MA3-AM5b: Specialization in Celtic Studies
Vorbesprechung findet am Mo, 04.03.2013, von 15:30 - 17:00 Uhr im Seminarraum 3, 1. OG, Sensengasse 3a, 1090 Wien, statt.
- 160075 VO Linguistic introduction to a Celtic language - Neuirisch
MA3-APM5b.1: Celtic Languages and Philologies
- 160067 VO VO Celtic languages and philologies - Geschichte der keltischen Sprachen
MA3-AWM5b.2: Celtic Languages and Linguistics and Celtic Cultural Studies
- 160066 VO [ en ] Celtic Linguistics - Syntax and Typology of the Celtic Languages
- 160068 UE UE Celtic language - Old Irish
- 160069 UE UE Celtic language - Middle Welsh
- 160070 UE [ de ga ] UE Celtic language - Modern Irish
- 160071 UE UE Celtic language - Neuirisch
- 160073 VO VO Celtic cultural studies A - Asterix and the gauls - celtic archaeology in France of today
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38