03. Quellen und Methoden des historischen Arbeitens
a.) Analyse bildlicher und dinglicher Quellen und Musealisierung
b.) Quantifizierung und Statistik
- 070024 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070062 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070130 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070131 VU Quantification and Statistics
- 070255 VU Quantification and Statistics
c.) Geschichtswissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken und Archivkunde
- 070010 KU Working technique in Historical Science
- 070023 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070064 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070077 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070105 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing - Akkulturationsphänomene im Zusammenhang mit sog. Globalisierungsbewegungen - Europäische Expansion und Biodiversität
- 070147 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070208 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070241 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070248 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070249 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing - Frauenarbeit/Männerarbeit in der Geschichte
- 070250 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070252 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing - Empires and National States, 18th 20th Century
- 070273 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070282 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070328 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070402 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing - Central European Nobility between Nation and Nationalism
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38