Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
29.02. Bachelor Degree Programme in Geography (Curriculum 2007)
ACHTUNG: Das Bachelor Curriculum 2007 läuft mit Ende SS2014 per Gesetz aus. Studierende, die noch nach diesem Curriculum studieren und ihr Studium nicht bis spätestens 30. November 2014 abschließen, werden automatisch den neuen Studienplan (Curriculum 2011) unterstellt. Allen, die das Studium bis Herbst 2014 absehbar nicht abschließen werden, wird ein freiwilliger früherer Übertritt in das Curriculum 2011 dringend empfohlen. Formulare zur Umstellung liegen im StudienServiceCenter auf.Die Lehrveranstaltungen sind nach jener Abfolge der Module geordnet, die in dem für das Bachelorstudium Geographie ab 1. Oktober 2007 gültigen Studienplan (= Curriculum 2007) aufscheint. Der Studienplan ist als PDF-Datei unter http://ssc-geo-astronomie.univie.ac.at/spl-29-geographie sowie http://geographie.univie.ac.at/studium-lehre/ verfügbar.Die Bezeichnung der Module entspricht dem Curriculum 2007. Die Zugehörigkeit einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen zu einem Modul ist durch einen Deskriptor (Code) gekennzeichnet, der aus der Buchstaben- und Zahlenkombination B07 und der Modulnummer besteht (z. B. B07-1.2 für die Zugehörigkeit zum Modul "Grundlagen und Konzepte der Humangeographie").
B1. Group of Required Modules - Orientation Period (STEP)
B1.1. Basics and Concepts of Physical Geography
B1.2. Basics and Concepts of Human Geography
B1.3. Introduction to Cartography and Geographic Information Science
- 290072 VO STEOP: Introduction in Cartography
- 290073 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Cartography, Group A
- 290074 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Cartography, Group B
- 290064 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Cartography, Group C
- 290051 VO STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics
- 290053 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group A
- 290075 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group B
- 290401 PS STEOP: PS Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group C
- 290033 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group D
- 290065 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group E
- 290067 PS STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics, Group F
B1.4. Basics and Concepts of Regional Planning
B.1.5. Basic Techniques in Geography
- 290077 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, group A
- 290078 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group B
- 290260 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group C
- 290079 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group D
- 290100 VU Introduction Scientific Thinking and Method, Group E
- 290402 PS Presentation Techniques
- 290164 PS Project Management
B1.6. Introductory Field Trip I
- 290303 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna, group A - (only Bachelor Students)
- 290300 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna, group B - (only Bachelor Students)
- 290062 EX Introductory Field Trip I (Human and Physical Geography): Vienna, group C - (only Bachelor Students)
- 290193 EX Excursion: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290241 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
B2. Group of Required Modules - Physical Geography
B2.1. Basic Module - Physical Geography
- 290232 VO Basics in Climate Geography
- 290415 UE Exercises in climate geography, group A
- 290414 UE Exercises in climate geography, group B
- 290413 UE Exercises in climate geography, group C
- 290006 UE Exercises in climate geography, group D
- 290180 VO Basics in Soil Geography
- 290054 UE Exercises in soil geography, group A
- 290055 UE Exercises in soil geography, group B
- 290056 UE Exercises in soil geography, group C
- 290172 UE Exercises in soil geography, group D
- 290102 UE Exercises in soil geography, group E
B2.3. Advanced Module - Physical Geography
- 290418 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group A
- 290417 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group B
- 290416 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group C
- 290421 UE Exercises in geomorphology, group D
- 290410 UE Exercises in biogeography and landscape ecology, group A
- 290409 UE Exercises in biogeography and landscape ecology, group B
- 290408 UE Exercises in biogeography and landscape ecology, group C
- 290019 UE Exercises in biogeography and landscape ecology, group D
B2.3. In-Depth Studies Module - Physical Geography
B3. Group of Required Modules - Human Geography
B3.1. Population Geography
B3.2. Social and Economic Geography
- 290222 VO Introduction to economic geography - Die Räumlichkeit der Wirtschaft
B3.3. Political Geography and Human Ecology
- 290032 VO Introduction into Political Geography
B3.4. Geography in Urban and Rural Areas
- 290291 VO Introduction to Urban Geography
- 290002 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group A - weitere Gruppen werden im Wintersemester angeboten
- 290115 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group B - weitere Gruppen werden im Wintersemester angeboten
- 290288 UE [ de en ] Applied Urban Geography, group C - weitere Gruppen werden im Wintersemester angeboten
- 290090 UE Applied Urban Geography, group D
- 290081 VO STEOP: Rural geography: peripheres and remote areas
- 290369 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group A - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290223 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group B - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290368 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group C - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290378 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group D - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290434 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group E - (einschl. zweitägigem Geländepraktikum)
- 290224 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group F (incl. a 2day-practical training) - (einschl. zweitägigem Geländepraktikum)
