Module: Introduction to Language Acquisition
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level I
- 480001 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480002 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480003 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480004 UE Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480005 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480006 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480007 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480008 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480009 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480010 UE Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480011 UE Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480012 UE Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
- 480013 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 1
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level II
Module: Language Acquisition - Advanced Level III
- 480014 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480015 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480016 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480017 UE Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480018 UE Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480019 UE Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480020 UE Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480021 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480022 UE Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480023 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480024 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
- 480025 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 3
Module: Linguistics
- 480046 KO Czech and Slovak lexicology - Colloquium on Czech and Slovak Linguistics
- 480048 KO Word Formation in Polish - Colloquium on Polish Linguistics
- 480049 KO Lexical Semantics in Russian Linguistics - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480050 KO Introduction into contemporary contrastive linguistics - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480051 KO Development of the East Slavonic Languages in the 20th century - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
- 480052 KO Russian Syntax - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480053 KO Bulgarian in a Typological Point of View - Colloquium on Bulgarian Linguistics
- 480054 KO Phonology and inflectional morphology - Colloquium on Russian Linguistics
- 480142 KO Language Contact and the Result of the Contact: German and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Slovenian Linguistics
- 480143 KO Descriptive grammar - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Linguistics
Module: Literary Studies
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480063 KO The Russian literature from the Formal method’s perspective: selected works - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480064 KO Memoirs in Twentieth-Century Russian Literature - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480065 KO Literature and Censorship in Russia - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480066 KO Slovo, v muzyku vernis' - Analysis of Poetry: Methods and Possibilities - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480067 KO Peter I: a Remembrance Figur in the Russian Cultural Memory - Colloquium on Russian Literature
- 480068 KO Polish-Ukrainian Relations from the Early Modern Ages until the 20th century: literary sources - Colloquium on Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 480069 KO Julian Tuwim and his work - Colloquium on Polish Literature
- 480070 KO Aesthetics of the Underground - Colloquium on Czech Literature
- 480071 KO Slovene modernism - Czech modernism - Croat modernism: the dialog of cultures and literatures - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Slovene Literature
- 480072 KO The First World War and the South Slavic literatures - Colloquium on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Slovene Literature
- 480073 KO The ballad in slovak literature of the 19. and 20. century - Colloquium on Slovak Literature
- 480149 KO Narrative modifications of the Bulgarian short stories - Colloquium on Bulgarian Literature
Module: Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish and Ukrainian Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Bulgarian Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480153 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies Slovenia
Module: Language Acquisition - In-Depth Studies
- 480026 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480027 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480028 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480029 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480030 UE Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 2 - Lingual Image of Slovakia - Working with Literary and Journalistic Texts
- 480031 UE Czech Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480032 UE Polish Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480033 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 2 - Modern Ukrainian Language of the Newspapers
- 480034 UE Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480035 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2 - Terminology and Metalanguage: Reading und Writing Literacy
- 480036 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480037 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
Module: Second Slavic Language
- 480040 VO East Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480041 VO South Slavonic Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480043 VO Czech and Slovak Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480044 VO Polish and Ukrainian Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480045 VO Bulgarian Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480093 UE Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
Individual Specialisation
- 480026 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480027 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480028 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480029 UE Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480030 UE Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 2 - Lingual Image of Slovakia - Working with Literary and Journalistic Texts
- 480031 UE Czech Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480032 UE Polish Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480033 UE Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 2 - Modern Ukrainian Language of the Newspapers
- 480034 UE Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480035 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2 - Terminology and Metalanguage: Reading und Writing Literacy
- 480036 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480037 UE Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 2
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480056 VO Newer Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480057 VO Newer Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480058 VO Newer Czech Literature: An Overview
- 480059 VO Newer Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480060 VO Newer Ukrainian Literature: An Overview
- 480061 VO Newer Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480062 VO Newer Slovene Literature: An Overview
- 480075 VO Diachronic East Slavonic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480076 VO Diachronic South Slavonic Linguistics: An Overview
- 480077 VO Diachronic Polish Linguistics: An Overview
- 480078 VO Diachronic Czech and Slovak Linguistics: An Overview
- 480080 VO Diachronic Slovene Linguistics: An Overview
- 480096 KO Art museums and Collections in Russia between Tradition and Innovation
- 480097 UE I.S. Turgenev: Fathers and Sons. Letters to Dostoevsky. Letters.
- 480098 VO Slavonic Intercultural Relations: the Figure of Rusalka in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish literature
- 480099 KO Slavic minority languages - recent developments in contact and sociolinguistics
- 480101 VO The beginnings of Burgenland Croatian secular literature
- 480102 UE Exercises in Writing Scientific Texts
- 480148 VO Morphosyntactic Categories in German and Slavic
- 480150 KO The socialpolitical and cultural meaning of Slavic studies in Vienna since theire foundation
- 480152 VO Slovene-Czech relations in the 19th and 20th century
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38