29.02. Bachelor Degree Programme in Geography (Curriculum 2007)
Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind nach jener Abfolge der Module geordnet, die in dem für das Bachelorstudium Geographie ab 1. Oktober 2007 gültigen Studienplan (= Curriculum 2007) aufscheint.Das Curriculum für das Bachelorstudium "Geographie", das am 22. Juni 2007 im Mitteilungsblatt der Universität Wien verlautbart worden ist, ist am Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Zimmer D 501, erhältlich. Es ist auch auf der Homepage des StudienServiceCenters http://ssc-geo-astronomie.univie.ac.at/spl-29-geographie oder der Homepage des Instituts für Geographie und Regionalforschung unter der Adresse http://www.univie.ac.at/geographie in der Rubrik "Studienprogrammleitung - Studienpläne" enthalten und kann von dort auch heruntergeladen werden (PDF-Datei).Die Bezeichnung der Module entspricht dem Curriculum 2007. Die Zugehörigkeit einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen zu einem Modul ist durch einen Deskriptor (Code) gekennzeichnet, der aus der Buchstaben- und Zahlenkombination B07 und der Modulnummer besteht (z. B. B07-1.2 für die Zugehörigkeit zum Modul "Grundlagen und Konzepte der Humangeographie").
B1. Group of Required Modules - Orientation Period (STEP)
B1.1. Basics and Concepts of Physical Geography
- 290014 VO STEOP: Introduction to Physical Geography
- 290173 KU STEOP: Fundamentals of Science for Physical Geography
B1.2. Basics and Concepts of Human Geography
B1.3. Introduction to Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290072 VO STEOP: Introduction in Cartography
- 290073 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Cartography, Group A
- 290074 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Cartography, Group B
- 290075 PS STEOP: Introduction in Cartography, Group C
- 290183 VO STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics
- 290119 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group A
- 290120 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group B
- 290069 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group C
- 290070 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group D
- 290216 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group E
- 290166 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group F
B1.4. Basics and Concepts of Regional Planning
B.1.5. Basic Techniques in Geography
- 290077 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method - (weitere Gruppen werden im Sommersemester angeboten)
- 290078 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group B - (weitere Gruppen werden im Sommersemester angeboten)
- 290024 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group C - (weitere Gruppen werden im Sommersemester angeboten)
- 290057 PS Project Management, group A
- 290063 PS Project Management, Group B
B1.6. Introductory Field Trip I
- 290101 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna - (nur für Bachelor-Studierende)
- 290134 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna - (nur für Bachelor-Studierende)
- 290193 EX Excursion in Human Geography: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290036 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Geomorphology
B2. Group of Required Modules - Physical Geography
B2.1. Basic Module - Physical Geography
B2.3. Advanced Module - Physical Geography
- 290164 VO Fundamentals in Geomorphology
- 290152 VO Introduction to Biological Geography and Landscape Ecology
B2.3. In-Depth Studies Module - Physical Geography
B3. Group of Required Modules - Human Geography
B3.1. Population Geography
- 290018 VO+UE Introduction to Population Geography, Group A
- 290019 VO+UE Introduction to Population Geography, Group B
B3.2. Social and Economic Geography
B3.3. Political Geography and Human Ecology
- 300032 VO Human and Social Ecology - Scientific foundations for sustainable development
B3.4. Geography in Urban and Rural Areas
- 290071 VO STEOP: Rural geography: peripheries and remote areas
- 290002 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group A - weitere Gruppen werden im Sommersemester angeboten
- 290115 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, Group B - weitere Gruppen werden im Sommersemester angeboten
- 290253 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group C - weitere Gruppen werden im Sommersemester angeboten
B4. Group of Required Modules - Cartography and Geographic Information Science
B4.1. Basics of Cartography
- 290004 VU Thematic Cartography
- 290174 PS Thematic Cartography, Group A
B4.2. Applied Geographic Information Science
B5. Group of Required Modules - Regional Research and Regional Planning
B5.1. Regional Research and Regional Planning
- 290151 VO Regional development in Austria: introduction and case studies
- 290210 VO Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level
- 290054 UE Excercise for Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level in Austria, Group A
- 290066 UE Excercise for Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level in Austria, Group C
- 290084 UE Excercise for Instruments of Spatial Planning on Local and Regional Level in Austria, Group C
B6. Group of Required Modules - Methods
B6.1. Methods of Geographic Information Science
- 290234 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group A
- 290237 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group B
- 290238 VU Image Processing and Remote Sensing, Group C
- 290236 PS Introduction to Databases
B6.2. Methods of Physical Geography
B6.3. Methods of Human Geography
- 290005 VO Introduction to Empirical Social Research for Geographers
- 290087 PS Introduction into Qualitative Data Collection
- 290229 UE Methods of survey and questionnaire research in geography and regional science - (Gruppe B wird im SS 2014 gelesen)
B6.4. Statistics and Regional Analysis I
B6.5. Statistics and Regional Analysis II
- 290121 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis), Group A
- 290211 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis), Group A
B7. Additional Required Modules
B7.1. Bachelor Seminars
- 290008 SE Bachelorseminar Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290029 SE Bachelorseminar Human Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290003 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - Planung - Prozesse - Leitbilder (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: GeoMultimedia in Theory and Practice
B7.2. Field Trips II - Abroad
- 290123 PS Proseminar for Preparating the Field Trip: Landscape Development in the Southern United States - (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi) (mandatory for participants of the field trip)
- 290039 EX Field Trip - Foreign Country: Landscape Development in the Southern United States - (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi)
B7.3. Field Trips III - Austria
- 290036 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Geomorphology
- 290116 EX Field Trip: Applied Climatology
- 290156 EX Field trip: Loess and crystal domestic machinations of the eastern forest district
- 290191 EX Cartographic Field Excursion - Cartographic High Mountain Excursion
- 290193 EX Excursion in Human Geography: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290231 EX Field trip: The Vienna Suburbia Part 1: The southern area surrounding Vienna
- 290246 EX Field trip
- 290248 EX Field Trip
B7.4. Bachelor's Paper
- 290279 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in physical geography
- 290295 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in geoecology
- 290296 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in human geography, regional development
- 290318 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in human geography, spatial research and spatial planning
- 290315 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in human geography, regional geography
- 290272 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in cartography and geoinformatics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38