
- 070333 PS Proseminar - Was it only Canossa? The crisis of the eleventh century
- 070372 SE Seminar - Entertainment and Propaganda in German-language Films from 1933 to 1945
- 070401 SE Seminar - Menschenbilder in Science Fiction und Fantasy
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38