3. Master Austrian Studies - Cultures, Literatures, Languages
Compulsory Module I:
SE Österreichische Literaturgeschichte
VO + KO Sprache in Österreich
- 100058 VO+KO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
VO Österreichische Autor/inn/en
- 100062 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
- 100067 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature
Compulsory Module II:
VO Österreichische Kulturgeschichte
- 100059 VO Lecture course: Austrian Studies
SE Theorie/Österreichbegrif
- 100191 SE Seminar Austrian Studies - von der Aufklärung bis zur Gegenwart
VO Österreichische Geschichte
- 070148 VO Source Studies: Austrian History
- 070205 VO Austrian History I
- 070215 VO Austrian History II
VO Österreich in Europa
KO Österreichische Autor/inn/en
- 100107 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100108 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature - (E. Hinterberger, E. Kneifl, W. Haas u.a.)
- 100111 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature - Franz Kafka: Der Bau (1928), Anne Frank: Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank (1942/1944), Thomas Bernhard: Der Keller (1976)
- 100112 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature
- 100117 KO Konversatorium (Advanced Exercise Class) Modern German Literature - Die österreichische Literatur im Schatten des Kalten Krieges
Compulsory Module III: Student Placement inland
- 100189 KO Konversatorium Austrian Studies
Compulsory Module IV: Fields of Practice
Masterseminar German as a Foreign Language
- 100216 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 4 KSM4.2 Language Policies, Language Rights and Language Improvement
- 100217 SE (B) Intercultural institutional communication
- 100220 SE (B) 10 DaF/DaZ MM 4 KSM4.2 Language Policies, Language Rights and Language Improvement
Exercise Course: editorial philology
- 100188 UE Exercise Course: editorial philology
Compulsory Module V: Literatures of Central Europe - Basic Knowledge
VO / UE Sprache, Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte
- 130030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 130465 VO Structure of Hungarian II
- 130507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
- 480094 UE Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480095 UE Polish as a Second Slavic Language
VO Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
- 130022 VO STEOP: Comparative Literature
- 130032 VO STEOP: Introducion to General Literature
- 130100 VO Literary Cross-Currents (SE) - Revisionen Celans in Literatur und Kritik, Kunst und Musik sowie im öffentlichen Raum
Compulsory Module VIa: Student Placement abroad
Compulsory Module VIb: Optional Subjects
Master Module
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38