- 290029 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group G - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290091 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group H - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
- 290097 UE Exercise on rural geography: peripheries and remote areas, group I - (incl. a 2day-practical training)
B4. Group of Required Modules - Cartography and Geographic Information Science
B4.1. Basics of Cartography
- 290205 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group A
- 290204 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group B
- 290403 PS Principles of Cartographic Design, Group C
- 290355 KU Spatial Reference Systems
B4.2. Applied Geographic Information Science
- 290407 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group A
- 290284 PS Applied Geoinformation, Group B
B5. Group of Required Modules - Regional Research and Regional Planning
B5.1. Regional Research and Regional Planning
B6. Group of Required Modules - Methods
B6.1. Methods of Geographic Information Science
- 290221 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group A
- 290220 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group B
- 290219 PS Methods of GIS-based data acquisition, Group C
B6.2. Methods of Physical Geography
- 290405 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group A
- 290406 PR Field Class in Physical Geography in Obergurgl, group B
- 290404 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, group A
- 290103 PR Field Class in Physical Geography, group D
B6.3. Methods of Human Geography
B6.4. Statistics and Regional Analysis I
B6.5. Statistics and Regional Analysis II
- 290363 PS Methods of Regional Analysis - (die Lehrveranstaltung wird neu auch im WS angeboten)
- 290121 VU Advanced methods of statistical analysis (regional analysis), Group A
B7. Additional Required Modules
B7.1. Bachelor Seminars
- 290387 SE Bachelorseminar Physical Geography - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290379 SE Seminar in Human Geography: Geographies of violence, crises and wars in Asia - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290047 SE Bachelorseminar Human/Economic Geography: Global production networks - recycling in industry - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290014 SE Bachelorseminar Spatial Research and Spatial Planning - (auch für Lehramtsstudierende)
- 290271 SE Bachelorseminar Cartography and Geoinformation: Cartographic Designing
- 290089 SE Bachelorseminar Physical Geography
B7.2. Field Trips II - Abroad
- 290374 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country - in Nordrhein-Westfalen und den Niederlanden (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290096 EX Field trip: North Rhine-Westphalia and The Netherlands
- 290218 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Western Canada (Britisch Columbia) - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290117 EX Field Trip - Foreign Country: Western Canada (British Columbia)
- 290040 PS Preparatory course for field trip: Northern Germany - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290035 EX Field trip: Northern Germany
- 290163 PS [ de en ] Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion: Caucasus Republics - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290095 EX [ de en ] Field Trip: Caucasus Republics - Staatenbildung und Regionalentwicklung
- 290034 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion: Bosnia-Herzegowina - (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290373 EX Field Trip - Foreign Country: Bosnia-Herzegowina - der steinige Weg eines zerrissenen Landes in die Europäische Union
- 290093 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: The U.S. from the perspective - Remote Sensing and Cartography
- 290094 EX Field trip - Foreign Country: The U.S. from the perspective of GIS - Remote Sensing and Cartography
- 290104 PS Preparatory Course for the Scientific Excursion: Slovenia and Croatia - karst geomorphology, mountain hazards, rivers and conservation
- 290264 EX Field trip: Slovenia and Croatia - karst geomorphology, mountain hazards, rivers and conservation
- 290061 PS Proseminar for preparating the field trip - Foreign Country: Switzerland - im Spiegel von Naturschutz, Alpenmythos und ländlicher Entwicklung (verpflichtend für Exkursionsteilnehmer)
- 290261 EX Field trip: Regional development in Switzerland - im Spiegel von Naturschutz, Alpenmythos und ländlicher Entwicklung
B7.3. Field Trips III - Austria
- 290178 EX Excursion in Human Geography: Southern Borderland - South- and Central-Burgenland
- 290027 EX Excursion in Human Geography: Biosphere Reserve Großes Walsertal
- 290021 EX [ en ] "Waterfront Vienna" - Excursion in Urban Planning and Development
- 290026 EX [ de en ] Field Trip: Southeast-Asia and East-Asia in Vienna
- 290025 EX Field trip: The Vienna Suburbia Part 2: The northern area surrounding Vienna
- 290193 EX Excursion: Second Residences in Northern Burgenland: Problems and Perspectives
- 290171 EX Field Trip: Vienna Water Supply
- 290350 EX Physiogeographical field trip
- 290390 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Geomorphology Salzkammergut
- 290302 EX Physiogeographical field trip: Central Ennstal
- 290448 EX Field Trip: Waterbalance and agriculture Marchfeld
- 290395 EX Field Trip
- 290156 EX Field trip: Loess and crystalline landscapes of north-west Lower Austria
- 290241 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Thayatal
- 290248 EX Field Trip
- 290242 EX Physiogeographical Field Trip: Land Slides in Lower Austria
- 290177 EX Field Trip: Cartography and GIS - Fernerkundung in Wissenschaft und Praxis
- 290080 EX Field trip: National Sources of Geodata
B7.4. Bachelor's Paper
- 290279 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in physical geography
- 290295 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in geoecology
- 290296 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in human geography, regional development
- 290315 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in human geography, regional geography
- 290318 SE Preparatory seminar for bachelor paper in human geography, spatial research and spatial planning
- 290272 SE Bachelorthesis Seminar on Cartography and Geoinformatics
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38